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Cameron Clark

29 May 2015

Double Entry Journal

Citation: Carodine, Keith, Kevin F. Almond, and Katherine K. Gratto. "College Student Athlete
Success Both in and Out of the Classroom." New Directions for Student Services. 2001.93
(2001): 19-33. Print.

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Student athletes are a diverse special

population because of their roles on
campus, their atypical lifestyles, and their
special needs (Ferrante, Etzel,
and Lantz, 1996). Unlike nonathletes,
student athletes must cope with public
scrutiny and extensive time demands on top
of regular class work. Some
student athletes arrive with low entrance
scores and poor high school grade
point averages (Hood, Craig, and Ferguson,
1992). They all face huge time
commitments, physically grueling workouts,
a high-profile existence, and
demanding expectations.
Page 19

This is the complex part of being a student

athlete that most people dont seem to
understand. There arent any academic
advantages or shortcuts provided to us due to
our status.

Even in the case of an academically gifted

the combination of academic and athletic
requirements can cause incredible
Page 19

This reminds me of the dumb jock stereotype.

Most student athletes are smarter and better
at managing responsibilities and time better
than normal students. If we were provided an
equal amount of time to prepare and
complete academic assignments, there is no
telling how brilliant we would be.

As students they are responsible for fulfilling

their academic responsibilities
(attending classes, studying, and passing
exams). In addition, they
must achieve and maintain NCAA eligibility
standards. Failure to complete

A lot of college students work, and I know that

has to be difficult as well. Being a student
athlete and having a job is completely
different. Unlike a job there are no shifts or
sick days. Youre on call 24 hours 7 days a
week. When youre sick you still have to

academic tasks could jeopardize the student

athletes eligibility to compete,
receive scholarship aid, and graduate from
the institution.

come to practice and team activities.

Prior to 1991 student athletes reported that

they were investing more
than thirty hours a week in their sport
Page 19

I couldnt imagine spending this much time on

my sport. Thats almost 6 hours a day spent
on just athletics.

In 1991 (Abell, 2000a) the National

Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) implemented regulations that limited
practice time to no more than fours per day
and twenty hours per week in structured
activities (practice, competition,
conditioning, team meetings). Also, NCAA
rules require that student athletes be given
one day off per week from any
athletic activities (Abell, 2000b).
Page 20

Even though there is a limit on the amount of

time that we can spend on practice it is still
very time consuming. You best believe
coaches use every second of those 4 hours.

Despite the restrictions on athletic activity,

the toll of mental and physical exhaustion
and rehabilitation from injury
can mean student athletes still have a
limited amount of time to devote to
academic pursuits
Page 20

The 4 hour limit that I mentioned earlier

doesnt include the amount of time you have
to spend with your academic advisor, your 6
hours of mandatory study hall, community
service, and life skills.

Like other students, student athletes face

the challenge of mastering
cognitive and psychosocial developmental
tasks. Student athletes must, for
example, make decisions about a career,
identify and modify personal values,
form effective interpersonal relationships,
develop self-esteem and
integrity, and achieve interdependence and
autonomy (Ferrante, Etzel, and
Lantz, 1996). Some student athletes may
have difficulty meeting these challenges
as well as the demands of intercollegiate
Page 20

I think that its pretty evident a lot of student

athletes havent matured and improved their
social skills since high school. They also dont
know how to make friends. Friends always
seem to some to us due to our quote on
quote status.

Time management skills and efficiency of

studying may partially
explain their limited effects upon academic

This is the absolute truth. I can express this

too much. There are no special academic
privileges provided to student athletes. Other

achievement. The academic assistance

provided to athletes on many campuses
might well be extended to other
students with extensive nonacademic
Page 20

than early class registration we have to do the

same things that other students must due to
be successful.

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