April 15 2015 3

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District 196

Collaborative MultiTiered
System of Support
April 2015

MTSS - Intro


Todays Conversation
The Why: Driving factors
Our districts chosen MTSS model
Overarching principles: A theoretical framework

Todays Conversation
The Why: Driving factors
Our districts chosen MTSS model
Overarching principles: A theoretical framework
Tier 1 Core Classroom Instruction
Tier 2 Reading Recovery and LLI
Tier 3 - A little bit more / Data-driven / Short burst

Todays Conversation
The Why: Driving factors
Our districts chosen MTSS model
Overarching principles: A theoretical framework
Tier 1 Core Classroom Instruction
Tier 2 Reading Recovery and LLI
Tier 3 - A little bit more / Data-driven / Short burst
Continuous Improvement
District support

WHY? Driving Factors Accountability

2001 - No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB)

2004 - Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI) Federal Legislation

2009 - District 196 RtI Exploratory Committee

2009 - Common Core ELA Standards

2011 - Read Well By Third Grade (RWG3) Statute and Literacy Incentive

2013 - Worlds Best Work Force (WBWF) Statute

Underlying moral imperative --- Meeting the needs of each and every

WHY? Driving Factors Shifts in Education

Lessons learned from high performing countries, states, districts

Literacy as Thinking: Focus on teaching students the tools of

literacy - how to search for, evaluate and use informationhow to
Capacity Building Approach: Investments in collaborative
practices, coaching, and ongoing job-embedded professional
development for continual growth in skills
Systemic solutions: Teams of teachers and specialists working
together within and across schools rather than single teachers in
individual classrooms working on their own, to ensure high levels
of learning

Core Principles of Multi-Tiered System of Support

(MTSS formerly known as RtI)

All children can learn and we can teach all children

We must Intervene early
Teams use a problem-solving method within a multi-tiered
model of service delivery
Educators monitor student progress
We all use data to make decisions

As a team, we focus on all students, use data, and match

intervention to student needs

Response to Intervention
Federal Model




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