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Name: Alma Leljedal

Grade Level: 6th
Content Area: English Language Arts for English Language Learners
Basic Productivity Tool Used: Inspiration
Standards Addressed: Georgia Standard, Writing: ELAGSE6W1 Write arguments to support claims with clear
reasons and relevant evidence.See
Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic
success in the area of language arts. See
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: Students will compose a short argumentative essay in their English
language arts class. To prepare for the writing assignment English language learners will create a graphic organizer
to organize their ideas, supporting details, and examples, using the Inspiration software.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): The LoTi level that best describes this lesson would be a 4 for
Integration. Students choose an argumentative essay topic without teacher assistance. Teachers may guide students
in using the Inspiration software, and in generating examples for their supporting evidence.
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: Attached is an Inspiration file that has been converted to an
image for your viewing. In this example the student was able to generate a graphic organizer and insert text and
images, to develop an outline for later producing their argumentative essay.

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