Daniel Levine - Democracy and The Church in Venezuela

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Darocray tas teen ttt tthe Venracan Chute than ‘many of Hs lars oF militants thought posse as they wit ‘nso ts feith inthe ety ays of 1988. Dept the We fnciy’s roe in stimulating and leltinating opposition To the ‘Piet Jiméner rene" and selfs pase of democracy 25 2 ystem (Confeencia Epicopl Veneolana, 1958), pate eas were rest Alera the years of ary rule ha been to tines for the Church-Catote mtu patsy {reation) had prospered an the lear eponded with ‘oad support fr the aay reine wl shorty before the nd (Colmenares Die 1961, “The Church's tional atiude tans democracy tad been mix of sipiion of majoriarian principe of rule and ‘pes jection of what swan dmoctacyr bien ‘ennacia im Acxiom Democratic (Leine 1973: 3842 6293), ‘The pry’s pole were sen seine, soci, and Democstin goremments in the hte 1940s remained oi. “Th Chur relaton to demoercy in Venera comple. sf icin On the on han, ace 1988 the Chek as ‘Scommodsed to democracy. hough acceptance of Asin Democrten and ger! ajsren to the esa ratio ‘pam mas otc Thi general patter of accommadstion has helped conlitate democracy by removing potently explo. sive sont tom the poticlaena a lestinating the ne poli syitem amane hey scl pou. Ate ne ie, he Policies of democrat ragines hare crested» favorable envio Ihe forthe Catch proving new reoure d opporunties for scion. Ths ew office! erentation ded tothe potent ‘Sine maw tan fl yo ari perspectives, strategies, and syle of action of Catholic leaders [torn 973" 4247, 5414). ‘ur gals wot 0 much to examine the role ofthe Crh as notes arup on Venezia to way in ome depth he ‘etn ete change within the Chreh ew tes nd ‘eotoi, stators an stats) ro social nd pl Gs hm ay Be wal og wns a ‘Veenscan Char grown an changed? Wat resorcs ca ie ving to Beaton soc? A there noable tetas or bral “isons concerning Soi pilin seton Let us a om Grout and Change ‘The Veoatlan Church ss long Deen weak and poor Is eb Tom colonial ties was meager, and what ile pop yo ec the Cached wa kn ny se med numbers of sey and no shoo an wae sao ‘rec tate cota iallarns Wate 1933) Alou 1958 it rsined 4 weak and undrdetloped oranation ost of the ow resources reed since [90D had gone Ito actly 0 satlonl onanastinn an dete the rece ‘ction of sve diese completely kod sorting oF ling ttre Since 1958, the Chueh has altered ts ea tats for the Sete epi data any fl ad ep ons the ram hit which began nthe te 1980 Fist, {he sew democrate repanes teatly pled the off Sis pa tothe Chteh for slr, tral snd costracton nd eepai of Chrch ois (Lee, 1973-4). Expanded Url the Chtch pote by removing the base fer ‘tipo of mouse epee and ther plies A major Sp in his plcy iol renegotiation ofthe lett of pineal in 1964 by smu vend which proved porta Elements of independence forthe Cre. The Church as tated tea praalitytnseabing to eter contacts aa fren property. Iason. the procedre Tor maing Nw Shops na sired to ge pester ead othe Vt a the conditions of entry of foreign cy were gual. The few aprecmen wat gested satay by Circ eae ‘Roargoer tbe, 1968) "The Chueh tegn 10 expand ed fli ts omanzatonl sana ater 1958, Ae Tbe shows, fom 1984 fo 1973 ‘ofthe conuy, By 1973, cach sae the ation ad ee ‘oreponing to ks Borde This expansion mpertnt, fr toe arclted oranatoal stature allows the Chars 0 {te ore stuned totaal net an condition, ani to rea gente toch wih paige aes of the coms ‘cade, Hower, pasion of cepy and of bess strctrs Ike parser and dioceses has ged bein polation growth the soution ha eon to import frei cry nr a ex Recent etinatn pace the proportion of freien Segy a ‘fe 80 percent. This proparton even phe in Carseat and ‘rer mor stn, and fae cn to 50 percent only nthe ‘nde fepon- tational the mow mls are of Vere: ‘la (Chor, 1973: 12). Ar we sale, the forcin in of Inch of Venere’ ley as taken polite! pesos ‘ons as gone sane wi a grea shit i the Kn of work ic they ae emengn Tae 2 hows that up to 1920 el ire wan the principal sty of reo ore Frm £93 1960, eduction bene dominant relsctg the saey, a ‘eady menond, of concentatig ene 9 the erestion of Primary and secondary scot After 1960, education remalnt lomiant, but other afas bein to att atetion, partin- iy “pera acid" clchall en encoapesng porch otk, cooperatives, youth sits, commana center, abd the Ike. thew gues indents that eles conerentons fond ln the pas 18 yeu are moving aay fom hese dependence ‘on tation towards amore broly bse cammunty le tment. Within evcation Ilan nemnp hasbeen made TO ‘velop programs to sere the needs ftv rae to pay the trtisonaly ne tations of Catokshook? “proved lel status, expanied resources an supeisiogy Invorale reps lozetbr roduc jor change inthe pot ‘pectes Church es brought othe pos aren became ‘Gear to many that democratic plies, and stems of ase Portion Ia peters tong ered 5 tools of anhareh fore, could work To the Chr’ ante These new pe Spestes wet storey fenforel forthe Chath bythe Par {faptin of the Chitin Deocas i the goverment om 1950 1953, which proved syboe earns of peal secur fo the Chr ay wel practi opportanie forthe (Catholic say lan to wor fopeter i arty Of ae ‘Tis war pr of Acion Demos ental rey of Ualng the Church as potent source af opposition. Nev. Teng the Church was pat o ener poe sen of teeter: pliicie anaioas fo protect thei ans found ‘yh elites, encouraged by fel tas ele ep lean defen democrats pes” Shang the emizonment within whic the Church ord, ‘Pantin sles ad onanation few resources we eating Fevoableconitions for tion The Che esponded ao cs, exe atin racine we sig on Tem by he Church. Ase sl we, the Carch was comet from 2 potion of potent arts within the pli tem toasenenl sppoterof the stm ‘To understand fly the wes 0 whieh these new resourses and ener han been pt, sad to gan the posible fare ‘entation ofthe Cercle str nw texan he pe Species and pitti of Church ees as exresed pinay i enuny ntrvows conducted in 1971 wih 32 members of How do Veneue's bios ee the maton in which they le ad Se to work? Acoma le to bi 9 cle thon, a ret conser th sot robles acing the ne overnient and the auton ar. whole Tw were ened {income dtnbtion, unemployment andthe soca doce ots aoc with migation. Adel fo thse waste" ‘of money an peste" the oat of conspuous com ‘sumption (Coaereni Episcopal Veezlaa, 1973 5. However, i alin fr nations stole agra poverty, ‘the tahoe ost orgs mot inthe tetra ate they ans esi as incre station and unemployment, “So eft nh ht fhe le fh ith et ‘econ ht many poi he eyes tit {Sina At [Coes ppl Venn 1974) ‘hipaa etter ee the competes ofthe hearty’ postion Dict interviews withthe Dshops produces Sit. Thus, wher the Dhops wreaked Yo ety the major froblens of the nation, sighly more mentioned stot [roblems (such a Income dition, unemployment, under Aevelopment and the ke) fun poten of evar ‘atte (ep alcool, rstiion,pormoerapy. fe unions, {nd 0.0m) Looking more lly 4¢ Table 3 and linking pe oul of problems tothe Chars role ath slton. me find approximately egal pou feorng “ato” apd Ings genera mora pid, sn intermedi, wife of ier fmt socal claws, wile ction commis the Dahop 10 cond wth Caos doctine Only 2th evr an ct I roe or the Chath, Gncuncing Ryn and pects ‘Stpnzations committed to so an plies eam. More ‘he, perceptions ad ole detiion ae clay fle 35 Net oth of those fnoring actin rls se problems toc Tun tems, whe those favoring other roles are spl evenly Iettensrctrl pd ota perceptions? is of central importance, for Ike any ito, the Church Shapes Hs cts tothe ation isespowing oud The Stay of the Bop dey the Cr lines of 10 stmalating that alhere To Cathae dostne. ‘This general emplass Ontos of moral pstsion ad 4 ‘tected eng of ection vase 1971 newpaper te by ge ost Rincon Boil, Airy Bap of Creas, Acon ‘neo Mar Bool est yw nt yd i 1S of bute he po a each chert em al i ‘od prin ans opty nd ea {hes noth wey pode ot te eh hae hing ‘youn soning (Road ela 971 ‘The problems the shops se andthe roles they hop olay together et the substance nd ye ofthe actions. The ml Satins of thse postions for ation aye fhe ced {Brough eamination of he Bop ews ie vo as") dale and operon wh Marts sed polis! sca by the clay two rjc often linkedin pubs debate a ‘Vege; an 3) entiation of portant ay oration ey areas or hy at tv often sumed tt hot who we a more ast oe for the Chir a ikely to cooperate with ter changeorented fort inthe tion erect year, many Catholic thinkers in {iin America Rave come fo ae lam a0 cal tol of ‘aly and prevouty unbrgeble clog Siference ae ‘ncresingy st siden th nme of soa ation tole prs {ng problems Levine, 19720), ‘On the whol he Venezln racy irate open to slope and oopeation with Marat. Oneith etd Iogu and cooperation outright nd amt hal sept" Once {tain ters ae notable ference anon tote being ifr rt roe definition: Bishop wh favor tional ale sees Ina to assepe Sasa and cooperation Many i thi ros ‘aif ther acceptance edn about with sere of con ‘ivom (ee, dope shout! only be between qualia pe Sens" on “hgh level” excadingconttecooettion, {ovon). The situation anos compstey reves anon thom ‘wong fle of tetation or aetiim. Here wll rer all ‘cept dogo and cooperation outright WA thee Fle det ‘toe, the modal reponce sit nlaly vey fom etion ‘Acceptance of dogs and cooperation with Mass ren inthe abstract, fees a tse relation by Chueh eles that hy ve win a aaresively pri seca and Maly ua souRsat oF NERAMERCAS STUDS AND WORLD AFFAIRS peat ith them on eect iu, po ore tin 229 fie ofthe fact of ie: ow tha the Chae ex {veateed, cooperation ab Sagi ate es a ‘tho for ditgue sn cooperation se the neal od for “slog andthe abtgation fo work wih ot forthe coms fod, deste idcolopal diference. The major racration Uap express feat of bee wed by Maus groups for tic" withing fom puta inolement ab akin 4 pos tion shove the fy Cle dog td cooperation with Marist has polite tet a the vty eas In th aed, it's Inport to note tat the Merch, hea eked thet Spl fp ctv yt dey, weeny Son approved Of uch actin. Two others aid hat mish te acepabl under pei crerstancr sh ae miary > {utonhps whet oter pth of expression were dosed, order ‘evil onions invling the apporal of the bop snd all the pit the dice, Seventen hops (5 pert the {otal voantsig an opinion rejected acti ori However rfl to eng in pois does not mean refs to dco, cooperate, and coexist wth Marist props OF those ‘stg jal ava yy, oe 0 pon pe thors wo advocate Gaius and sopertion with Marxists ‘eject er politcal acim by wide mars (77 peter) ‘The among tbe ttl group 4 prea rete. The eon {en for postions on poll atv ae reveling The rat, Ijoty of Bishops fel that the Church shoud ay Out of Temporal and’ especly politcal dspues. A vusty of ate Imes ate advanced to soppert tis postion: pols des {Sethe Charen mst une the Church canot sot anyone Pole opon: poll crmmitneats wil de the Chrch, Ts important o point out tat when the bishops al or wade fom pois, they hate pei: kind of pati” ‘nnd, Pram polis, ieniying the Chrch os eer ‘ih pote pres, ected bya But party poles does ‘ot ethast the posits nde nthe context af ei Polial sth as dscsed a ny ites, conventions Forty nen are net absent Instead, the bhoe ae acting {0 the efforts af some clay f0 promote man commanty ‘xon, designed to expres prewances and sek slut fom {he sen.” Tas hind of community oration abd ation [Spelt forthe tnops and hee ete. But for oso te bishops, the tern "Polis does not acompas the penea accommodation ofthe Choch with fe foie stem, and ts comesion it» Suporte ofthe ye faring from repaardesags with gveramenal apc 1 ‘remonll stein which he Church appears polly ented ‘sit the stem. One Bop smething of 4 maverick he ‘ara, debe the Chur dependence on plc and economies ints wa eed ‘efoe the poole waking sim sa wht malty ‘sta pba cosh lay (il ee plo hey ava ich es tom i oe {orth eonose ee The ops ae ey te othe sh of ene Seer arts {ttn we hv fo pote prema toe moe Secor {tal retu to the impbiations ofthe mings of polis forthe Veneucan Chtoh liter Leto tm now to sont the question of iy enniztion and actu sen BY the Since the Qurch works uliaaey throug her members one ‘Tatra erznisations the bishops inprtnt a ‘Souape in ther dioceses. Table 8 ts the orgeieatos men toed the sor el eer el ay ‘enone veel pone plete and social hed ot ntation The Cut de Catena (Lite Counes a est Iniy) ate the most fequety mentioned grup, and ae su Fenty important to warant spurte ateton hee. The Gn are intended 10 ejavenate eis faith howe temive work wih smal roups. The geet empiass on id ‘adil sptal renovation, ad edience to the rey of the Church srased Ta Vener the Cua have on ‘enated their attention on upper: and middle-clss rou, Parca conor tec and ctr tes? The Vere cla Chee hs tational Inked support amore the toups hence, the movement ira source of seat Bop fr the hone The next most popu roups (the Cesta Fan Move- men, Cate Action groups!” andthe Legion of May) a nt ee Sito the Cosine dominant emp on ind Spuital reneval and deference tothe Charch herrhy 7 Geet Foaly Moreneat i ell oranitatien of bye nd middlcls marsod couple, dicated to improving th Slate of fal i My fel reerch atthe ntoal and ocean eve inde hat Catole Aston rou cust ‘moy'on pape felt te lote see, ial Cahaie ‘Aton orantatins a any lee Flay the Lesion of Mary Sperape the most trite it ut ifs in caminga ae wel membership ‘he hry and more ope, o which a moe ste sa) ‘nd pt ems are peer abst Maeorer, ness were “uring o cone he kine of ati the bss ey ‘as appropriate to lay omanzations we find contain ofthe {enemas ately pote. Table 3 showy tat ctechin and ‘elgnor faction dominate the bahopr vw, followed By ‘youth and ast ection ele whish satan em a eal Ted with petite and devotional tees, Sol tion nd community onanzaton ae mentions i onl sly ‘oc thas tenth of te response "The brary’ pein! emphasis onthe Kinks of eoups and acts mated re lens ont expo tat even whee ‘Somumontyorinstion or soca an te mented they ‘relly tobe care tin patra setting with heat os of pti. OF sours, la Sense ty wha oe expects ‘hold ot Bad wet ihe fact ht the cain of ens ea aed es peoper sation 0 scl and pole actin ‘bjs of Intense deat nthe Latin American Chch toda, “The question not simpy piles elon, at athe the ssy'n ich los pope se the meaning of hel ah {eons of action inthe word Many Catolsfel that the {Core Should nit ef ose repos ueions ea tne tempo sis and cones oye. Thy are tat he Cure shoul ban fom polis take» neutral poston Sontrary potion hol tht abteaton fom pits mean ttc hace forthe ebb onder-netalty in pratoe Ines acuisence In what aleay exis Mreoer, thet ‘epration of rleon fom sol an poli quesn sca Tonal. In ths ew eon relat fo the whale panos (ody ad spt se), sl the sok ptcal onssuencet ‘tration faith ar gon sarong empha Caters, 1973) Throughout the 1960s thse debates found ite choi he Venezaen Chteh Lack of stone itl! triton ad 4 nel Tocus on webuiing wooke mst exterie date Sn theolgal ad Sov ues the Church At the 1970 ‘Ream weer sce events oared wick Brough o Vere: ‘ins the trends of debate and confit sweeping ater Lath ‘American Churches. Tous) example and amument. sts Sly chateged what hey saa the Cates ner comfort- he accomodation ith the poll sytem. They sosht “omer the Char fom rble supporter an sincera the system ito pematenty creat met says ey Yo de Tend the dowmodsen. 19 denounce injustice whereer 40. rt, and to wor Tor change anyway ose, Those new apeoaches were yslzed a several ent two of which wil be rekwed here he expulsion fom te ‘unity of Father Panes Waytac, Beko pit deported fa 1070 for “medline in ple an the public Sate 1971 betwen the Josie mpzine Sie and tae com. smth Cathal aman. Teo Recent Conficts (Open calenes to the autor ofthe irr, and 1 te ‘pst Scorned weil he ptm, cae tthe sae ine drumais a of erent sourcing te Sporation of Fath Wuytac, 3 Beanpot working tone othe poorest Sins of Caracas Father Waytack repesented 4 sary of {etinony and dict ston, Ths he woah to ate te ne onions of his purhiones, to enti with them, ard 0 Join thom in all oi actions Te incidents whl ed to MS ‘Cepulon were sr of plc demonstration athe Congress Invwhich he and his parkioners protested poor Hing com tons and widespread unemployment. In Vener ert is ‘equ forall pole demonstrations. No pert wa tan ‘owe, an eral dys tr (Jone 20,1970) Father Way= {Sawa expe fom the coat foe lig he a eo ‘Seid out insure, Sut once # beame know, 2 sorm of Protest broke over the Church “The hrathy in Caracas aimed hat ith taken o prt ‘in the explson, bat smc tht the meas Was ea ‘iicadWayiack for Being led in pols On the nett “iy, SF rete rom the Archloose of Cac deered a ‘Open Letter tothe bors, following ths wo days ter with bith’ offen. By that tine, thee number ad grown 10 almost handed andthe sit of a handed pres demon: Stating infos of the Cathe was enough Shake een the “he expaon io tinted extensive debate ie the es centering 00 the anomaly of 3 Chis Democrat 2. Sta wth th sen he acy xing + Drahioner: The pins raed inthe Open Later of Jane 22 ‘tte fre lborated in an explanatory not deere tothe Ups of Caracas thee days ltr y the sow expunde pony ‘tthe Kind of secur action ered n by Father Waylack was ‘sed squarely Fac Mel spe ti tsa sy. ‘Taryn of Lae, tity ped ow han, cre ‘ieee th lec omg, poe oie ase af ‘ha alee, So i neg i ‘Bien Pope at Does en ff ta th Vesan ‘Gatch at be the cp weds tn dei he et Gol at yr yop How can eyo nd fl ‘SS mnt fore pol he ety woe Pa ‘sn mh anc ee Soto ein ‘Mat Scie ame ent omen te amr St Ine ins och rst gu 7 “The Sener ofthe eter Ny rejected the hierarchy ase ton hat took no poston onthe expulsion, arguing at “not ‘ig penn nes ae hing oon nd prone ‘Sikoce and pasty are comply Sepa, 1970: 59) The xpulion and subsequent deat tus fecae tention on he ‘meaning os postion of "pola neta” Troe who sw in Father Waytack an crample of «pope! lings people hvouly sw the buhop at comfortable rach commited {othe sytem ad ot of touch with the day tay alti of ‘erage people Ines. These views wet summed ups bowl fead the following Sunday bn cute sete by tose pests Got ste apt oe a Fara ‘Su me tos fhe rhc art Arm Fathr ran Wyck Tate aby ply ut ab od ate pol wun tae Seow ame: ‘este company nd and peg og es at Tas nin oe eo hr tant wih st at ‘Tielman wr nah ep eet ‘en het sed ty th exp They ace a Steen oer dere wee iced OF ‘tein sn mone ihe popes Ba 1970 6] ‘ur secon conflict ivaes a public debate between the Venenstsn Test research center (he Cerro Gua) and Uhr jour Se, sn an important comenatne yan, ‘ldo tad Canons tm eval newspaper ate, Bad Gano ecrod the feat of fomcrtng. dvs the ‘Chora, beaming dopes of Marin, ad enerally promotes Aangsrous Mee song the sunt in Cathal schools Bal {sina was disturbed by te gee rotation of the “cut ord (in Venere eens) wan socal etn, ‘rts promotion of dab With ening igus ofthe Vor ‘tebe ete ‘il ben he orp Searels cas Jest spokesmen rep in lengthy aie ser tue ra ps of comin ter mt how wh veh 1 tsi peed minorities intact. an to stacy govt mental setion which affects thom, wo ae proving soc ape’ to sume the atttade of Iakling a communion any ‘tion of laymen, prot and Yl infin ofthe pope. iving withthe pope and orig ba people Weeteve ‘2 tRolaceion det Reval 1 71D, "This exchaes ict, or repeated challenge by tne Jesus ntact ste of the Veneucan Church and ‘iager fis most gress ntttins ncn oy ers) to te Iptimey of the busines at sana {strats om whowe contrition the Crh depend forthe ntinad existene of many of Ks woes. Waytads example ‘haope the pot! sane of the Cute nom. one Jee Tier, the Jee questioned ts econo tT te {Church om snag forty on the ie ofthe weak nd orn over of change, nave tated thes css in ome deta bese they point to a posible alteratne poston forthe Venenselan Char Instead of compromise an sccommodaton, se imation and STAN cts ophel-denmuntng tte, sarag the Met “he underdog. relating her ope, nd th wy, ent Ing “the Chaves with cet, herreh, and estouons ‘tauren mathe oes ‘als for pests 10 take a dete role inthe promotion of ‘hange”Thore reo gues pests in Venezuela and tle ‘isble sympa Toe psiion a actite poles! Tenders for the cl Actvgn fakes 2 more comple an sl om in the Veresdan Church It expres ley though the ‘flo of sstered pup to iesty wit the comment, halp i bul organization, apd accompany wherever my ‘leering events to In he ih ofthe Gases Contains leader reine by the democratic experience The Church hat ‘ccommodated self 0 democracy. and has ospeed. AS We tre sen, acommodation tas gone hand in hind with contin ‘ton of gnely conventional petiole main. The ‘Church tes, and aceps scl, poral sol onder and Isretety open to deangs With most orate forces In the proces, the Chur hs bean ented with the present stem. But ths pater of seommodaion, 30a Fy eated by tops and political ee ike, ow cha Tengl by ements the Church who sr eet, at Plas & ot enough’ Acceptance of dry and with ‘roa frm prtsan plc easy Become an nwting mask Tort erent sot a ple The erry thous that with Scovnmodation they had rested the Church's pital ob. tem 'Bue sow woke ar hes which im thatthe Chachi Involved inthe pols ofthe sytem pots the bishops do sot pre such, becuase offic have delineated here tro contig Vews ofthe Church's proper alsin sce apd th inf actions mos appro (10 et The domian, ofa postion for acommoad ‘lon. "The sofia view. ich ects etered sport fom laymen, cle, an a for bishops, cls for the Care o take 2 crcl peeve on sock ening wherever pose tr the poor tnd powetenStaep re ited 00 oly {orrain mater beef forthe undervgrd (mer chart oul sfie fr tha but mote nortan to develop sone {he poora sieatawatens of thee poo isthe wocal ore ‘hundetoding of ther htt beter ean ethene ‘fac forastonomo oration nd action'* in the democrats ery the Church has developed sew 1 Se tbe and? In the fur, sme tly tat the Chorch Wel remain ts present stance, But the emergence of cea Penpectites and thew pal consolation within the Chuch ‘peak of steate posable aus for thee molvationt and terse Ido ot Slee the unaficl vews wil become Som ‘anh would peng be a comtadction io tes. But thee Exience proves for Important independent perspectes ot Sooty sing ree i another cal and paid sence tne oom esha an ora SERS aan hte coach BU Et ty cs a ee a ae oo ate at me Ss a Ste teu a Mat Cur a ae a ar

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