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Year 3

Writing Ability Groups


6x40 Minute lessons over 2 weeks

Learning Outcomes:
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening
range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1682, ACELY1694)
Respond to and compose texts
plan, compose and review imaginative and persuasive texts
plan and organise ideas using headings, graphic organisers, questions and mind maps
Develop and apply contextual knowledge
understand that effective organisation of ideas in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts enhances meaning
Understand and apply knowledge of vocabulary
experiment with vocabulary choices to engage the listener or reader
Respond to and compose texts
compose a range of effective imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience
Respond to and compose texts
discuss aspects of planning prior to writing, eg knowledge of topic, specific vocabulary and language features
identify elements of their writing that need improvement and review using feedback from teacher and peers
reread and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation (ACELY1683)
reread and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure (ACELY1695)
Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features
identify creative language features in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts that contribute to engagement

Behaviour Management:
Set behavior expectations at the start of each lesson
Use reward systems such as stickers and tokens including
double token days
Use the yellow, orange, red card behavior management

Student Learning:
Provide visual aids and visual cues where possible
Provide opportunity to work in small groups with teacher
Work one on one with students
Read out loud all worksheets and PowerPoint presentations
to students
Include ICT resources

Learning Goal:
Understand and identify the
structure and features of a
PowerPoint presentation
Observations during
questioning and discussion

Lesson 1:
Inform students we will be learning about procedures. Slide 1
Question students what they think procedures might mean
Procedures tell us how to do something. The purpose is to direct, inform and instruct.
Where might we find them? Cookbooks, instructions, maps etc.
Slide 2/3
Here is a recipe. Slide 4/5
Who would this recipe be for? Would a baby be able to make it?
Structure of a procedure:
Circle and note on board
o Title written as a goal or aim.
o List of materials
o Sequenced steps
o Diagrams
Features of a Procedure
o Time text connectives
who can give me some examples?
o Noun groups
o Present tense
o Verbs
who can tell me what a verb is?
o Technical language
Discuss and identify what the author has done well, the structural features and the
language features.
This year you have learnt about 3 types of texts. What are those types? Imaginative,
Informative, Persuasive
Question students which type of text they think it will be?
Over the next few lessons we are going to make a year 3 cookbook Slide 6

Learning Goal:
To watch a procedure and write
it together ensuring the correct
structure and appropriate
features are used.
PowerPoint presentation
Hot chocolate powder
Observations during
questioning and discussion
Learning Goal:
To write a procedure that
includes a title, list of materials,
steps, pictures/diagrams.
PowerPoint presentation
Draft worksheet
Observations during
questioning and discussion
Draft/plan worksheet

Lesson 2:
Focusing on procedures, reminder that procedures arent just recipes. Ask for other
Discuss intended audience for each example
Today we are going to write a procedure together
Show students various materials that have been brought in a kettle, cup, chocolate,
milk and marshmallow. Question students what they think I will be making
Make a hot chocolate in front of the students.
KW writing steps on the board
Ask the students to verbalise what each step should say on the board. Ensure appropriate
language is used and each step is explicit. E.g. How much chocolate powder? All of it?
Ask for a measurement.
Discuss the purpose and intended audience of the procedure and how this will influence
our word choice.
The teacher should ensure they are doing a clear think aloud and referencing the
grammar focuses of text connectives and nouns groups as well as structural elements.
Lesson 3:
Current topic. Slide 1
Learning goal for the lesson. Slide 2
Slide 3. Briefly revise the structure of a procedure and specific language features
(focusing on the text connective and verbs).
Procedure topic: Favourite recipes
Slide 4. Explain worksheet.
Discuss the purpose and intended audience of their recount and how this will influence
their word choice.
Also discuss strategies for spelling unknown words. Have a go, we can edit it in the next
lesson or ask us.
Slide 5. Remind students the topic of their procedures.
Students plan/write their procedures.
Students that finish early should go back and edit their work.
Self-editing should focus both on punctuation and spelling mistakes, but also on how to

improve the quality of their procedure

Learning Goal:
To edit our procedures.
Ensure there is a capital letter
at the start of every sentence
and a full stop at the end of
every sentence.
PowerPoint presentation
including word list
Draft/plan worksheet
Publishing worksheet
Observations during
questioning and discussion

Lesson 4:
Identify learning goal and lesson plan overview.
Students who need time to finish planning their recipe may do so.
Some students need to work with KW
If finished, students should edit their work
Use list on whiteboard to fix spelling
For punctuation, what are 2 things I will be looking for so you dont get a kindergarten
Special Challenge. Check, ask a friend to check and if you bring it to me and you have a
capital and full stop for every sentence then you will get a token.
If you finish editing you can move on to publishing
Publishing needs to be your best work, colourful pictures
Last night I had a look at your work and I was really impressed. When I hand it back out
you may notice a note down the bottom or that I have started to fix some of the spelling.
Fast finishers to complete peer review worksheet
Conclude lesson

Lesson 5:
Identify learning goal and give lesson plan overview
Explain muddled procedure activity and model answers for the whole class
Provide time for students to complete publishing and the peer review worksheet
Students are then to go onto the muddled procedure activity
Before gluing into books, raise hand so a teacher can check it
Conclude lesson.

Draft/plan worksheet
Peer review worksheet
Learning Goal:
Finish publishing procedures
Peer review
Procedure activity
Publish worksheet
Peer review worksheet
Muddled procedure worksheet
Observations during

questioning and discussion

Draft/plan worksheet
Peer review worksheet
Survey monkey
writing books
peer review worksheets
published worksheets
QR code for survey monkey

Lesson 6:
Collect ipads before the lesson
Give lesson overview
Brainstorm ideas for the title of the cookbook, promote excitement to visit the hall of
fame with final cookbook
Finish publishing and peer review worksheet
Glue in draft and peer review
Survey monkey to reflect on procedures
Conclude lesson with think, pair, share

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