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Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Unit 35: Video Installation

Installation Production Booklet

Name: Grace Crowley

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Past and current video installation practice
Installation plans
Sketches on the content of your animation
Draft script of the animation
Installation / set skecthes
Progress of ideas
Types of visuals
Sound design
Lighting design
Projection vs screen
Single or multiple screens
Technological convergence
Possible venues
Location recce
Identify venue facilities
Risk assessment of venue
Final script
Cast and Crew and Production roles
Production schedule
Copyright issues
Venue booking confirmation
Risk assessment of installation

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Mindmap of ideas for your installation

Create a mindmap showing ideas of how you might install your video.
Define what type(s) of visuals you will use.
(Eg. video cameras, still cameras, hand crafted artwork, film, animation, digital technologies)


Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Past and current video installation practice

From your research into video installation, give two examples that you think influence your work / ideas
in some way.
One should be a past practitioner, the other should be contemporary.
Past Practitioner

Lumiere Brothers


Luminere brothers; two French brothers are the earliest

filmmakers in history. In 1892 the brothers began to create
moving pictures, they patented a number of significant
processes leading up to their film camera. The
cinmatographe itself was patented on 13 February 1934
and the first footage ever to be recorded using it was
recorded on March 19, 1895.
This first film shows workers leaving the Lumire factory.
Cinmatographe is a motion picture film camera which also
acts as a film projector and developer that was invented in
the 1890s which was invented and originally patented by
Leon Bouly but due to money problems and not being able to
pay the rent on his patent, the Luminere brothers brought the
licence off of him.


Notes on their installation

The lumiere borothers used a Cinmatographe to install their

work, the device is a motion picture film camera but also acts
as a projector.
The Lumires held their first private screening of projected
motion pictures in 1895.Their first public screening of films at

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

which admission was charged was held on December 28,

1895, at Salon Indien du Grand Caf in Paris.
How is it similar to your ideas?

Their installation is similar to mine as I will be holding a

screening of my work, which will showcase my work.
However I will not be using projectors but monitors and
tablets etc. but similar because at the time this was the only
device that they were able to use at the time as nothing else
had yet been discovered, I however am lucky enough to
have a number of ways to install my work which I am making
the most of.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Contemporary Practitioner

Bill Viola


Contemporary video artist, Born in 1951 has had his work

exhibited at the National Gallery London, Guggenheim New
York/Berlin etc. His artwork looks at the central themes of
human consciousness and experience; birth, death, love and
other emotions.
considered a leading figure in the generation of artists
whose artistic expression depends upon electronic, sound,
and image technology in New Media.


Notes on their installation

He is known for using split screen techniques to display more

than one piece of film simultaneously, an example of a piece
of his work that uses this technique is Ocean without a
Shore he used three screens which were each mounted
upon 3 altars in the Church of San Gallo in Venice.

How is it similar to your ideas?

This gave me the inspiration to use split screens to give the

audience two perspectives, for example playing my music
video twice but at two different speeds to allow the audience
to see things in different perspectives of the same thing.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation / set sketches

Draw a series of thumbnail sketches showing ideas for your installation. Add labels to your diagrams to
identify equipment, where the image will be seen, where the audience will stand etc.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Sound design
What sound will your FMP / Productions have?
The sound that I will use in my FMP is the song, Klingande RIVA (restart the game) because this is
the song which I am creating the music video for.

Will you use headphones or speakers for this sound?

I will use headphones as I feel the audience will be able to fully engage in the music video this way
without the background noises, ideally I would use noise cancelling headphones.

As mentioned it will make the whole experience more engaging, they will be able to become fully
emersed in the music video. I feel it will also add to the whole video game experience as when most
gamers are playing games they wear headphones for playing online with other players.

Lighting design
What lighting will you have in your installation? Consider health and safety.
I will not need to provide any other lighting as the room where we are exhibiting our work already has
existing lights which will provide me with all the lights that I need. In the day the natural light will be all
that is required however I feel that the use of blinds to slightly block this out would create an
atmosphere that is more relaxed and intimate. There will also be the backlight from the monitors and
ipads which will provide a lighting source.

Sketch out your lighting plans for the installation.

Light from monitors

Natural light from window

Existing light in room


Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Projection vs screen
Will you project your video or play it on a screen?
I will play it on a screen using monitors and ipads.

These are two devices which are
available to me and I feel are most
relevant for my work, I can place an
cardboard cut out of a tv screen old or
new on the front of either a monitor or
ipad to make it look like a screen
something which I wouldnt be able to
do with a projector.

If you are using a screen, will you

use a single screen, or multiple
Ideally I would like to use split screen to
show some of my work to give new
perspectives much like Bill Viola. But I
will be using two screens to show two
different pieces of work at a time.

How will that change how your

audience READS your
By using split screen it gives different
perspectives and allows them to see
new things and having two different
productions playing at a time will mean
theyve got something new to look at if
they shoud become bored.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Technological convergence
What is technological convergence?
Techcnological convergance is the evoloution of a piece of technology which perfoms the same task as
the previous but is combined with another to perform other tasks as well. For example an iphone can
play videos, music and games all in one.

Will you be using this in your installation?


Explain your answer.

I will not be using technological convergence as all I need to show my work is one device. I will set the
device up on a loop repeatedly.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Locate and show research into three possible venues for you to show your work.

Red Lion Hotel



Positive aspects of this venue:

1. Nice setting, closely situated to the river

2. Easily accsessible from college by car or walking

3. Car Park

Negative aspects of this venue:

1. Expensive

2. Hotel so will have to be mindfull of other guests

3. The interior is of a period/dated look (not modern) wood is a

coomon theme can make room feel darker and smaller


Henley Town Hall



Positive aspects of this venue:

1. Close to the college and car park

2. A good amount of space

3. Cheapest of the three options

Negative aspects of this venue:

1. Dated interior

2. Not available at required time

3. Right in the centre of town which can get very busy


Old Fire Station Gallery



Positive aspects of this venue:

1. Modern building

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

2. Cheap

3. Closest to the college

Negative aspects of this venue:

1. Smallest of all the venues

2. Close to main road loud

3. Right in the centre of town which can get very busy

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Location recce
Complete the location recce for the final venue.

The Red Lion Hotel
The Red Lion Hotel


Entrance - walking


Guests of the hotel and those who work there
Try not to be too loud as to cause any distractions or problems
N/A Provide our own
Mobile phones

6am 9pm
Yes, gained permission

Period style building with a slight modern feel updated.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Risk assessment of venue

Complete risk assessment for the VENUE





Walking around

Tripping over

Warn the public

of the risks

Other trip hazards

Make sure there

is a clear
walkway for the

with wine


Make public
aware of trip




Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Grace Crowley Signed: G.Crowley Date: 22/6/2015
Activity :
Describe the component part of your pursuit.
Hazard : List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your
activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your
assessment consider all of the circumstances.
Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place: Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date:
When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might
be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation plans
From the ideas in your mindmap, create a more definite proposal for how you will install your video.
Diagram of final plan:
Add labels to clearly identify your diagram

List the equipment you will need:

Ipad, laptop, headphones x2 and xbox controller

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

How have the following influenced your ideas?

work of the artists you have researched

My intial plan was to create a box

which I would put the ipad inside, the
inside of the box would be big enough
so that the audience could fit their
head through and see the ipad on the
back of the box. The work of Marie-Jo
Lafontaine influenced my decision to
do this from her sculpture which she
created for her tears of steel

venue and facilites

The venue we have choosen is fairly

small as we are having to share with
photography students too, because of
this limitation there isnt much room
we cannot create large sculptures and
so therefore I will not be completing
my box idea.


Ideally the room would have been dark

as I feel this would create an air of
intimatcy and allow the audience to
become more involved. However as
mentioned before because we are
sharing the exhibiton space we are
unable to do this as you would be
unable to see their work.


I will be showing my music video as

these are the productions that I am
most happy with and so to get the full
effect of the music I will use
headphones so that the audience can
hear only the sound from my

screens / projectors

I wont be using projectors as this was

never my plan, I will be using two
screens; an ipad and laptop. To show
the multiple perspectives as they will
run at different times.

speakers / headphones

As mentioned with the sound I will be

using headphones because other
students installations will be playing
and I want my audience to foucs solely
on mine at the time.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Insert your storyboard in here

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Cast and Crew and Production roles

Research into each role. Define what they do, what skills they need to accomplish their task and who
will be completing the taks in your animation.

Describe their job: The television director can be thought of more as someone who moulds the
show into the package requested by the producer, as opposed to someone who stamps their own
feel on the production. It is the
directors role in this particular case of being a live show to provide the team with a constant list of
instructions so that everyone knows what is going on so in particular telling each section of the
production team what their jobs are for example; telling the sound mixers which sound they need to
gather and bring into the mix.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
Creative vision is the most important skill which is required when working as a director, casting,
editing scripts and composing, selecting and editing shots. Directors must also be aware of the
constraints of budget and schedule. Ultimately, directors are responsible for the artistic and
commercial success or failure of a film or television show.
Who will be completing this task in your music video?
I will be completing the task of director in my music video production

Describe their job: The producer plays an important role in the whole completion of the production,
their role is to oversee every project. They work closely with the director and most of the other staff
on working on the production because communication is key for knowing what is happening when,
Producers arrange funding for each project and are responsible for keeping the production within
the allocated budget.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
The skills that they need to posses are good communication skills between all areas of the
production, they may also need to have directors skills so they will need creative vison much like a
Who will be completing this task in your animation? I will also be doing this role in my production.

Camera Man
Describe their job: The camera operator works under the director and work with a variety of
different camera equipment which they use to create pictures and footage for the director following
the directors instructions with their own creative flare and knowledge of cameras. In a studio,
where the camera operator usually follows a camera script, which gives the order of shots. This is
practised at rehearsal and is cued by the director during recording. The skill lies in interpreting what
the director wants and acting quickly and effectively to achieve it;
outside broadcasts, working as part of a team of camera operators filming live events, such as
sporting and ceremonial occasions and music performances;
On location, where there is likely to be more opportunity for creativity through suggesting shots to
the director.
What skills do they need to do their job well? They need to have a knowledge of cameras, be
creative to produce interesting and new footage which is different from other shows, ensuring that
they follow the instructions of the director so that no mistakes are made during filming and the
outcome is how the director would have hoped.
Who will be completing this task in your animation? I will be completing this role with the help of one

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

of my friends; Erinn White because she is happy to do me a favour and so I will not need to cut into
my budget.

Storyboard artist
Describe their job: Most importantly a storyboard has to have excellent drawing skills so that the
directors and producers and everyone important knows how exactly to shoot the production. They
may need to use computer software to complete the storyboards and so they must have good
knowledge of how to do so.
What skills do they need to do their job well? They will require a creative mind and most importantly
the storyboard artist must have a strong artistic ability so that their visuals are understood by all.
Who will be completing this task in your animation? I will however I do not exactly posses the skills
which are required, realistically I would have got someone else to complete this task but due to my
small budget I was not able to do so.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Production schedule
Complete the production schedule for your animation. Complete one for each day of filming.


Week 1

Date :

Week 2
Week 3


Week 4
Week 5



Week 6


Week 7








Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Copyright issues
What potential copyright issues could your FMP infringe? How can you be certain that your
work does not violate any copyright infringements?
When creating my production there are some legal issues that may arise such as privacy issues and
defamation. In order to ensure that I dont come across these I will need to put various things in place,
because I am using actors I will need to create contracts which consist of all of the things that the job
will entail and also to gain their permission to put the production online websites such as
In terms of defamation it is not my intention to damage the reputation of the artist; Klingande I want to
promote his music in a positive way, I will need to inform him that I am creating this video to gain
permission to use this song. I will inform him of the production I am creating and the content so he can
know exactly what it will entail and request any changes etc. to ensure no defamation arises I will use
the highest quality products that are available to me to give a good finish on the music video but
ultimately the artist.
Similarly with copyright issues I will aim to receive permission from the artist himself or his record label
to create this music video. To gain the information I will find the record label Klingande is signed by just
simply using google, once I have found this I can create an email which tells them what I intend on
doing; my content outline etc. making sure not to skip out any information which they may possibly put
off by so they can make their final decision, I dont think there will be any issues with the granting me
permission as mentioned before I dont make to damage the reputation of the artist and ultimately it is
free promotion so a win win situation.
My video will feature no racial/gender discrimination I am using both genders in the music video so that
it is appealing to both genders, the ethnicity of my actors was solely based on who was available to me
I will ensure that there are no racial discrimination however.

Venue booking confirmation

Add the booking confirmation from the venue here:

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