4010 Group Process Recording 2

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RUNNING HEAD: Group Process Recording 2

Group Process Recording 2

Tamesha Green
SW 4010
Professor Klein- Shapiro
Wayne State University

Process Recording 2

The following recording was done after the weekly discharge group meeting at Warrior Village
mental health facility. The meeting will be documented in its entirety with concentrations on
patient involvement, group cohesiveness, what my feelings were during the meeting and my
overall interpretations during the group. The facilitator of this discharge group is Tamesha. The
participants also included Coralie a member of the discharge team and for short term patients.
The ward meeting is held in a small sized room with reclining chairs and sofas and small tables
arranged around the perimeter of the room. The reason for this meeting is to revisit any concerns
from the previous meeting, address any new concerns the patients may have, discuss their
discharge plans or reassess for long term admittance. All patients will be given their discharge or
admittance plans, this will conclude the recordings for this ward. There will be a diagram of the
participants of this meeting included in this recording.

Process Recording 2

Diagram of meeting.





Process Recording 2
Content of Recording

Social Workers feelings

Interpretation of client

When the group began there

I feel as though they are

It seems as though the

was an agenda of the meeting

showing interest by asking

patients have become

on the chairs where the


accustomed to the direction

patients would sit. As the

and organization of the

four of them came in they

meeting. The patients are all

took a look at the agenda and

participating in the group by

sat down. They were very

asking questions.

reserved and quite pleasant as

the meeting began. The
patients did not interact with
one another, no one spoke
except Tamesha. The group
leader asked if there were
any questions comments or
concerns from last week.
Everyone raised their hand.
Christy raised her hand and

I feel as though they are

Tierra looked very upset and

asked if this meant that she

excited about going home.

not pleased with hearing that

could go home. Tamesha

Tiera is a little apprehensive

she would be going back

informed the group that they

about going home because of

home. I feel as though she

would all be going home.

her living conditions.

will find any way she can to

There was an objection from

avoid living in the basement.

Process Recording 2

Tiera. She said she did not

Tiera will receive additional

want to go back home to live

counseling about this matter.

in the cold stinky basement

with the dogs and dog feces.
Katie told Tiera that she
could come and live with her
at her place. The group leader
informed Katie that the idea
probably would not work
well and that they would
explore other options for
Raelle said that she was

I feel a sense of control with

Raelle does not fully

ready to go home and had

the group; the group is

understand the consequences

been ready to go be with her

following the agenda.

of her actions. She tried to

husband and kids. She said

overdose on prescription

the she did not understand

drugs and acts like it was no

why she had to be admitted

big deal. Katie is still very

here. Tamesha asked Raelle

flirtatious in nature.

did she understand what she

had done. Raelle responded
by saying all I did was take a
few pills to relax, I just took
one too many. Katie smiled at

Process Recording 2

her and said that she could

show her how to relax.
Tamesha reminded Katie that
she would have to be
respectful to other group
members. Katie said all I am
trying o do is to get her to
relax. Tamesha nodded and
said I do understand and
continued on with the
Well ladies today is the last

I feel as though Tiera should

The group is participating

day for group meeting and

have private counseling after

with their discharge plans and

everyone will be going back

the group meeting. She is not

is taking the time to voice

home. Is there anyone here

agreeing with the decision to

their concerns.

that is concerned about going

go home.

back home? Everyone shook

their head no, except Tiera,
who then said yes. The leader
said, Tiera I do understand
your concern and we will
meet in private after this
meeting to discuss your
future plans. Tiera gave a

Process Recording 2

sigh and said ok.

Christy said that she felt like

Concern for the decisions that

Christy is not taking time to

going back home so she

Christy might make when she

evaluate her circumstances,

could meet back up with

gets around her friends.

which is why she is here. She

some of her friends that she

wants to continue with the

use to party with, She wants

same activity that brought her

to celebrate her release.


Coralie the assistant leader

asked if these were the same
people that she had done
drugs with before, and
Christy replied, some of them
were and that some of them
had gotten clean. She just
wanted to catch up with
Tamesha told the group that

I feel cooperation from the

The group is focused on the

all of them had worked very


leader and giving their

hard and that she was proud

of them and wanted for them
to keep up the good work,
and the only way for them to
stay productive was for them
constantly work towards the

undivided attention.

Process Recording 2

goals that they had outlined

with their therapist.
Tamesha went on by saying,

I feel like the group is focused

The group has a clear idea of

you have all made goals and

what is expected from them

talked about what you

and they are accepting it.

wanted to accomplish, and

we have gotten resources for
you in those areas so you can
continue to work on your
goals while you are at home.
Katie and Raelle both said

Concerned with the clients

The clients are rejecting any

that they did not need any

understanding for the

help that they may need to

help and they did not want


assist them with their goals.

any help. Coralie said that

they could accept or deny the
help all they wanted it was
their choice. Christy said that
she did want to get clean and
stay clean but, everybody in
her trailer park does some
type of drug. Tamesha
replied that they had talked
about that and came up with
some resources that would

Process Recording 2

make this transition a bit

easier, but it was up to her to
make sure she stuck to her
goals. Christy smiled and
said she could do it.
Katie said she did not

I feel knowledgeable and in

Incorporating therapist in

understand why people

control of the situation.

group meetings has help the

though her masturbation was

discharge staff to understand

such a bad thing if it made

the client mental reasoning

her feel good and she is not

and function better. Katie will

hurting anyone at all.

continue with her services so

Tamesha reminded her that it

that sexual gratification will

may not be a bad thing but

not be main priority.

when it interferes with her

daily activities that it
becomes a concern. Tamesha
reminded Katie that she had
spoken with her therapist and
they agreed together on what
her goals should be, it is
important for you to stick to
those goals, because if you
are caught again the judge

Process Recording 2


may sentence you to serve

time and we definitely do not
want that. Katie agreed and
sat there smiling.
Tamesha told the group that

I feel goal oriented and feel

The discharge staff is

this will be the last time that

cohesiveness with the

working together to maintain

they will meet before they go

discharge staff.

their goals on making sure

home and wanted to know if

the clients concerns are met

there were any concerns

before they are discharge.

about that. Everyone said no

They have also supplied

except Tiera, who again said

resources based on

that she did not want to home

recommendation that the

and that she would continue

intake staff and Therapist

to steal if it meant not going

have recommend or

back there. Coralie told her


that that she definitely

understood her concern and
they would definitely talk
about it more in detail once
the group was over. Tiera
said ok and started shaking
her head in disapproval.

Process Recording 2


Tamesha told the group that

Productive, the group is

The group has made

each of them was expected to

closing as planned and the

substantial progress from the

follow up with their therapist

clients will have the resources

first session.

within a weeks time to

they need.

discuss the progress they had

made on their goals or to
discuss anything that may
keep them from reaching
their goals. The group all
shook their head and agreed
with her.
Coralie told the group that

Happy that my team member

she saw them being very

is assisting assertively with the well to Coralies direction.

successful in the future and if


they ever had questions about

anything that they could feel
free to call her at any time to
help them with any part of
the reentry process. They
should feel free to contact her
but if it was an emergency
that they should call 911.

The group seems to respond

Process Recording 2


Tamesha asked if everyone

I feel on track and I feel the

We offered a prize as an

would please take the time to

group reached their goals

incentive to complete the

complete the survey on the

according to the agenda. There survey so that we can gather

last page of the agenda and

was cohesion and strong

the patients input on how

when you turned it in you


they feel ours services is

will be entered to win the

benefiting them. This has

going home prized. Christy

help with the completion of

asked, what is the going

surveys in the past.

home prize? Tamesha said

that it is a basket with a
warm blanket, snacks, bus
tickets and a ten dollar visa
card but you have to turn the
survey in after the meeting so
you can be entered into the
drawing and receive the prize
before you go home.
The group leader said that if

Majority of the group is

there were no further

happy to be discharged. If

questions that the group will

they continue to seek services

be dismissed and everyone

it may help them to avoid

will be discharged by 12:00

another inpatient stay.

pm tomorrow morning. The

group all looked at the leader

Process Recording 2


and Katie asked if that was

all Tamesha Told her yes and
the group dismissed for the
last time.
End of process recording.

In conclusion the inpatient group meeting ID# AP10256 at warrior Village mental health
facility has been concluded. The discharge and follow up instructions were given to each client
based on their particular needs. The leadership of the discharge group became more goal and task
oriented. The goals and objectives for the group meetings were met. The meeting concluded with
all of the clients concerns being addressed before discharge and all goals and objectives met.

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