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Erin Olivia McAlindon

Target audience profile

My target audience would be aimed at mostly
teenagers as well as adults both male and female
around the age of 15-25. This film could be watched by
somebody intelligent and somebody who likes to think
and look at certain things, I would want them to
question themselves about my film. I would expect my
film to be not a massively big film but whoever did
watched it enjoyed it and thought it was different to
other horror films. I would want somebody to get a thrill
when they watch my film. I have chosen teenagers and
some adults because they are less likely to be put off
the film. I would think men are more likely to watch my
movie because it is full of murders and blood etc.
Violence is also another genre convention that is more
likely going to be watched by men. A horror movie is
also a main choice when people o on a first date usually
chosen by men.

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