Unit 1 Lo1 Brief

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Unit 1: Pre-production LO1

Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards

fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production
From all the pre-production you have carried out over the past year you need to pick one
and complete the following task.
You will need to show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed
production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required.
You will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced and give full
consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues.
From the table below you need to explain why each element was important to your chosen
production and detail how you would source them.
For example

Sources of finance


Facility hire



It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as every
producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras, tripods, green
screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert production for example, a producer
may also need materials such correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene
and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as
cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order
to produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and postproduction equipment
will be needed and these cost a lot of money.
Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production
http://www.dynamicpost.co.uk/index.php/final-cut-pro-suites/ can
be hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and sound
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets or
studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London
http://www.tfl.gov.uk, National Rail http://www.nationalrail.co.uk,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per

List of all items that need detailing

You can either create your own table or upload this one to Weebly and
complete. Either ay, a table like the one below needs to be used.
Sources of

Facility hire

Finance is important to put in place before production starts, as
every producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as
Cameras, tripods, green screen, lighting and sound. For an
Advert production for example, a producer may also need
materials such correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene
and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be
needed such as cameraman, soundman lighting engineer
researchers editors and runners in order to produce a professional
looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and
postproduction equipment will be needed and these cost a lot of






Availability of equipment
Availability of personnel (size
of team; roles)

Time is key in order to any production especially in my case for my
music video production. Producers have to ensure they have
enough time in order for the whole production to be a success. For
example, if there is a scheduled date for the release of a music
video, it needs to be ready in order for people to watch it.
Producers and music video directors can now receive back lash
from social and online media when music videos are released later
than scheduled. If there Is a deadline for a music video to be
released like most, than it's essential the music video has already
been produced and is ready to be shown.
What's also important with timing for music videos is for the
availability of not only the equipment but also the cast and crew.
Producers need to make sure that actors dont have other
commitments when scheduled for filming. This is the same for the
crew, a team including camera men, runners etc. as they need to
be available for filming. Producers need to find out when they are
available as production can be pushed further back if essential
role players are unavailable.
This similar concept also accounts for the equipment and/ or the
hiring of it. If you haven't filmed your music video when scheduled
you can be in trouble with the owners of the equipment and you
may not even be able to use the equipment again if not returned
on time. Furthermore, if producers have hired equipment they
must ensure that they have finished their part of the production as
the equipment may be needed by other companies or producers.


Production equipment
Post-production equipment
facility houses

The facilities are important to music video production. You can't
produce anything without equipment. Producers would need to
talk to a professional camera hire company so you can see what
equipment is available. If you want your music video to be of the
highest quality than you wouldn't want to rent out a camera that
won't produce a good quality. This also goes for lighting and even
sound equipment.
Post production facilities are just as important as pre-production.
In order for you to complete a music video, it needs to be edited
so the song fits in with the timing and the lip syncing of the video.
This is where post-production houses come in, you can rent these
houses in order to edit your music video. It's important to edit
your footage to make your music video look more professional.
It's better to rent out a facility to house to edit your footage rather
than edit at home. This will give a professional polished look and
feel to your music video.
Equipment to hire http://www.4rfv.co.uk/equipment_sales_hire.aspx?equipsoh=hire
Equipment to buy http://www.kitmondo.com/
Post production facility houses for editing http://www.whitehousepost.com/


Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,
Script (upload an example)

It is important to have original material because this is your own
work which you can show off. This can give you more recognition
and respect if this is your own work, it's also useful if you don't
want to go out of your way to find archive material or work that Is
not your own.
Archive material would be used because the producer may not
have the right facilities in order to produce certain parts or
aspects of the music video. Producers often find and use archive
(borrowed) material if they don't have a large enough budget to
film certain parts they would want to feature in their music video.
For example, If you wanted a part of your music video to feature a
scene from space but your budget wasnt large enough in order
for you to gain this original material, you could always borrow
already filmed footage from out of space. Libraries such as sound,
photo and audio libraries can be found online filled with archive
material. Some material can be downloaded for free whilst others
you will have to buy, these can be used during the editing
Original material is filmed by the director but archive footage for
productions can be found at:
Sound/ audio / music https://freemusicarchive.org/genre/Sound_Art/

Footage http://www.itnsource.com/en/


Recces (Upload an example)

Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost, weather

It's important to know where a production is being filmed or
located. Cast, crew and other members of the production need to
know where they are filming so they know how and when to get
there. Location recces are important for filming production as they
can tell you if you need to bring your own power sources or not.
They give you information on when the best time to film in that
location is due to noise and sounds. Furthermore, producers can
work out if they need to bring extra equipment if the lighting is
dull or too bright. Precautions for risks and hazards can also be
placed through the use of location recces.
In relation to music videos, producers need to ensure the location
of the music video reflects the genre of the song. You wouldn't
usually record a reggae band in the arctic as it would be unrelatable and somewhat nonsense.
Also, you need to work out how far the location is. If the location is
farther than planned it will probably be more expensive to get
there as well as making it harder to bring equipment. The more
expensive It is to get there, the budget will decrease and you
wouldn't want the trip to be too expensive as you won't have
enough money left from the budget to buy other things such as
props and costumes.
The location must also be accessible for crew otherwise they
wouldnt be able to film there. The location must have a normal
climate or weather range that producers want in the music video

because if the climate of the location is normally wet and raining

but the producers want to film in sunny/ hot weather than
producers need to make sure they can find a place that offers the
climate they want.


Codes of
practice and

Location permissions
Health and safety


It is crucial to have the codes of practice and regulation. This
includes location permissions, clearances, copyright, health and
safety and insurance. When it comes to location permission, you
have to make sure you have been granted with permission with
the owners of the land in order to use the location to film there. If
not you could be fined and in some cases even prosecuted so if a
you think you have found the perfect place to film, you must
ensure that you are allowed to use it.
Film clearances Is the process of requiring all the rights to
everything within the production this can include: music, actors,
stock film, sets, posters, photographs etc. This is essential in all
production because you could be fined for not quoting or
referencing certain aspects of work which could result in a failure
of the film.
Copyright laws are important as they ensure your works and your
rights are protected. These laws help prevent others from copying
or trying to imitate your own original work. This may help you if
you don't want your work to made profit of by other people. If
users do not stick to the terms of these laws they can be sued.
The health and safety act helps to ensure that employees are
protected from harm. If anything happens they could be given
money from insurance.

The below only requires you to discuss the importance
(Choose the one that relate to your production only)
Press Complaints Commission

(PCC) Advertising Standards

Authority (ASA)
Pan European Game
Information (PEGI)
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film
Classification (BBFC)

Ofcom is the leading organization that regulates most forms of
media. If your work is seen as misleading, offensive or just
generally inappropriate your work can be banned or shown at an
off peak time. It's important that you take Ofcom's regulations into
consideration as you dont want your hard work to be banned.



Producers Alliance for Cinema

and Television (PACT),
National Union of Journalists
Broadcasting Entertainment
Cinematograph and Theatre
Union (BECTU)



Entertainment and Leisure

Software Publishers
Association (ELSPA)
British Interactive Media
Association (BIMA)

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