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Dangerous cargo manifest Appendix 14.21 PACIFIC SHIPPING SERVICES, INC. TO: United States Coast Guard Tong Beach / Los Angeles Dates_0: Oo 6-92 In compliance with section 148.02-1 USOG Regulations, we provide the folloving in refi to the cargo being loaded’ for shipment aboard the M/V = Official # Nationality:, 1) Petroleum coke, uncalcined ORC 2) Approx. Metric Tons 3) Shipper: Applied Industrial Materials cor». 100 First Stanford Place Stamford, CT. 06904-2388 (24HR) 310 436-5235 This is to certify that the above named hazardous material is properly named, prepared, and othervise in proper condition for balk shipment by vessel in accordance with the applicable regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard. DANGEROUS CARGO MANIFEST PETROLEUM COKE, UNCALCINED ORM-C HOLD # QUANTITY — METRIC TONS pou 8600 ___erarc TONS 3 8700 _yeretc Tous oe METRIC TONS esi 9800___yerere tons se 8570_werrrc TONS loomed METRIC TONS ‘TOTAL ON BOARD: METRIC TONS For ANCOR — Pacific Shipping Services, inc. Master W/V 200 Oceangate, Suite 330, Long Beach, California 90802 PH (310) 436.6221 FAX 10) 436-4435 TLX 4024 442. THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Material safety data Appendix 14.22 3013 0739 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET et TOSCO CORPORATION Ro EI 10100 SANTA MONICA BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90067 SECTION Tosco: CHEWTREC: 600.424.9200 CE "RADE NAME ANO SYNONYMS: wATERAL FIRE HAZARO — RED TAL NAME AND SYNONTHS HEALTH HAZARD — BLUE on REACTMMTY — YELLOW FoRMoL SPECIFIC HAZARD — WHITE Carbon end hydrocarbons HAZARO RATING ASE ° 4 64761-79-3 least EXTREME (COMPONENTS. TIONAL EXPOSURE UMS, Solid carbonaceous material re- sulting from high temperature treataent of petroleum fractions. Tt contains some hydrocarbons having @ high carbon-to-hydro- gen ratio. SSE Petroleum coke does not present any unusual health hazards. Skin painting stud: conducted by the American Petroleum Institute have found no evidence of tumorigenic activity. A chronic inhalation study initiated in August, 1981 has to-date shown no adverse effects. ROUTE OF EXPOSURE EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE eve contact Solid particles can cause physical eye irritation. ‘SKIN CONTACT | ae INHALATION | Inhalation of dust may lead z> respiratory irritation; observe | ouisance dust PEL af 10 mg/Ma INGESTION SKIN ABSORPTION ae eve CONTACT Flush eyes with large amounts of low pressure water. SENCORTACT” "Wash with soap and water. i RATION NA. INGESTION Nea Page 1 of a two-page document BULK ‘CARRIER PRACTICE 443 Hatch sealing certificate Appendix 14.23 COTECNA SERVICOS LTDA. SLSR) fe Ratan 12185 Ann « Can 29 11100 - Santos - SP - Brasil Tek: (0132) 24-2962 (013) 1608 COTV BR 6.F do Sul-. SE ot. BB. To the ee master m/v 12 EUS InPort 4$. F. clo Sub - Geasil Dear Sirs: ‘This is to inform you that hatchs cover and manholes of the vessel have been sealed with nylon and plastic seal ' "COINS". As per figures below: Hol of g. EF rte Ca 444 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Statements of facts (page 1) Appendix 14.24(1) vcencn wanton CARGONAVE tox SHIPPERS CEVAL AGRO THD. S70 24530000 KGS SAO FRANCISCO DO SUL, JULY 1988 yessr. RUBEN TRE SELF TRIMMING BULK CARRIER OWNERS BOLTON MARITIME HANAGEMENT CHARTERERS ISLAKIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN SHIPPING LINES caRco BRAZILIAN SOYA BEAN HEAL PELLETS IN BULK NEXT PORT PARAHAGUA DESTINATION : ANY IRANTAN SOUTHERN PORTS ‘QUANTITY COMMODITY BERTH SEMPELLETS cocar STATEMENT OF FACTS YESSEL ARRIVED AT PILOT STATION PILOT OW BOARD. DROPPED ANCHOR INNER PORT. NOTICE OF REANTNESS TENDERD. FREE PRATIQUE GRANTED. HOLDS CLEARED BY MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE. Ds sea: VESSEL BERTHED AT COCAR TERMINAL. . NOTICE OF READINESS ACCEPTE! COHMENCED LOADING COMPLETED LOADING... COMPLETED FUKTGATION. VESSEL SAILED FOR PARANAGUA. RAIN PERIODS : THURSDAY O7TH - SATURDAY 99TH ~ SUNDAY 40TH - geaeresee Hi WEDNESIAY 96TH - 159071925 13925 1925/2409 0000/1790 1700/3955 1955/2400 0000/1700 1700/1900 1900/2400 9000/0400 040070700 THURSDAY 97TH FRIDAY ¢8TH SATURDAY 99TH 0700/1130 4130/4255 4255/1350 1350/4445 2030/2105 2105/2400 1700/4955 HRS 4455/2030 - 2105/2400 HRS RS - - WEDNESDAY UIMEDNESDAY CIWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY "WEDNESDAY CIWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY +s :MEDNESDAY ‘WEDNESDAY SUNDAY : SUNDAY Monn BATLY LOADING REPORT WAITING THE LOADING OPERATION COHMENCING LOADING LOADING - TOTAL LOADED 3026. 490 KGS LoaDINs RAIN LOADING - TOTAL LOADED 10a92.945 KGS LOADING NO WORKED - HEAL TIHE LOADING = TOTAL LOADED 9e8¢.830 KGS LOADING NO WORKED SHIFTING GaN LoaDING TRIHMING CARGO LOADING TRIMMING CARGO RAIN TRIMMING CARGO RAIN - TOTAL LOADED 1655.150 PARANAGUA = SKO FRANCISCO 00 SUL BULK CARRIER PRACTICE. 445 Statements of facts (page 2) Appendix 14.24(2) 446 roocn warn CARGONAVE vo. suiMAY {OTH - 9000/0400 - RAIN 0599/0799 - SHIFTING GANG 0700/2215 - Loapine “ALIS = COMPIBTED IOADING: TOTAL IDADED: 242.915 KGS AN BUNKERS ON ARRIVAL F.0. 292 KT 1.0. 54 KT FWATER 80 HT BUNKERS OW SAILING Fl0. 292 ME D0. 42 WP FWATER 50 MI DRAFT OW ARRIVAL Fup 03,98 KTS AFT 05,72 HTS DRAFT ON SAILING FWD 09,46 HTS AFP 09,63 HTS AGENCIA HARITIHA CARGONAVE LTDA. AS AGENTS SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS CONDITIONS OF GOVERNING CHARTER PARTY PARANAGUA + $40 FRANCISCO DO SUL THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Specimen letter of protest Appendix 14.25 Fig, 14, ACC To (Receivers) Dear Sirs Alleged Stoppages due to Crane Breakdown I refer to the attached "Stoppage due to crane breakdown" sheet, — This document, dated 17,8,85, refers to stoppages of ship's cranes Nos, 3 8 5 at hatches ¢ & 6 on 17,8,88 from 0700 to 0930 hrs, During this period, which occurred at the commencement of discharge, the cranes were being adjusted for height of travel, and the crane hooks and associated linkages were being removed, This was found to be necessary to compensate for the fact that the hoppers on the quayside, into which the cranes were required to discharge, were so high that the grabs could not enter them while the cranes were rigged in the normal manner, In other words, the cranes had to be adjusted to suit the equipment on the quayside, and this took 2 § hours, If we had been warned whilst at anchor of the height of the hoppers we could have made these adjustments before berthing, and no time would have been lost on berthing, I must inform you that neither my vessel nor owners can accept eny responsibility for the delays incurred due to this matter, as the cranes in question were in normal working condition at all times during the period in question Yours faithfully Master BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 447 Specimen empty hold certificate Appendix 14.26 Fig, 14, ADD PON rere arrete seca Detter rscsmivenin rete To the Master BV ce seeeserer es GOWN vessel) Dear Sir Enpty Hold Certificate I hereby confirm that holds NoS...........s+++..+... have been completely discharged, and that no further cargo remains in them, Yours faithfully for the discharging stevedores, 448 ‘THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Trimming certificate Appendix 14.27.1 To the Master /Ist-Otlicier s/s; — Destination : Keone Commodity: Fee wis c ied 1 fish enor 0866... | being, Master / Ist=Gifieier of the above mentioned vessel hereby agree that the trimming on the hold/ Tween deck n° /£-3-4- 5, has been made to my satisfaction. Holdne | 1 2 a) 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Total = Tonnage |£518"s% s| 125700, (351e" 4515 Be Bike (oueer)| [Tweendeck| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Total Then L5G" Jon entre Bac) vonage age 30°10 ease), whee? 1 bute Of hecie 2° 19%. Rouen, date: The of on Moventen (OL. Sionatura:__ ffs ren ‘APITAINES -EXPERTS. ROUEN M BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 449 Certificate of loading/discharging Appendix 14.27.2 CERTIFICATE OF LOADING/DISCHARGING ZEN-NOH GRAIN STEVEDORES wv ALR a -U- Zope I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE CARGO OF Md. nit bébelus SOVEEAAL: HAS BEEN PROPERLY LOADED, STOWED, TRIMMED AND SEPARATIONS LAID ACCORDING TO MY SPECIFICATIONS AND SATISFICATION. ad es Litas 2a rip a. 450. THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE, | | Clean ballast discharge permit Appendix 14.28 Cane CLEAN BALLAST DISGHARGE PERMIT ‘earit No. 162-92 REQUEST OF: Voseo! M/V SMM or master, cig ora cartarer 8: o96e. JEST FOR: DISCHARGING CLEAN BALLAST WATER, m2 oom ies Date Commence-Terminate eee) Coear DISCHSAGE FROM: Ser x Type or BALLAST suk uate on cars _X LOADING PORT: ovten sPecirn REQUESTED BY: Namo: 4 _p_—MADLIM, OPEEATIONS MANAGER Company: — cama oTSANcH2®- COR “45D iia Agonts: ‘Adéroce: 302 W STM STREET, SUITE OL §/¥)22DR0, CA 90731 ei oie laa tom Aiea Purpuant to request of the sbove vessel, hor master, owner, agant, or parmit'"b, discharge of CLEAN BALLAST WATER. "ANAS info nwa of ho Lang Sas Haar its ahead pa» oto codtions: 1. “ation of the paiution or baat reguiations, Tart No, 4, tem 748 and ef ier applcable items: 83 OF Pat 187; ‘a1d all other applloabe federal, state, and ical res and regulations, saat mau in a revocation of his pari 2. Pott Security must be notified ot (218) 6904185 of Gach flan! to dschargu dean ballast water 24 hour porto the voosere antral 3. Ballast may bedi from ABOVE THE WATER LINE with evistle OUTTALL or BELOW THE WATER LINE. In al ‘cases, an houry check of dlecharge shall be msde lo ascertain the cleariint Preeot, Record ofall checks and conation of clachargo shall be kept curing a veesel’s lay Inport snd shall be poe ed al way. The decharge focaton shallbe designated by a bunting wocurod a he voasa sce at 9 mains level dlecty over he discharge focaton, with sufficient tlumination at night eo that the water surface atthe dicharge point may be cleaty soon. ‘Where access is avallabl, the master, porto discharge of baliast, shall ensure tat ballast is not discharged uness ‘ho flags that theres no olly mixture or otter prohibited mater alter visually exaa ing the top ofthe ballast contents ofeach tank o testing the ballast contents of exch tenk with en ol wate intetfectcotoctor or other device. (Nol: In cortaln eltuatlons Fogorl Regulations regarding tank vsbola require constant veut anonioring) 4. nthe event thatthe clacharped balla! wator le nol clean, and contalns vee satieble ood, ating oli, of ‘shson, or ther visible rosie, the vassal, her master owner, cherterers, opestor€ managers, agents, or parnitiee shal immediately notty the Chiat Whaitingor end destet rom further dlecharpe and at lle or thelr cost, hall [nnmeditely rave or causa to be removed, such mata othe sallatacton ofthe Director oF designee, and {not immediately removed, the Execute Director of designee may caus ths remowl of such matler and invoice the pasta mentioned ebow fr the cost thera, Including inert atthe maxlmum ret lloved by law rom the date of {he clacharge, which shall be Immedlately dve and payable, The enumerated patieahat also be lable as furor bot ‘orth In Tel No.4, Hem 748, copy of which Is attached herato and made arate! EXECUTIVE Ol LONG BEACH, DEP.AATMENT . Aron nn an BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 451 Paint compliance certificate Appendix 14.29 482 DJK RESEARCH CENTER INC. DJK Ref. No. N9-0023 CERTIFICATION DJK Research Center Inc., Testing Laboratory hereby certifies that the following product covered and manufactured by NIPPON STEEL CHEMICAL CO., LTD., No, 13-16 Ginza 5-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104, Japan complies with the specification outlined in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, Food and Drugs (By Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, USA), Section 175.300 (Resinous and Polymeric Coatings) and Section 177.1680 (Polyurethane Resins). 1. Uses: For Dry Solids 2. Product Covered: NB-COAT 3000GW DJK Research Center Inc., Testing Laboratory certifies that a search was made under Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, Parts 100-199 for NIPPON STEEL CHEMICAL CO., LTD., for the purpose of determining compliance of the above product under Section 175.300 "Resinqus and Polymeric Coatings” and Section 177. 1680 "Polyurethane Resins” for the safe use of such coating as an indirect food additive, and that said search revealed each component to be listed under Section 175.300 and 177.1680 for use as the food contact surface of articles intended for use under conditions prescribed in Section 175.300 and 177. 1680. Validity This Certificate Report will be valid only for two(2) years after issuance of the Report. | Any formulation change will forfeit validity of the Report. Independent and third party International Testing Laboratory Date: _July 29, 1990 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Notice of readiness Appendix 14.30 Bolton Maritime Management To: Agencia Maritime Laurits Lachmann Racre 30 P.O. Box 1629 20.081 Rio de Jineiro Brazil Name of Vessel: M.V. "RUBENS” Port of Sao Francisco do Sul 6th July 1988 NOTICE OF READINESS Dear Sirs, Please be advised of the arrival of the above vessel at the port of Sao Francisco do Sul at ....0942........ ars today the 6th July 1986. The vessel is in all respects ready to commence LOADING a full cargo of 24530 M/T ,of SOYA BEAN MEAL PELLETS in Butk. Time to commence in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Governing Charter Party Please acknowledge receipt of this Notice of Readiness by signing and returning duplicate copies herewith. MV. RUBENS PORT OF REG: HAMILTON OFFICIAL No: 366308 GROSS TONNAGE: 17965,73 NETT TONNAGE: 11236.17 Received By: Date and Hour ... JULY. 06th», 1988 AT 11:45 HOURS. SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS CONDITIONS AND OR EXCEPTIONS OF THE GOVERNING CHARTER PARTY, BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 453, BC Code fitness certificate 454. THE NAU Fem, NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI BC CODE FITNESS CERTIFICATE No XXX ‘THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that ee , Call Sign: Port of Registry Gross Tonnage Class Number: {is ft forthe carriage in balk: of all the materials listed inthe appendices A and C ofthe Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes and coal listed in the appendix B of the Code in all cargo holds in accordance with the provisions of the Code provided that the construction and equipment listed in the attached table are ‘maintained in good order and tht all relevant operational provisions ofthe Code including the folowing are observed 1. Any cergo shouldbe loaded and distributed in pursuant to information provided inthe approved loading ‘manual andthe sibility information booklet provided onbeard the ship: 2. The nominal specific gravity of any cargo should not exceed the allowable valuc indicated in the loading ‘manual; and 3. The moisture content of any material listed in the appendix A should not exceed the transportable moisture limit as defined in the Code. ‘This cenificate remains valid until 13th June, the relevant requirements of the Code arc amended o the interpretations of the requirements are changed, or the class assigned by the Society is withdrawn, whichever is earliest Issued at son 14th June, 2001 on behalf of the Government of NIPPON KAU KYOKAL “This Regn ened mit he cto ht i are ad aed ht ster the Sect tr sty af a Cams nares tenner teh regener ay macro wget a terete mur the Sarin Stra or ua cary the Moved orate pai ote Socy or erway ever ot we dt oma fs Oltcre, Servers or Aer UTICAL INSTITUTE Appendix 14.31.17 ie Certificate of compliance ~ solid bulk cargoes Appendix 14.31.2 DET NORSKE VERITAS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE CARRIAGE OF SOLID BULK CARGOES Issued under the authority of the Government of: ‘Name of Ship ‘Signal Letters Port of Registry Gross Tonnage This isto certify that: ‘The ship is suitable forthe carriage of cargoes listed in Appendix A or C of IMO's "Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk CCargoes’, Res. A434 (XT subject tothe assumptions and conditions given in the "Appendix to Classification Certificate* being complied with. "The following limitations apply: 2) The following cargoes in Appendix A are excluded unless covered by a Certificate of Compliance, Appendix B Cargoes: + Zink sulphide (consentrate) = Cargoes listed under A.3.3 'b) The moisture content of Appendix A cargoes is not o exceed the transportable moisture Limit as defined by the (Code or by and Administration. ©) When loading mineral concentrates reference is made to the entry "Metal Sulphide Concentrates" in Appendix B of the BC Code. sree. = Sarasa Ss BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 455 Certificate of compliance - dangerous goods Appendix 14.32 j DET NORSKE VERITAS — SefeatoNo 1 DNV 4. No, MON: 8 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR THE CARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS | Issued in pursuance ofthe provisions of paragraph 3 of Regulation 4 of Chapler I? of 1981 Amendments to the International ‘Convention for Safety of Lie at Sea, 1974 under the authority ofthe Government of bby Det Norske Veritas AS. | ] Name ‘Signal eters [Date on which keel was in | | is" f ' | Pon of Regsty (Gross Tonnage Type of stip | BULK CARRIER | THIS IS TO CERTIFY: j 1. Thatthe construction and equipment of the above-mentioned ship have been found to comply with the provisions ‘of Regulation 64 of Chapter I-2 of 1981 Amendments to the Intemational Convention forthe Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 2. That he ship is suitable for carrying dangerous goods as spectied overeat on page 2, subject to any provisions, in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMOG) Code and the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk CGargoes (BC Code) for individual substances also being complied with 3. In respect of dangerous solid bulk cargoes, the cargo list also includes cargoes designated class MHB in the ‘of Safety Pracice for Sold Bulk Cargoes” for which the vesse!is suited. Note Regulaton 54 does not acess forte camage of dangerous goods of Classes 6.2 and 7h bulk or packaged form, and carage of { neerous goods ntted queries, as defined chapter 3.4 inthe IMOG Code. This Certiicate is valid unt Place Dato of ssue: SKE for Dot Norske Veritas AS s é ‘ x : Wage read of Section RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE. ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY that atthe periodical suvvey required for renewal ofthe Certificate, the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions and tha this Certificate is reinstated with validity unt (max fve months), pending the issuance ofthe new Certificate. Place Date ‘Surveyors signature 'DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, VERTASVEIEN 1 RIGE2 ROW NORWAY TEL WT 47 677 900 TELEFAK ANGLE OF HEEL (12° MAX) ‘07S METER RADIANS RESIOUAL AREA (14.1679 043 Me) MINIMUM [5] GM (0.3MOR 1 FT MINIM UM) "FTO BE COMPLETED IF VESSEL'S GRAIN LOADING BOORLET DOES NOT INCLUDE CASE, STATICAL STABILITY DIAGRAMS DENONSTRATING THIS INFORMATION SHALL BE ATTACHED HERETO. BB. FOR SPECIALLY SUITABLE SHS APPROVED UNDER ANGLE OF HEEL = IVTERNATIONAL GRAIN CODE, PART A, 8.2 SECTION V (8), PART B, CHAPTER Vi, SOLAS 1974 GRAIN HEELING MOMENT x57:3 REGULATION 12, CHAPTER Vi, SOLAS 1060 DISPLACEMENT X GM DEPARTURE INTERMEDIATE ARRIVAL ‘ATTROLE OF ALLOWABLE PEELING MOMENTS, SUCH [SECTION V(@) PART B,IMCO RESOLUTION A264 (VN), NEW CHAPTER VL, SOLAS 1860, 464 ‘THE NAUTICAL TOTAL GRAIN HEELING MOMENT DISPLACENENT ow ANGLE OF HEEL_(5* MAX) INSTITUTE NET NATARGO 086 (212) 785-4300 The carriage of grain Appendix 19.2 A Summary of Grain notes from the UK Péel Club's Carefully to Carry ‘With acknowledgements to Thomas Miller P&I Lid ‘The properties of grain Grain has a comparatively low moisture content and a protective cuter skin which is relatively impermeable to water. Normally in the grain trade, from harvesting to the discharge of cargo, there is a tendency for grain to lose moisture to the surrounding atmosphere, Air currents can carry moisture more rapidly through a less compact cargo such as pellets than through a powdered cargo. It 4s possible to transport unventilated grain without damage in tankers and to store it safely for long periods in unventilated silos. Grain possesses low thermal conductivity - heat moves slowly through grain. ‘Moisture in grain All biological materials normally contain a certain amount of water. When a material is put in contact mith dry air it will tend to lose a certain amount of its water to the air in the form of water vapour Tnis process will continue until equilibrium is reached between the material with that particular moisture content and the surrounding air ai that particular temperature. In cargoes such as bulk grain, when air movement within the cargo is very restricted, the moisture content of the air within the cango is, under normal conditions, completely controlled by the moisture content and temperature of the cargo. If the initial moisture content of the grain is lower the difference in equilibrium vapour pressure resulting from a temperature difference will be less and a much greater quantity of water oan be absorbed by the cooler grain before water content is raised to a level at which spoilage will begin to cour, ‘To quote a typical example: in a cargo of bulk maize with @ moisture content of 14% and a temperature of 25°C the vapour pressure of the atmosphere within the cargo, which occupies 40% of the volume of the cargo, will quickly reach equilibrium with the maize. A relative humidity of 68% will be reached and the water vapour pressure in the air at that time will be 16.8mm Hé A change in the | temperature of the maize will result in a change in the equilibrium relative humidity and the vapour ‘Pressure, ‘Moisture migration ‘When a temperature difference exists within a grain cargo moisture moves slowly through the cargo in a process known as moisture migration. Regardiess of what causes the temperature difference, when the moisture content is uniform, moisture always moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature. ‘Moisture migration is an important factor in cargo care because too much moisture in a particular area can damage the cango. Tt is important to avold any actions which will encourage moisture migration within the cargo, ‘Moisture migration will be greater when temperatures are higher and when the sites of the different temperatures are closer together. The lower the thermal conductivity of the cargo the slower heat will Move through the cargo and the less the opportunity for moisture migration. Under normal conditions the rate of moisture migration in grain is low, For grain loaded warm and subjected to boundary cooling the major amount of moisture migration will be upwards because of the tendency for hot air to rise. More moisture will pass to the top of the cargo than to the sides. In cases where damage from sweat oocurs more damage oan be expected at the top of the cargo than at the sides, (Continued) BULK CARRIER PRACTICE. 465 The carriage of grain (continued) Appendix 19.2 ‘Ventilation A bulk cargo of grain, if stowed In accordance with SOLAS regulations, cannot be significantly affected by surface ventilation or by lack of it. An objective of the grain regulations is to eliminate or minimise space over the grain: this makes surface ventilation difficult. or impossible. Surface ventilation of grain cannot affect heating which is occurring more than one metre below the surface, because the transfer of heat; is so slow. Surface ventilation can do nothing to reduce or eliminate moisture migration in bulk grain. Continual surface ventilation will maintain the temperature differential and encourage moisture migration to the surface, Because of the many factors involved it would be unwise to attempt to formulate any general rules for ‘the ventilation of cargo to minimise the effect of moisture migration. However in most, Instances moisture migration within a healthy cargo is slow and is therefore not a problem. If ship's sweat would ocour without ventilation then cargo sweat is likely if ventilation is used! Without ventilation ship's sweat will oocur only if the ship's steelwork becomes cold enough to cool the air over the cargo to the dew point. With ventilation the surface of the cargo is cooled and warm air rising ‘through the cargo may condense just below the surface layers causing aking and/or encouraging microbiological activity. 466 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Virtual loss of GM when grounding or docking Appendix 20.1 ‘When a vessel takes the ground in a berth, or takes the blooks in a floating or drydock, she experiences an upthrust at the point where she first makes contact. If the vessel is trimmed by the stern this point will be the sternpost. ‘The effect of the uprthrust is to reduce the vessel's stability (ie to cause a virtual loss of GM). The value of the loss of stability is: aq, = MCTC x tx KG axW - MCTO xt where: virtual loss of GM. (metres) moment to change trim 1 cm (tonnes. metres). The value used should correspond to mean draft when afloat. difference between trim when afloat and trim when aground (centimetres), height of centre of gravity of ship above keel (metres). = distance of centre of flotation from point at which vessel first touches (metres). ‘weight (displacement) of ship (tonnes). ‘When a vessel is to take the blocks in a dock, or the ground in a berth, the above formula should be used to caloulate the loss of GM which will occur during the critical period, which is the time between first touching and finally settling on the blocks or ground. ‘The loss of stability will be at a maximum immediately before the vessel takes the blocks, or the ground, If the loss of GM is greater than the initial GM the vessel will become unstable, and will list, during the manoeuvre. This is completely unacceptable when docking, or when taking the ground, as the list cannot be controlled, and is likely to lead to damage to the ship, dock or berth, ‘This calculation must be repeated each time that the vessel takes the ground or refloats, using the calculated draft, trim, deadweight and GM for the condition of loading at that time. A part laden ship will usually be more stable than a fully laden one, as the centre of gravity of the cargo will be lower. Any loss of stability will be minimised when the vessel is trimmed even Keel, so a condition close to even keel should be the objective on each occasion that the vessel grounds or refloats. aoB. 38 BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 467 When to Use Safety Equipment and Clothing Appendix 21.1 lOn deck Machinery space Mooring ops lAnchoring ops Cargo ops Crane ops |Wire handling Lifeboats ‘Ship's side Height>1.8-2.0m Descaling Painting Cleaning equipment ‘Chemicals Welding Power tools/Angle grinders |Electrical Hydraulic Pressure ‘Cold areas Extreme cold areas ‘Steam Ear defenders Harness Goggles af a5 Helmet HB se at all times Leather gloves ‘Chemical gloves \Visor Safety line Flotation aid Dust mask/Filter mask ‘Skidoo suits, winter glovesiboots Flashlight Permit to work Winter jacket Warning signs Isolate/check Drainivent fe, Use as required 468 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE

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