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Luis: Governor

Angie: daughter
Rashaun: Protagonist
Eddie: Butler

Tragic Hero: Luis

Dramatic Irony: Rashaun is waiting at the backdoor where Luis was
trying to escape.
Foil: Rashaun prevents Angie from escaping
Soliloquy: Luis is talking to himself, questioning why Rashaun wants to
kill Angie.
Aside: Rashaun says to audience: “They’ll never know I’ll be waiting in
the back.
Comic Relief: Luis explaining all the dangers of staying to Angie. Angie
says, ”what about my alcohol
Blank Verse: (iambic pentameter)_ Why not escape the house from the
Allusion: House collapses like Samson destroying the temple.

Setting: House

Angie: Father! Father! Come o’er hither!

Luis: What is wrong with thee, my daughter.
Angie: Hie, we must go anon!
Luis: Wherefore should we flee hence
Angie: There is a man after us!
Luis: Why would a man e’er come hither to kill on this morrow. We did
naught ere.
Eddie: Sir! Thither a man yonder at the door.. I do not wot who ‘a is.
Angie: We should flee hence!
Luis: Soft, my darling.
Angie: What an ‘a catches us?
Luis: Why not escape the house from the backdoor? (Blank Verse)
Angie: We shall do so. But hie.
Luis: Sirrah, come with us. Whence do thou want to stay?
Eddie: I shall meet with coz at her cottage.
Luis: Now we shall go yonder to the back door.

Setting: Garden

Rashaun: They will never find me here. (Aside)

Luis and Angie come to garden)
Rashaun: Alas! I have found you on this God gi’ go-den. (Dramatic
Luis: Wherefore come to kill us?
Rashaun: This has naught to kill thou.
Luis: Then wherefore have you come?
Rashaun: I am hither for your child.
Luis: I will not allow this.
Angie: Wherefore do you wish to kill me?
Rashaun: I have come hither for revenge.
Luis: Revenge?
Rashaun: Indeed.
Luis: Wherefore does my daughter have aught to do with this?
Rashaun: Your sibling stole what I hold most.
Eddie: And that is?
Luis: Soft, sirrah.
Eddie: My apologies, sir.
Rashaun: Answering thou question, sirrah, it is my gold.
Luis: Daughter of mine, is this true?
Angie: Indeed, it is Father.
Luis: Wherefore is this so?
Angie: I was jealous, Father.
(Luis sighs)
Luis: Apologies for this inconvenience.
Rashaun: I will not let you scuttle anon.
Luis: Wherefore not?
Rashaun: You will pay.
(Luis grabs Angie’s hand)
Luis: Let’s go!
(Rashaun pulls out gun)
Rashaun: Whence do you suppose you are leaving?
(Rashaun shoots one bullet)
Angie: Ahhh!!!
(Eddie sreams)
Eddie: I’m hit!
Luis: Marry! Eddie, come hither!
Eddie: I cannot! I am done. Flee, for you can do naught for me.
Luis: Farewell, Eddie!
(Luis runs with Angie)
(Eddie coughs up blood)
(House explodes)
Luis: Duck!
Angie: Oh my! The house fell like Sampson destroying the temple.
Luis: Where is Eddie, my beloved? Or the man that tried to kill you?
Angie: I do not see either.
Luis: We must flee from hither anon.
Angie: Yes, Father.
(Rashaun appears)
Rashaun: You will leave hence.
Luis: Wherefore can we not return the gold?
Angie: I am sorry father; I have already spent the gold.
Luis: On what?
Angie: Clothes and shoes. I am sincerely sorry!
(Luis in enraged)
Luis: Angie!!! Ugh! I am so sorry. What is your name?
Rashaun: Shaun, but that is irrelevant. I will have your heads.
(Rashaun raises gun)
Luis: Nooo!!!
Rashaun: Wherefore shall I not kill thou?
Luis: Please, please spare our lives.
Rashaun: I am sorry but I must.
Angie: Please don’t so this! (Crying)
Rashaun: Farewell.
Luis: Noo!!!
Rashaun: For my job is now done.
Rashaun: Agh!!!
(Eddie appears, coughing and clutching his side)
Eddie: You killed my master.
Rashaun: I had to.
Eddie: You did not have to kill them!
(Eddie shoots again)
Rashaun: Aghh!!!!
(Rashaun falls)
Rashaun: Please so not kill me!
(Eddie laughs)
Eddie: look who’s talking.
Eddie: now MY job is done.

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