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Name: ______________

Important Terms, Places, and People

Canaan -

Solomons Temple -

Jewish Diaspora -

Judea -

Constantine -

Caliph -

al-Aqsa Mosque -

Crusades -

Ottoman Empire -

Nationalism -

Zionism -

The Balfour Declaration -

Pan-Arab State -

Jihad -


Guiding Questions:
How did British promises in WWI help lead to the issues Arabs and Israelis have today?

What was the Faisal-Weizman Agreement and why didnt it it actually happen?

What is a mandate?

How was the British Mandate for Israel/Palestine different from the Mandate for Syria and Iraq?

What is sovereignty?

Why did giving Jews sovereignty over Israel/Palestine upset Arabs?

What is a partition?

How did WWII help lead to the creation of Israel/Palestines original borders?

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