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English 10

Name: Nattha Theevarajirasab (Nut)

Teacher:Mr.Abel M. Cadias
Class: 10-07

The Legend of the Red Dragon

Once upon a time, there was an island named La-La Island with an amazing city
called Mysto City which was surrounded by volcanoes and the temperature was very bad, as
we could find the fluctuation along the day. In day time, the temperature was about fourtyfive degree Centigrade or 113 degree Fahrenheit, and the temperature at night was about -5
degree Centigrade or 23 degree Fahrenheit. In addition the sunlight was extremely strong.
The humidity was quite high during the night so the plants which could grow were not too
many. As the geography of this village, it was very difficult to find living things around there.
The villagers there built their house underground by digging to create tunnels connected with
many accommodations. When they wanted to plant or farm, they would go up to the surface.
During the Feya dynasty in the Mysto city which was located in the central of La-La
islands, Zom-Beer was a king who governed the Land. His characteristic was quite normal
like a wealthy merchant. He had long white hair, stinky beard, disgusting smell, like all dogs
in the world die, ugly and smelly toes; furthermore his arm and his face were very ugly.
Every day he thought only about his clothes, his food, and his money. He was very awful
because he had never been caring about his citizens at all either he had never thought how
they were spending their livings or how suffering they were. He only thinks of himself.
The kings citizens had to face with the bad temperature and it was very hard to plant
or farm, so the food was not enough for everyone. The fabric for making clothes was limited.
Moreover, every year they had suffered by the leaks of the mountains that could flood all
paths of all tunnels. However, the king did not care these problems because he lived in the
center of the land. If it was flooding, the outer houses would be the first.
When he said something to his citizen or his subordinates, his voice tone was
aggressive. So everyone did not like him. All of his speech was always a command that is
why no one wanted to obey him. For example, when he needed food, he shouted to call his
slaves out loud and if the mates came slowly, he would beat them. It was very cruel.
Sometimes when he wanted to clean himself, he just called and let their mates to do it. He
had never taken a bath himself.
Unfortunately, he was born with his bad luck that he could only eat a single species
of mushroom which was called The Dragon Eye Mushroom. The head of the mushroom
looked like a head of a dragon and some had two or three heads. The skin of stem seemed
like the body of dragon which was not smooth as it had skin like a fish. The leaves looked
like the wings of dragon that was amazing. Its taste was absolutely fantastic and those who
had an opportunity to eat it would feel like they had a full power, advanced thinking and
magical ability to fly, to fight with each other and to breathe out fire. That was why even he
was bad, but he could govern this city. Everyone thought that he was a god, they had to
serve him, and otherwise they would be punished.
With his curious when he was young; he went up to the surface and tried other plants
and meat greedily. Because since he was born, his parents kept telling him that he could
only eat The Dragon Eye Mushroom. He could not eat anything. In fact, his parents
wanted him to gain more powers to govern all citizens. If he ate other food, all powers would
be disappeared. After finishing his meal, he suffered with a terrible fever and he nearly died.

All powers especially flying skill were gone. His abilities were just like a human. His parents
put their fully attempts to find the superior doctor from all over the island for the best
Doctors from all over the country came to examine him, and no one could help him. Two
months passed, his father got an idea then he quickly brought a ton of The Dragon Eye
Mushroom for him to eat. A short while later, he recovered and his parents were pleasure.
Since then he could realized that only mushrooms could help him and he had never tasted
any food again.
From the condition of the country, there was only one place that could grow these
mushrooms because it depended on the village optimal temperature, humidity and sunlight.
Moreover, it had to be surrounded by the volcano which wasnt easy to find in this place from
any region. The Dragon Eye Mushroom spent a year to grow and waited for the annual
lava of the volcano to shield those plants. Later his citizen would go to harvest them. His
citizens had never tried the plant before because they believed that this was a plant of the
god, if they ate, they would die soon. There were enough The Dragon Eye Mushrooms for
the king all year in his stored room. How to eat this mushroom was just one way which is he
had to eat each stem within one bite so he had to open his mouth wide and put the whole
stem in one time. Otherwise, the elements in the mushroom along the stem, leaves, and
heads would be destructed. He needed to eat every 6 hours even if the powers would
slightly be diminished.
One day, disasters came with many reasons, for instance, the annual lava from the
volcano was exceeding over the place that grow the mushroom, the flooding that came from
the leaks of the mountains covered the place, the lightning from the sky came though the
place, and all of disasters led the electricity shock in this area. Disasters created much
chaos all over the island. Likewise, everybody tried to survive themselves without concerning
about the mushroom at all as they didnt have even time to collect the kings food. Once the
annual lava with high pressure came to face with the flooding, it formed the combination and
the hardening of liquid to be solid. At the night time when the temperature is lower than 0
degree centigrade, that solid would become fragile. That was the reason of The Dragon
Eye Mushrooms death. When the king heard the situation, he was very shocked because
there was no food for him anymore but he could not do anything, just prayed for his food.
Lucky him there those disasters stopped before they reached the castle of the king. In the
village just a few people survived.
After three months, he thought back in the past that the style of his talking with his
people was not polite. He kept commanding, scolding, shouting, and blaming everyone by
never giving hands or caring their citizens even in the bad situation like some disaster time.
As a result his people had never cared about the king in return. It was like the mirror that
reflected what he did to the citizens or what he have done with his citizens, the citizens
would return the same. Actually his power could help his citizens as he could fly to breathe
out water at the volcano to put out the fire, and fly to mend the leaks of the mountains to
stop the flooding. He chose to sit and pray for his live. If he could reverse the time, he would
not do the same. He would use his abilities to fight with disasters and help his citizens to be
In his sub-consciousness of his day dreamt, he used his wings to bring him to all over
the world outside the island. He met many places, many people and he had a chance to live

with them. But he could not still find his mushroom, he could not eat anything. He could
realize something that why those people offered to help him about food with or without
reason. They had never asked help from him anymore; on the other hand when he was the
king, he had never acted in a good manner. He always wanted to take advantages from
others with his powers. Moreover without The Dragon Eye Mushrooms he was only just a
normal man like his citizens. Why did he behave himself as a man not as a god? He had to
change his mind, his thought, and his action.
With many cities he kept spending his time after his life travelling a lot to find out his
food and a place to plant his food. Once he saw the radiation of heat, he directly flew to it
and explored the city. This city was like his island as it surrounded with mountains and the
temperature was very high. Most of the people settled underground because they may
escape the high temperature from the strong sunlight. He waited until the dark came then he
was very surprised that the temperature at night was very low like his home town. He
decided to live there. He cried that he found a new place that could plant these mushroom
again. He also thought that if he still acted like in the past, nobody would be care for him.
After he woke up, there was a very loud noise banging at the far away distance.
When time passed, he saw a huge troops walking to his city. All citizens were in chaos and
the king was terrified. Suddenly one of the general in the troops called out Give me your
holy mushroom now or die! The troops were still coming closely. At that time the king flew
outside his castle to stand in front of the big army and said, stop now and do not harm my
people unless I would slam you all down. None listened to the king because they had just
seen the big, bad, stingy, smelly, fat, and selfish man who had never fought with anyone and
the laugh came from all over the city. The troops ran into him that was the reason the king
fell down. The general took him to the cage of his castle. The day after catching the king,
some soldiers went to the room and they saw the dead body which turned to green. He had
no breath and movement. They shouted and ran all around the castle to inform everyone. In
the cage, it was like a magical that the cage was destroyed because of the transformation of
him. This transformation caused by the dietary of mushroom with his fear meant that when
the king did not consume the mushroom and he felt fear, he would be transformed to be a
red dragon. His body looked like the mushroom that he ate. The head was like a dragon that
turned into big red skull with horns. Its neck was very long connected with its body. The body
was full of muscles with fish-like skin. The two sides of wings were two-thirds big compared
to its body. There were four legs with three sharp claws each. When he broke the cage, he
became bigger and bigger until his castle was destroyed, expanding to be one-fourths of the
city. The red dragon just stayed still and anyone could not fight him. In addition, he blew the
fire to his enemies. The citizens and troops were shocked. A hundred of people were killed.
Suddenly all troops tried to escape from this city as fast as they could but the red dragon
flew very fast. It was impressed all citizens since it was the first time the king save the city.
After the troops disappeared, the citizens called out the name of the king Zom-Beer ZomBeer Zom-Beer! with their respect.
After his transformation, he could not be normal again. He had to keep this body as a
red dragon forever. One day, the king changed his voice tone and his behaviour in order to
talk to his people politely. He kept asking what his citizen wanted and needed thus all people
were very delightful and they really love his king. This Island had never been invaded by the
enemy at all, they lived peacefully since then. From the tragedy, it brought some respect,
some love, some trust, and some gratefulness to the king hence the villagers carefully took

care to plant the Dragon Eyes Mushroom for their king and sent the crops on time. With
careful work the power of the mushroom was doubly increased, so the life time of the king
was lengthened to be a thousand-thousand years long.
Behind every mirror there is reflection of another face. What we have done with others, what
we have receive from them.

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