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Minutes of meeting held 17/06/2015


Sue Robinson (Chair), Dave Mountford, Shirley Peat, Graham Nichols,

Vince Hannington, Natalie Cockrell (BDC), Helen Metcalfe (Planning with
People) Rev Greg Price and Lisa Hill (Town Clerk).



Declarations of Interest: None

Sue updated the group on the planning application for 86 dwellings on land adjacent to
Ashvale Road. The group provided comments for submission to BDC including concerns
that the local infrastructure may not cope with the addition of 86 dwellings and that steps
needed to be considered to mitigate any problems. Lisa reported that the Town Council
had responded to the planning application, making no objection in principle but requesting
that infrastructure issues were given adequate consideration.
Sue reported that Garry Hall, had produced a Town Scape Study for the NP.
Helen Metcalfe presented Draft version 3 of the NP. The Steering Group discussed the
points, highlighted by Helen, where further information was required. Helen wished to
make some amendments to version 3 before releasing it to Sue to collate additional
information and add maps and photos where required.
Helen encouraged the group to ensure that the NP website contained as much information
as possible, including the Town Scape Study once approved, Scoping Report, School
Consultation reports etc.
The group agreed to meet to discuss and approve the Townscape Study on Friday 26
June 2015 at The Old Grammar School.
The date of the next Steering Group meeting was set for Friday 3 July 2015, 6pm at The
Old Grammar School to finalise the draft and arrange a consultation date.

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