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Kelsey Mercadante

Goal Update #2: Portfolio Self-Evaluation Rubric & Reflection:

Learning Objectives that
match my goal

Little Accomplishment

Partial Accomplishment

My portfolio provides
much evidence of the
creation of 2 unit plans
using backward design
My portfolio provides
many ways to connect
mathematical concepts of
Number Operations,
Algebraic Thinking,
Geometry, Measurement,
Data Analysis, and
My portfolio provides
specific activities and
strategies that connect
mathematical concepts in
a way that promotes
student learning

Portfolio does not provide

much evidence of the
creation of 2 unit plans
using backward design
Portfolio does not provide
ways to connect
mathematical concepts of
Number Operations,
Algebraic Thinking,
Geometry, Measurement,
Data Analysis, and
Portfolio does not provide
specific activities and
strategies that connect
mathematical concepts in
a way that promotes
student learning

Portfolio provides very

few evidence of the
creation of 2 unit plans
using backward design
Portfolio provides very
few ways to connect
mathematical concepts of
Number Operations,
Algebraic Thinking,
Geometry, Measurement,
Data Analysis, and
Portfolio provides very
few specific activities and
strategies that connect
mathematical concepts in
a way that promotes
student learning

Portfolio provides some
evidence of the creation
of 2 unit plans using
backward design
Portfolio provides some
ways to connect
mathematical concepts
of Number Operations,
Algebraic Thinking,
Measurement, Data
Analysis, and Probability
Portfolio provides some
specific activities and
strategies that connect
mathematical concepts
in a way that promotes
student learning

Full Accomplishment
Portfolio provides a great
amount of evidence of 2
unit plans using
backward design
Portfolio provides
multiple ways to connect
mathematical concepts
of Number Operations,
Algebraic Thinking,
Geometry, Measurement,
Data Analysis, and
Portfolio provides
multiple specific
activities and strategies
that connect
mathematical concepts
in a way that promotes
student learning

Total: 10/12
I chose to include these qualities in my rubric because I thought that they were relevant to my smart goal: By the end of
the six weeks, I will create 2 unit plans on using backward design while also coming up with ways to connect mathematical
concepts of Number Operations, Algebraic Thinking, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, and Probability. By including these
qualities in my rubric that relate to my goal, I can evaluate my portfolio to see what I need to further develop in order to meet
my smart goal. These qualities are important based on what we learned about effective mathematics instruction, which include
planning units using backward design and connecting mathematic concepts. It is important to use backward design when
planning units because you want to first identify the desired results you want your students to learn. This is very important,

because the ultimate purpose is to have students achieve the learning goals of the unit. In the next stage of backward design,
you identify the evidence that you want students to be able to do. It is important to think like an assessor rather than an activity
designer. As a teacher, you want students to participate in purposeful experiences that will allow them to prepare for and meet
the learning goals of the unit. Planning fun activities that do not prepare students for reaching the objectives is not effective.
The third stage of backward design is when you create the scope and sequence of your unit. The purpose of stage three is to
systematically and deliberately sequence all of the learning opportunities within your unit. The other two qualities of my rubric
pertain to connecting mathematical concepts. I have learned that connecting mathematical concepts is effective because
teaching skills and concepts together allow students to see how math concepts are interconnected and build off of each other.
Planning tasks that revisit topics previously taught and enabling students to forge new links between previously taught math
concepts helps students to learn to think mathematically. The qualities in my rubric are important because it allows me to see if
I have fulfilled my portfolio with appropriate qualities that relate to my smart goal. I believe that my portfolio is in progress of
becoming a completed smart goal portfolio. This rubric will assist my development of my portfolio by telling me what I need to
further develop and improve. After reviewing my rubric, I have discovered that I need to provide more specific activities and
strategies that connect mathematical concepts in a way that promotes student learning. I also want to make sure I connect
multiple math concepts across math strands and grade levels. I have already provided a great amount of evidence toward my
creation of a unit using backward design. From evaluating my portfolio, and looking at my rubric, I will make sure to provide
more activities and strategies that connect math concepts as well as general connect math concepts across math strands. I
gave myself two 3s on my rubric because I am still in the process of creating my smart goal portfolio. I gave myself a 3 for the
second learning objective because I have not yet connected enough math concepts between different math strands. I gave
myself a 3 for the third learning objective because I would like to include more activities and strategies that allow for students to
connect math concepts. I gave myself a 4 for the first learning objective because I have already provided a great amount of
evidence that shows the creation of my math unit plan using backward design. I have put in a lot of time and effort toward
completing my smart goal portfolio. I plan on researching and collecting more ways to connect mathematical concepts by using
Internet sources, our class textbook, and any other applicable material we use in class. I still have more to work on in order to
achieve my smart goal. I look forward to reaching my goal and seeing my portfolio come together!

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