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Rancangan Pengajaran Harian

Class / Time
Content Standard


Minggu :

24th June 2015 / Wednesday

1 Vairam / 8.30 9.30
Listening and Speaking (Phonics)
World of Self
My family
2.1 Pupils will be able to knowledge of sounds of
letters to recognize words in linear and non-

Learning Standard

linear texts.
: 2.1.1 (a) Able to recognize and articulate initial, medial and the

final sounds in single syllable words within given context (o) and (g).

Learning Objectives

: By end of the lesson pupils will be able to:


Pupils should be able to recognise and read single syllable

words with the phoneme (ck) and (e).

a) Read the words with correct stress and pronunciation

Teaching Aids

: Picture cards, word cards.
: 1. Teacher shows some keywords with the phoneme (ck) and (e).
2. Teacher spells and asks pupils to repeat after her.
3. Teacher briefly explains about the phoneme (ck) and (e).
4. Teacher emphasizes on the words with the phoneme (ck) and

(e) by demonstrating the correct way to say it.

5. 5 flashcards with the phoneme (ck) and (e) are shown to the
pupils and they read aloud the words together.


Pupils identify the letters and sound.

Pupils read three words.

: Reflection :
___ achieved the objective.
__ / __ pupils achieved the objectives.
__ / __ pupils need more exercises and guidance.

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