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Abandoning ship when ooding occurs 287 Abbrevons 126 Acceleations 10s common problems 2 hath A means of 4 tnt be tended 1 ‘no means proved 5 roe ternal Bs Fulton. ays observed 26 rulesor sale 26 ‘tem of 6 toe sip 336 Accidents, des 2 Accommodation 2 Un frering endtions Be lade aan anchorage = ladder 1,150,159, 163,201 cena ofthe measurements 108 ‘Adverse weather 102,187 mecing ats, Ship lowed by 196 Advice and recommendations for emering cncloned spaces 280 AMreighiment, contre of 6 ‘Mterpeak 27 ‘ula curren 18 ‘anges pluton res sips Sounding ad Fling Pp plan Art 12, lage Aires pain sprayers pies ‘tering course or peed Atermate old eating we Holt Leating Condon oe set emp = cxJunp Lacing 2 tina 336 ANU scheme 9s Anchor po wa ‘Anchors 187 securing of 196 ange ‘inders, ao ‘tot 10s Aca retard fxpection a4 AP (merican Peleus) 70 ‘Archinsescew 149,208 Aral a he herd 155,201 Aspustedpchremeter 301 ‘sweat its Ms AAumosphere al be regularly monitored ae testequipment = tached dunnage 26 ‘Amaia Re adder 29 ‘rane 137 Aopen rr ‘old the pmb of gas explosions 385 Backlog 26 Bale capacty = ate 2 ‘ange, mid ocean 27 ung 21.30 ‘hanging, i cea in ‘Sanging quent &wtheough 8 ‘hanging SOLAS requirements 85 “compartments, maintenance of a ‘condition, optimum mint % INDEX conto cemaied 86 auc 6 ok, preparing for oan 158 B40 Guidehine| s ina cold cima a in freerng condos 2s in sounding pipes exchanged 31 layout ship % m4 BS Management 85100 management on pasage ” management, rogalaons governing 85 management the bse pattern s ‘ot allowed to evetow oo feminon, to dcharge 2 ares. s pump contol 18 mpg rangement 88 ap 86 Pups, preventing ping % ‘unt requred a rewrieions “0 resretons on, charge a evined by rae 14 eur an foweshroagh methods ‘tea swiping sem | ppg Stem, remote contol sotens tanks, double-bowor tanks, inspections of tanks, presed up tanks, puncte ‘ais removal of ale tanks ade or upper hopper ‘olathe sip voyage Teyage in rough weather Tage choice of rate Iter fr enero colig ‘Water Management Maal Water Management Pan vate deni nih is iey Balating Seale, yer of lds wie port rectors othe a7 lt changing 0 surehowt chaner 5 ages) 149,15, 15 BC Coe, The 38,37 Refoe srl atthe loading port Is "book 2 moun % tome of ago onthe re ‘moment cre i moment oad 19 ‘hoe Me ams onerangng 16 ‘ceria information for the sip about 41 "ep iformation fo the ship M6 loading or dcharing nist ature of he bot a operons 190 ‘operator ay require know 1 Resting ele Ms pal dealing before ais thot the ance of 58 1% Bigarea desler Bilge) lars high evel Tartapping of clues ‘oreretur vabes preparation of | Pumping yen, noncenura aes SEB Scpping sem 20 ‘setion em ® ‘ction, blocked. o ‘etons, ested 213 trons, eating of 8 tented for pl a ster ou water dicharged record 258 weir pumped ot Ey ater tenting foray oH vals 12,75, 168, il of ating sccompliied 19 Sthorbation wo sign 16 ice v8 fevery of ear in rear for v8 figure dszepancy 7 incorrect ogetable and nosvegotable copies 178 nom-negoabie m proper delvery of cargo against 190 Fettined on board 179 ‘ining the 7 ‘ole 180 fennel 8 uiNco. 288,204 lati machines, sand ‘x Blind sector ofthe rion ea Block oes 106 vended 27 nding 0,101, 16,117 ei Eis na LU Code Implemensation| 151 quite other afemation 16 The 25,89, 97,73, 89, 02,122, 1M, 146, 149, 151 155,136,201, 202, 27,983 BM dagrame 1 Board meaeare a7 own end nut be marked pg Rovwed n ue Breabull cago stomed over bulk cargo 277 cargoes os Brereton sale 28 Bridge notebook Py Broken ‘down ss sow 230,307, 261 Bros sm Buchewie unloder 208 Bugs © Hous bow 7 Haak cargoes ‘hese ws in coninen, 4 oncoheahe wr oving and handling. ahoce 1 ich snus ge depletion 280 BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 503 INDEX But carries) ut ‘ame, factors combating to si ‘categories 2 “equipment improvements 8 ‘Ghidance on Loading nd Discharging 35 Guidelines or Repair of Hull Score 88 have foundered as layout and equipment ‘ lew powered 196 ‘open 1 ‘peraionalipranemens a8 seitanlonding mae Structural improvements 3 very ange Bulher i alin coon ae Tene condone of| 198 Bulkhead ‘ome 11 ‘comratons a0 in ple 0 Bal wires 20 Balover w Bunkers u9 woken a ruferring m4 But ended pocages on Buservorth ‘machines Ey Cabie conde 7 (ecw abe = ‘yr compute o lator Att survey longhand tai sai fw char Shia my red ape {Calibration ables California Blok Siow Canadian ‘Cot Come 17 Cote 257 ‘Capcity bles forts and olde 16 Capedieed Daten 162 desig, andar 6 trate No [hatch cover 196 ope 105 Capea 0 Cargoies) ‘uhore 206 bok Es ‘opacity 0 ‘xm om ‘angi wo the bubs m5 ‘omirol room 339 ‘tamage 0 m6 "tamagel or ficient 1% ‘deserpon and conation 18 ‘Aspention y tomo ui ‘st aa ‘stabtsingquanty iat aceatelskage ty 504. THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE faces neanging a6 fal pre a fll ist ‘ating om eat documents eptmetnodcaly 317 fee geet ogee aia eat, arog of tes 37 {gveral und break, maze Trang equipment. ships 10 handing sea a hh been shorted 1s hide ” typromopie 192 In grab, eeconle weighing of 167 inapecties om ae an inspetions| 20 Isgraited ee Tengo check 195 Tashing ening of * Ter te wen st century 2 Tagua oe loaded, calulaion of 1 ing Maral = Ioading proces 16 outing the pun amount nm 10 2 marie 83 masnnum amount the ship can carry 110, rethodsof delivering 0 evewcl 7 ‘ee condion of 16 fn comeyor bck; clecronie weighing 167 ‘ondech 2 pat 1s permite nn pe 18s enkion within the hold ton oidverand avocited water 187,211, 38591 ess dope of é stodgy ot Py Securing Manual 31 separations 06 ming i shortages 205 spo deck on. 80 ree, pt sheeting pend ver rey =o at 190,191,262 (mperatres 2,198 to Auiralia 6 tonnage by drat srsey v8 tomes a torque 7 ‘anne ingen cay timaceptbie 156 ual nection of ra ben retrangng ut Tih cceaie high moitore content 345 ork delayed st ‘ork before commencement « ‘ork, ineruption of om orking, dst rom oo Sorkin other ae precautions =m Sorkin, ey dung 1s Workthe dcharging berth M9 al carer sos i the Tes ad 1986 sl prevention of a8 {Gaia prevention ty ship’ personne! and Shipownes au catepiar Hoeram ons Ga eve he cag an (Goat stem 0 "problem cago erated cargo cargo sit Songer ‘ative, eum ‘duchy hold Cesning 20 hold preparation 28 Todi meds 0 say be cried a0 depres F 20 on pase 0 ship epeialed cargo cool room 272 stupa specialised ma ships specs, discharging m1 “The main ingrediens. 0 Centres of gravy of il cmmparanents 183, ‘omplance 6 Fitness to proceed sea ir fumigation 2 IMO claaicaion 6 Lean Discharging 18 vadiog is sigh and quay ae Guin inbdogs en locker ore 0 regiter/ cargo gear egiter tence ant rew twin with change of density 18 Gharterers, 11 ‘Gharterparis| 1332 (Ghanerpar ‘ipa 6 sures regaled a ccHeckusT ‘atin the ee mate ithe ‘dacharging port 210 Dates ofthe chit mate inthe fading port 166 Date f the fice ofthe watchin he ‘dacharging pore 0 atin of the fficer of he watch inthe eating por 16s Teng pore oa reter margin of ety required S48 Procedure for panning the loading 1 ‘roe fir hag x cosa ate om dry cargo wall 22 ‘arte rom ail ody carpe a Procedures or maining hatch covers Reminder for dydocking 32 Reminers egg alas operations 10) Repieocntir enema $06 Rourine procedures forthe alla voyage 314 Routine procedures for headed wage 1 Ship/Shice Sater M6 Summary menses fr preventing “ncn arian the dncarging beth 210 Tasks ara in the loading beth 1683 The repair of damage so elects, sor xem eeaning 7 ‘Gherpicters 907, 8 {Grocking ith engi of eno omer 200,281 (Gane Vala) grabs a i maiteation oes oe Seeker aes n8 cing 1% eat change permit 1s bite ing a ening ‘hemi « — ry Seep Py stecamings 1s oe “6 ‘Gina dae 18s Gone sce Mo =e a, 88 oo: — 13.78 ae othering ete 33 coat 50356 etempetor highersban 45GB) eilamented dough venation 256 before ing = Sendo 2 caro, bene dchargng 5 Cape when ex 2 Corpo etecton of ea 25 argos eoperstier ut Gna’ of are 26 feo of endings 2 eng masters topo. 23 tighonipr content zi smoitoring on Be pvcasoes Be Fate opetonal nae 5 ‘eheing fore or detected 25 compere Bs tramtaen, the sad 0 voto a Contin % Coming rain aes 2 aie 26 Comting citenance of * Cocooning 2 Coser Pretc forthe Safe Loading and Caloding € Balk Carma BLU Cade {ale Pecos br Cogs Some Som 19,31, 35. 97,10 1 26,28) She Price ipa Caring “Ter Deck argos Sow Tne ek Cag Ce Safe ering Pacis Merchant Seamen 27 ai inthe ol, pono of 2 ey 23 Sante 23 wedge wi woden wedges Fa Col eins ring vo amass Contes pore 29 Contam cans 1.151 288244 ey there = roe 40 ‘nhceancou maces su Common Social Rls for Balk Cares 355 Comenueione| 2 Competing 36 feat “ Gecdeamyel 3 conan a ing spe ontuther ‘ ‘Soceat = Cenclone a Condon of ‘Aare Record of Parlay Relating 12 6 oe 8 ‘haerpay 1% ships 1,12, 179,224,287 Contin with ‘hairs 2» ‘omnes » Coraumpon 25 Conract damage 25 Contamination 18 Contin Tes rong 6. tion ms Convenoat bak caren 1 {Conveyor bets v.16 (ooking water nakes blacked ‘ms Comer pieces (comer caps) 2 {oral deformation m forstip ea m ofthe dat readings ™ rom ergo oe sw at ans a Toting 0 aay a Pra ck a voting * Snell ” acting a canes 9,150,264 316 ‘eg ats fect 19 deers atone 159 Ponting 0 deel ing a5 on peels 2s peration 2 Shipboard sm on ss cream digging 20s Graming 208 sate 0 hing te = rasjint “ (Grade il washing (COW) om aor ct packages 257,268 Gxlone i DiDewsche) 2 onal mesures osoid 36 nd detec, egal of = smeement of 2, ty wining Po chine 161 deecton of 5 dlacnery of 2 fromm contac a hold ° icades known dtc! og ‘mantershould report 2 prevention 08 Fords 2 bevows tracra sos alee the ship am pertica 20 ton corer, danger of a tothe cargo 19 tore ip 10 {0 the ships shell erverre sa she found 20 Daten age ate 19, 8 sob bak cargos ” Dench a See oie 17 Detaling achicttggotd 5 tere bering @ ‘mim be monitored 158 Permian commence m aaa o% Polen, vestigation o% sequence Pa fe reed 10 tall geeeut of ep danger @ Decision final author when vee ‘berthed oy ‘one. 189,208 ‘ge ladders 87 ‘ao, resis cpszing frcen 20 inepected day 22 hing og book 16) machinery in feeing contisone ss ‘machinery, control for 2s ‘machine, dra, mae for os openings 8 “work reports, month a2 Declan stipes 156, 181, 268 Shipper form 21 ewer 195, recor ofall 7 tuepate 27 Deflector plates M7 Demise charter 6 Demurrage 18h ‘omen m ia apearen 1 resect v0 sin us from heating port 3 shear forces and Bening moments 13 Dette 14,101,196, 197 Derick’s) 80,158 206,258 316 os sie inches SL Deseripon, ese 7 Dovinton, age 10 Dewpoint 11,192 Deemed ‘Slat sis Sd si 5h, ond dig Features 221 Digi photographie a8 Directional energy Spread 16 Dir sing ith se on deck 20 Ty sips gear 00 ty vcnator 206 ceplion of so ‘Riplanrdonpaition daring so Dicey 35 ‘ergo 380 ‘alti pla MS ting progress sor, 202 pevod he ‘o1ai0 por ating at 190 BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 503, INDEX pon, departre om au programe 16 Programme max be calculate a Doar should be simple aos ie 155, 224, 225 Sequence 16 ‘i 15 Diswater BH Dispatet st Dipset mm ‘aleltons, worked example 135, ‘aleunton of 1 Fiedler a Disponent owner 16 Disp of te ox Dork water allowance =” Dockside cane 1 otom pipes a oto alas tanks 9, 70,85,92 sees urscare Prt ‘sinned 1 ‘immed bulk crore 15221 tinned consracon,peincipl bene 215 ‘Minne design, dsadanages of 215, Das) By ere 1% ‘fet of ist or hee pon 08 tse high soundings deected by 19k maria incurs ™ fered m readings 169,201 ‘ding wl show the tonnage loaded =m m ney 198,155, 164, 168:174, 201 ore hydromeer ‘so ‘rare: conto forthe commencement 158 sareor 155 saree 15 Drainage “channels and drain pipes blocked 0 icon 8 Drains atch coaming 7 Dring ships to hard Drop. ae Diydack Tore leasing so ‘repair blk essere aI Dryocke espansiliy or ae = Drydocking samase preparing for = Dump ees 87,96, 865 Dumping anoles ‘08247 Disnnage ngs nae 0 soubie 23 et ies 25 De = exchding Py erplrins = reduction 1 eaves crmings 1s Eehoeownder 7 Eats) 96,95, 158, 220 ‘ack 2 porable 8 ec ciea, olaon of = Beator rom | m Emergency Seeing tem om ‘re pump a7 506 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE Ennpy bol enicate 1st clove spaces, venation of os Engineers, hep fly normed = Engeroom 13 hanced Survey Programe (ESP) 206, 928, 982 Entering enclosed spaces as uipment tn good working order 2 lasting ar ean o discharging, deals of ue muse checked a3 rrr pose sources 13 SP Panning Document aes ETA memes 18,218, European (CEN) standard eg Communi a ‘een longtndinal sues, ue eldence 342 xplosineter = ‘Exploited bot men 288 xplosie mare 0 Extractor hole = Extreme ced temperatures 5 eto = ange racks 197 ‘mle ca por ame Fendering Mo Fite rope 6 Filing alls hold scrambles woided 217 Fre = ‘xtnguiers ma Setering act ” etre an iting, maintenance of Py Fineable gates = at metal rapping bands 5 feng 108 Flood water dosing 6 Heoding 105,195 ‘wen tale 198 sa holde os ‘hrc hci age sa ‘shen detected ox Fw Promoting adie 0 rough method a7 sis GM 108 Food wate a Forecanteypoce lode 7 ‘mandary fing of 101 ‘Sipe ed 1 Forepeak a Foret prodect 165260 ies san ook trl in the hold, Kits 368 Form correction 125, 171 Formal Safty Assessment (FSA) etalk caries us oration a explosive gas a Free iging 23 ruts eet 10,105, 266, fies wormed 196 reebourd ra Freedoms Mark I ys 2 ecg one osens 8 aid im Prepaid 1" piven of iB Frosh water 5,24 10 ‘enero 12 ae & fina 260,907 showtages 6 veh ms rom end onder 17,202,206, Foren pipework thawing 2s Consumption monitoring serice 18 stay heated ma tank to pret up 70 deadweight of sec cols eared ar teed a0 amigas) 18,200 Pamigton anise ah proces oe logget 2 In ane, repro dchange poet = iran a.301, 290 Stans permison equi oo spaces under = th serton 0 eietrinclue: 290 pile remonl of 2 Fare bulk caniers 4 ‘Gangvay onder 2 ‘Ganges 146, 190,19, 16,203 Gantry ie) 16 ‘rane operating procedures 236, anes eect on im 26 aes) eu conok 2M maintenance 26 sale devies a owage 26 ccartage a3 ‘patcines 0 Management Pan = Record Book = special ares for = oa, ration tg 0 sampling points 0 catet, permanent seting down of ecg bars damaged (cere bath carers Gens General anges, care of bas rls for ee (OM, minina permis (Goo maintenance nemential {Grabbing cranes Gris M7149, “ce considerable damage amageto ess Aticrarge handled ee digging lena frm Tltenance and ingpection Femotely operated ty radio peroreaied seeming ship cargo tied down eye spillage fo 36 = 250, 316, sis. 321 FRE errr eee emrr ran 2o20 ‘apa, = {Cae tematonsl 2,428, 89,87, 188, 137, 25,290,247 conan of 20 dtscrarge of 20 feeder poets 2 heating 0 ener 26 ‘elng momen 2137 ‘eling momen, perma, oF alone 1s hold preparation 28 In nie nis an leakage o water into 20 leading of 288 fess rom beam and backer anges 20 ‘Sing momenss = Soe as sabi 15 tabi calculation flow chart, 136 ably calelason forms 26 Stabiy Manual. 8 bli, callin s two grades inthe mame bold 26 tt For shipment| 20 walaneel 20 welghers, stoma alk 7 emiatng ” ‘allt 93 Orcas sisi4 Green seas 103 Grepter a rowing ww (Goo epee ms Grounding i Hogue Res 18 i 2,161,277, 308 2215, 38 Hutches ‘doing cerente 16, leatiog ten 8 omer 579 ‘cumin, horvona Toads on 16 ‘ver arrangement rey of 6 ‘ser inpetions 2 one lang 10 ‘ner scoring locking dees » Coven sa, 215,345 conrad secured au ‘ines on combination caries 20) ‘over, entering col weather Ey finer, general desciption ad design. oer, rane meme o over, IMO guidelines or 8 ery owe water 0 over, ibiaton o over, manaiacrrer’s Meraurefor a ‘overs, ut be sece 14.207 ‘snes pining of 0 ‘omer, procedire for maintaining a overs pare pars for 51 fmers, tee: development of = ‘overs, isa inspection ofthe a comer wahlng of o comer, waterighenes of a3 ‘overs, wear and corrason| ° trmergeey opening and closing of = fings » inwperton erase 15 lenkage—fr si meas 6 ‘motors in exposed postions 35 pening 15, ‘pening chain and wes 0 pening mows 0 opening 4 nc, poston must be planned Ey preven of daiage ° Indes memes seating erie 1 avae pes, rctres around 300 scar fargoes| 99,7, 185,81, 207 fora airs m8 seater 18 Mazar fom working erg e297 Hewing ‘net 16 o 197.218 Hes ‘allt 27 Palla condition ss.2i3 tall dat a tr oppting 20 tie “ Helicopter landing hatch cover wT High ‘ens cargoes, forbidden 10 deny cago 0 ‘denay canoes eros must beavoided 357 prese trmdvcer ws prema washing machines 05 wind 26 deo og 160 i Harmon ese 8 Hoeram 20 Hog 119, 120 aking 21 Hogxing 106, remes to rece m4 Hola) nd ala tanks simtenance of outings S16 til 7 alge wee ° Iage wel, pacy 19s biges| 7 ening thigh eee oa leaning by ere in port a ‘leaning Pasar a ‘leaning quence a9 ‘ean, iat o ‘ean preparation for o ‘teaing eport of at ‘Seaning genera comdertions o ‘Sealine & craigs 2 ‘onaining tener yemuation oo ‘eamage @ ‘aban pln 1s feming of o {al the survey 1% hasbeen onereaded 18 in eerngcondlons 2 Inspection eertcate 1 inapecon stems i Inspections 8 fnngertons i ough weather 196 isready to be secured 158 rai be cleaned an ruse be made recy an in a any ated in port a3, preparaon, min-bukers 26 Preparsion, une eure e Dreparaonof| sanz Fenepeaed 213 sea mera 105 Sapling an 195, severely eoroded st Saving ofthe cargo beter ng sweeping of ” sweeping of in feesngcondtons 6 ‘tem fr removal of water ° Aenperatare syste 76 Thoroug nnpecton of 08 topping aT 1a ‘tran ovronding us serslason 3 INDEX = =——e ing cael ee = wh. por ‘hich cam be balled in port emogeneon oaing Hopper tank ide Hoppus measurement Howe test Hour of work ws Houckecping problem a Hence 195,197 Hnete wid the wouter on the quar 18 Hut conti dang ou ‘iworson of 1a ‘ares mocioring 108. Sem monitors a2 ave report si Saco monitor high soundings detected by 108 let working ofthe ships os Hai readings 19 iii Seeuntoaes Bs Hoda continuous chai de 35 Hyena seme saa Hodieen ‘50 Hydrometers) 170,290 ‘comet v0. frat survey 10 {or se dat aeuations 0 estine 10 yds abies i TACS Et nates for exiting balk carers 348 ke eveion 18 mage, npecing or 23 ssrengening 2s ving me IDG Cae 20,35, 39, 188 183,281,208, 804 Mo 289,92, 38 INO approved st, detergents and ol leaning chemicals as Imprnement introduced, for bulk aris 348 INISBC. Ce Bess cenate 15, IMSBC Cade, The 85,37, 195, 47,156,157, 1S, 182 189 185, 190, 221, 215, 20,251, 252,254,285, 297,258 270.6 In ew of weighing 180 Iacrestentorereing we Incidents " Ininersion 336 Iner ae Be Infestation aaa yas 20 mec! ca 280 prevention of 28 tres of 0 Information or berth operators at for master 131 eed for exchange ra ect oy pecing bulk ares asice M6 Inspections) 5 35 ving rough wentber 195 in god weather 195 cftench sven 2 nny 19% ater 28301 Tnnct sai equitemens, IMO's " Ieee an Interatonal ‘sociation of Chseation Socsess (ACS) 17,348 344 Core forthe Ste Cartage of Grin tn Bala Crain Cs eration Jeane ceieste 106 [Eoin Convention tos BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 507 INDEX ‘Martine Dangerous Goods (MDG) Code, Thrive MDG Code ‘Martine Organization (IMO). The 288,342 Marte Sold Balk Cargoes Ce, The Navigating Limits me Suet Managerent (SM) Gade—se IM Code Ship and Pre Fait Secu (SPS) Code see ISPS Cade Iron oes) 0258 wena dicing fy ‘anges, loaded wage 28 ach ok preparations Toading and simi preplanning he Kndting Row fankiop must not be ented Is onde “1, 288, 247, ISPS Cade 201,295, 312, Jump (lerate okt Ioading diadrantages Toung. he bene Kenaraat 2 KG, maximum permible 19 iledred limber, pulp or phyond on deck 368 [adders = 7 ‘luminiun exending Sehieeeheshosi 6 vertical ° Lage ad va tro bythe ern m Larger bul crit, eta 1" Laing 19, 267, 281 for ter deck cargos oe Lapa aired 2 Lager correction 135,171 gime statement 1s Leslage alla fine % from las tanks @ Lee ade 195, Later ope, 159,175, 184 credit 1 ‘indemnity 159,179,275 Literate cy “iting eae 2 ight ails! condtion Ship Correction Cerificate Lghiening igh Permanent porate Limevashing .307 Limi ces 81 {is indication ths 7 sung of the sip 7 Loads sevaee 187200 ya, conduc in rough weather, 196198 aadenon 18 acing) ‘cago wis aground 8 508 THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE a eltuntoder me er, anal 28 ert sequence af ash when ‘veel ares 155 vert de owance M3 ‘aletadons 2240 ‘commencement of 10 ‘mputer Breaks down 19s Computer, endence of appro 13 computers 13s ene ored, 1 emp, pseningad wpding dat 138 plan nse baling plan, agree 8 ebalsting programe 150,156 “equipment required fo planning 12s ‘exceietanktopo¢ hold 4 Seesaw ah 1s instrament, wing 135 incerrupson 160 Jog inthe Ho 20 mums 195,13 anal content 136 mua be aopped 92,180 rdcarge oportormwober 12 perted 155.106 a departre fom 160 planing te toss Fores cement/ eta 7% Programme, itming poursinthe 118 propans computeae us a ra fats when staring a empty old 8 reuation 115,180 sequence 115, 150, 28 sop the 160 goons ealel ponuemie 20 ‘worpot or mogrde 6 Unieading Pan 150,343 whe the ship te long forthe berth 116 ih sips gar a Uaadine Ideometee ow Loxaport general considerations tie a eaing vs Local velading 3 Log books 20 carter exalts 0 marking pai 28 210,208 repuations for teading 20 oneal ‘senath 129 Seer caleulaons 1 ‘cer smplied caleulaon ie ‘eres, natal calculation 138 ‘emes,to reice m4 Los of poner 198 over cargoes 10 [abet rules mun be nerve 3 Liber 26 ‘no prealaging 266 ‘ed on deck 10s, 266 package 266 sump ote 27 feck 80 synen 1 ‘hace in feeng conditions avy Main engine governor 212 saan suse Tent res 324 pinning of iz pein sie Imhen overdue an Manhole cover reeling 7 Mantes 8 Manet, dangerous cage as Manual on Landing and Unloading of Said Bulk Cargo for Terinal Represenatnes 35. Matine Emtronment Protection Comnltice (Mc) Maritime Safty Commitee (MSC) MARDOL-repalaions 37, 61,240,244, 307 ‘38, 394, 386, 8 Batre onmmges of argo, poured thigh speed su Mater recehe maximum information 175. respons sheet ee respons ” me ry Maser hesitate forbid hammering 208 Mathoues ° Mate receipt 1% toil Stes Data Shots 1s Mania Maw Tales 2s Mean of mean deat m Mewersment tn 2 Mechania Equipment 20, 1310 Medial rt Ai Guide for Ue tn Accident Tnwoing Dangeroas Goode (MEAG) 201 Metcenie height ns Metal serp i bull 31 Methane 12m forecast oe detected 2 Mid ocean, alla, changed a Miship Seton se Minerals fr Sou Acs 2 Minutes) 5, 286298, 277 Tefoce 18 20 beste cargoes Hisarging pared em wenk pin leading leaded wovage smuptenance programmes Minim sab xtera Masti in the tonnage Toad Moire tontent 8 ontent,cerieate of 18 racesie i Inearg space, sources of 10 lin ramon 21 Mooted wthshore Hes on shore winches 145 Mooring) ‘rangement for bulk caries pial 14 tat 16 ng 163, teu, recommended 10 toe we lines ship's 10 tran be tended 18 ‘ined 150,151 reauiremenss 18, ropes, securing ar ropesomthee 190 the normal rales M6 wens 1.50 re 150 Movement Mocking wines 1.301 Mud, removal y shovel and bucket fa Muh gas monitor 2» Mulioader operons 7 Mali parpos ship 226 Mushroom con 1s aul tie Says ae The Nal Ine 114, 27,345 The, guideline | m Navigate In feeang conditions a New ahead 236 Navigational information Ey Necing 36 eave saiiy 105 etna sion grabs a1 Ro damage erate 16 Novice of reaines 21,178,188, Nunber offending pcs 5 010» 3 Ooire 1 Ofc, cargo and generat 12 ‘tes 156 retin die oe 201 Ofte rampant 1 (leakage trom hea spss 300 sas Ey mas hatches ae, rule never to ° Operating and Equipment Manus) 200 (Operation of the pas a Operations Manvals 2636 Or "lk carirs: (ORO) 28 ‘ogo, beni of wimg 28 one Ls Foil carier (0/0 caren) 338 Origin, cerieate of 18) (Overboard drain abe 7 ‘Oo alla. 159 (Grete tre pings 6 Overde bey si Overtes a Owners supercarge 28 Owners 161,175 Oxgaen ae aw wacko Ey parc sunejor ao Package lumber 68 timber om deck ‘” 20 sppbing sor orig ouchingp 313 Compliance ceniate 185 sprasers as Surface peeparavon a spec correct su Sjsems dierent marine sis Panne si2.3i4 Pama the hols prominenty ny renter ais, Fenewing 316 Paparm athers 2,102, 162,27, 301 Paring 1 Parle cemparanens sete Or of 133 Pach at 24 Patent cable tacking s Pele pate 20 Pelican hook 7 Percentage err ca be eta 1 erie of roll Peril suey conde of a7 ‘old hing seg tlaons Permits) 19 work (PTW) ‘ad writen enna Protectie Equipment estes safe use of Peal andar i readings Phodogsphs ‘igi Phytomniary crate igton fom Bra Flot adders coted with ice & 88 z Bide {Gago Washing and Drainage System Decking ‘rend aiey Fire protection al Ol Service Stem General Arrangement General Acrangement of Hatch Covers iteSving Equipe “Mooring Arrangement ‘Natural Ventation Sealing Plan of Hatch Covers ict detuueeneecennesSSQNSeeeus ee Shell Exparsion Tak ‘eords, maintaining toner thou be examined cxdely S11 ee resting a rem sn 998 Pinning felon: ost several approach i> 0 the eak as Phan or deaings, ship's 3 Pasties Po Plate Fields 6 Prevmatc ease guns sos Rammer, to ibrate he sre a7 bower ams eating stems une ™ spanner an at 0 Potypropsene rope ar Poop deck nas Pons visted 100 ze Porc year, 200 =I INDEX Pont ‘apn 2 tog 160,184 rotaton, change of ma ‘Sate napecos sn ‘normal practice in 8 ‘ordered tolewe @ ‘ans ms sas detecoes 200 Sing perp so Palo reports 218, Pie tay satan 2 Pounding 2 outs) na.ii5 ‘ting 7 Power tole Me Powered tel, sleensoning 10 Prowl notice 196 Precautions, wo preven generation of gis 2 Preloaing ‘save cerieate ra ire 1 Preparations for haan ” Prevaling curren, wind and wel 18 Primary ee see rll strate, repais 35 Procedures and Arangements Manwal 240, Projet angen 20,281 Propeller acing 22 Protet subject 16 Prot a Pyrometer so aatery pomered so. rw bead ee Pump snes 1s Pumping tails oy ‘Quan loaded in dnp 7 Qa ued arvctre ear the edge 16. poss of ruere on Ms a wagers 149,151,154, Ralear dumper sens 13h Rais cr stow 6 Raised forecae . Receipt oly 1% Receion Facies 39,395, Recher 11 Recommendations for preven damage, ‘Nail Tete ua Records ‘thich shoul be maintained as fs maintenance a ‘maimenance of ll whten 100 Rediced por fene 31 Raterence boa roqeed eS Refloaing ‘vena afer rou ie Sn departure, a! = ge Olen wih grain 27 Relave denen 17,200 Repairs) hs ranging for 27 peomanent os Fpeciteaton, compton of ss Sipervsion of 2s temporary 20s.327 Report pontons daly 18,218, Reporting 195,218, Requires, estimates, a be reaie 315 Respiratory protec equipment (RFE) Riding squads Rak ancoment proces INDEX oting. synchronous 18 Rope, lng scope are hazardous 168 Ropeway transporaion stem 1 choke forthe aed voage 187 to ned roubles 187 [RPE fore pay ping Br using before de wet ir acces am ep betow de hee ui {Loading and Unloading 0 Buk Cages (BLU Code), The Code ofPacice or 35, Ser sipping, the pa oe ‘comidertons | 9, ae 8 ‘tulpment and doshing T fulpmentceriete,roulne wsng for 73 ‘management stem (SMS) 138, 108,387 Managemen Sten (SMS) ads su ‘0 dec in feeing conditions 25 sa 14,119,129, tl prota be reduced. 19 Sagi 108 Sling da Me Sa cargo D Sond sting machines 8 Sivas % Sealflting 3 weet 7 scaling siz Sched series 218 eappee pags 13 Sea water sampling equipment 0 Sealing othoks * tape high adhesive plastic 6 ‘Seay, ship movement in 102 Secondary baricr oa Securing Torts 48,161 ese 281 Seeutiy plan ships a Sedimeat in bal tks on semorer * ema * ‘Saitrimming 26 Seltantoaders) sm alle wraps 2 be mmem 24 apie con 221 on 2 daca 2 iiedad ropege ae Selanlonding bulk caries, gsi fed 351 Separation) ul cargo waa thal 7% fences 7 Iepanese 7 sequen method tos Selo snation 2 Sewage ss SFand BM, maximum permite ales 151 Sk diagram 131 Shear fore cue ry Sea foros we ‘nd bending moments, methods, Toe he enclaton 1 doagindinal 19 suiting ‘moments 17 510. THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE nirowing ia ae eee =e Fy ae = ice fe =, a = _ er wi Ticsan iawiseitis peed ce ween 7 ee : Siete, a =e i — 2 i i aoe ie era i ous a — a oc pes oe a es 7 ae 3 oe 2 = ‘a. sat oe 2 eee la pee a teers eteian a soso 7 =o a ee eel — : = i setae: z Sens too Z See teatee area ell Soe 7 et ‘ pe ee aS = eed Fy as ail eae = = 7 anes 3 a a — 7 as z rome a petineten 2 eS eee 15, 184 145,18, 156 18, 202, aes eset ee lp reenh a Seer aad ae ee = = ea ie foe a fake 10 final 1 from guage 8 in ‘emp tanks teh 3 Suexpretaen of high 193 Pipe locked 7% Pie, no blocked 8 ies 1,80 Pies bilge 2 pes ashing o fs Pipes owen ass emote reading mem for 76 Sources of nition, not pertite 282 SOx ion Contol Aves (SECAs) 386 Space croned, urnentated ass foc cago be diined ase remaining 16 rig for sis management of| ss seston, ss condoning su Spe ees ss repurement for pariclarcaros 161 Specilned cement ship, Bold cleaning 272 Spec easy 170,290 Speed in adver weather us redaction of25 pet cont ww Speeding 2 Splage should be landed 335 Spinning head “ Splashback 6 Spry foam equipnent & Spee foes ras 7 Sprains a3, 5 Spang pipes 30 Seat 106 ‘timation care 107 stig os ‘bie explanation ” sbbreatons 15 tod ave ealeciione—optons 188 ‘Bookler 6 ‘booklet approved 15 ‘clean pracal coideraions 188 ‘alesaton, smplifed is isoraation 6 ery % inniient postive 10,114 infortion spied 1 anal tos {bes exrapolation ” ‘then landing ergo of logs 21 ‘hen beading or charpg grain 26 ‘sable tip 10s Socter i ecaimer, combination i ‘Snehions, vera ue 28 SiorBtind as ‘Stem of Face eine ‘Stata iy cure to werted example of consiracton and we 127 Steet 258255, eyes 38 argos, lusng of BL 251 cargoes dbase on args hol cleaning afer he dicharge 253, argos emo shines on anges rang 20 fargoes securing 200 foi fangs permibie 0s ‘i leaking per dna 23 ‘cia 0,17, 208 fait are often 25 tonne and 2m length 268 nik eaeiage of 31 fais, dunmage beneath 261 fi, she i we ropes 208 ail of several eter es 285, ets inthe cargo see Getthed peoteet 258 Inanding damage 230 old preparation 20 ‘foot track are we wed 0 ashings 261 rowed voyage Pt Toad ad eae 0 preshipsen survey 20 Produce, cold reed 20 Produce, damige Bs product, hot oe 20 Prodi plannig the loading 20 Products recordstobemalniained 252 product, venation 252 ‘Settee contact a Ssepped done 81 ‘Steere damage 6 ral perio So sos fining sos spect 2 Bird dowel 7 Siocon ‘mage 22, 206,34 ‘damage form 15, 161 damage port ‘00 ‘damage nal iapecson for ms Geese 185 sit 196 hip 108 Sock, nthe open 19 Stopes 149,151 ‘tol spaces 13 ‘Stop reason for the 1 stoppages, 2 ‘Stores ‘ome! 1s management programmes a Pint an ga ote 12 Siow oft, ey Storage sf geeenl cago a pan 150, 185 Ssraping bandh, at metal 268,281 Strength seaheeping io Strengthened to lad dent cargoes a7 ier level ot tos Fain ede sae scenes excessive local 1 Tongitdinal and sami 1s Seite ple e Suiking late % the teebork cases longterm damage 218 Sipping 18 ‘alt 8 ‘al 161 tine 6 pump 0,158 sipping. 8 Sica elemens naming of = Stractre ontoring of = Sum box Sucharering Scion unlader Sapa Sapo cd Sump pump orale so Seperical moire 6 Sopra 2 Survey ler and vdelery a accord a SW momoon Py Seat cp 190,191, a2 an 209,19, 19, 262,260, Seeepings 61,390 Seal an be seen on the radar 107 tena ta seep 10s con the quarter a7 Speers are operon, omaing rt ‘int by ane Cy “ike the ground 20 ‘Taking ‘the Bot, stability and im ra {he ground in the Berth mam “Dahlen office 2 “Talking of number of grabloads 16 Tank ‘liteaton tables i135 ones % Fold washing water 2" rhoks, Tal, patching of eas 8 tong w topside aed peat ® Tanktop 9 en at iacings 20 Joan, maximum permieble io leading are nok exceae ns wise a ‘ey ship's particulars 2 “Temporary repair ade 20 Tender 16 hip rr ‘operat: Pn Fepresntae also with m2 ‘Te the lan routinely = Tesing of ay ystems EA “The Nua astute 116,287,985, ‘The Natal nite’ Balk Carlee "Working Group. Ey Teemoineass 7% Thicknem meastements, recon of st Thee categories damage rns Threediegre mle 192 Threshold i lue (TEN) = Teal ange 1 Tighten dows replat 30 Timber ‘x! umber, leans procetres 200 Deck Cargo Code, Toe 27, 31,35,97,231 deck cages ey loading, planning of 138 Tuber ad og ole of 307 saley 138 ‘ability calelaton flowchart 136 abi err notated 139, stanchions Ed trade unt aes 27 ‘harerered and ub chartered v6 ‘tener 15 ‘hen cach pour wl 18 ‘Tipper ater i Tonnage ‘iin, gudeins for amending ‘libtion, reasons to amend see coil Bich can be cried ‘tae dcharged ‘Tonnage delivered, monitoring of Topsite Tae sake tanks tanks for carriage of grain ‘tanks integra ‘Torsonal nde us Ww 10 ‘Torsional eee “Tae saeton, ceria of compliance pe eanshipment Transperiable moisture limi, cenifiate of “wang sol equister Ty the head 87 te head, to reduce ua the ster, increase 1 ge rata level Ms ‘comecton by hip aes m forthe loaded wore 17 “Temes end 26 ‘Timers 2 inening 25 ‘ring discharge 1 are m1 in marginal condor 19, ‘methods of “7 pose 7419, 161 ours, implementation othe us to provide level stow 61 Tropa worm n “rough, turning though the 23 Truck bundled packages a8 ‘Tum around room m1 ‘Turabuckles 225,201,267 “Turning trough the wough 195 {TV lose create 195 ‘reendec ino alternate modes 3 sting ‘ofthe hl ger ms tthe sip ut ‘ro parel in the sme hold 06 ‘hpe Appronal Cerne ns gets) 161 ‘ank and bilge 3 Lunesonic st 46,260 UN approval erate 1 UN cae fr drat sve 10 Under deck pug 21 Cried reqiremente si Uniform Hold Loading Condon ton United ‘Nth drat survey code 168 Suc 336 Sate’ National Cargo Butea 1 Unlonders ‘continous mechanical 1 rb MW [Puma nucion 1 Seton 10 Unloading balling plan 12 nfo cargoes 2s Unable ‘condition 10s hip tos fend epactics 26 heling moments 26 Upper ded ° Upmeing moments 1 veenetor 149,206, 250, Vapour phate inhibitor (VP) bee 20 ‘ens blk cargoes, reason for 10 Venaion 25,218, 240,255 enforced sbutdown 254 fora cargo under Fumigation 21 fenced draughe 19 general guidelines we trechaniat 19 ‘ren cima vet a satura 19 segaine 21 Sepsis prenne = pose BL ose presare 2 BULK CARRIER PRACTICE 511 INDEX price Sha bested for sand pod ‘rough vention) cols prtable ow 38.74 seats of dosing ‘ruahrom pore ace eral sre comeyers ‘aground epupright rere shi eselstightveght rate the ships stetvork ie rom the sagan beige Vay aead %, vibes Note cargo Nolumewibecng moments Nore inerepone Unig pnt order charterer records with ogo deck Waly temporary Wala underdeck Warp he ship Warping Tromone eth the next senera remarks wasting wa o machin, high presure 512. THE NAUTICAL INSTITUTE 2 i 10 190 2 4 cy 1 a8 1h % ae 20 2 m1 suachines i combination cries a0 ‘machines, hearyay ed 305 ‘achines, extn portable 5 ‘machines Highveght highpresure SOT thks aie ° ie ship a ith pet nt Wasa, monitoring of 2 Wate) opr of as ‘mately, containers 1 ating chore 35 fing overboard tae 3 epson facies, u water pia se Talat carried mmetcally sos canbe retained = canes a aenity ry ‘gs isle Gs iets so sccommodaion so in the xeric, sn Ingres Deteson Stems (WIDS) 194, 287 ingress detectors 2, 12,75, 198, 217,94, 986, heaping Ey ‘on the nh covers an termed onnage of 1 samping ™ ashing, when changing to drycargo 28 Water door a Wnerghiness a the hatch cones testing 0 ete ul ration 10 eight, sean 1% pod. mean 198 \Wenbnes in ship design deal an forecmen ‘ccs of excepto weber ‘hnerone utcag ert toring arg in adverse Weatherighines Wehbe sighing of rks on We) se quo, ceric of Sd quay unknown sidelines, hen redisibting Feptesmiins ‘miscllancom cthog. Whit debasing, importance of meth approach wtopring ‘Wray prema White Wipe res Winches naling power of Wing atlas tanks wire mpes ssh re ai Without prejudice Wootchipe Wioodpulp ‘ce member hours of programme, planing i hance Sane dines Word seabore trade \Wrappe packages 1s 7 159 “7 06 wr no ni sz 19

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