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Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Unit 35: Video Installation

Installation Production Booklet

Name: Lydia Dominguez

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself)

Past and current video installation practice
Installation plans
Sketches on the content of your animation
Draft script of the animation
Installation / set skecthes
Progress of ideas
Types of visuals
Sound design
Lighting design
Projection vs screen
Single or multiple screens
Technological convergence
Possible venues
Location recce
Identify venue facilities
Risk assessment of venue
Final script
Cast and Crew and Production roles
Production schedule
Copyright issues
Venue booking confirmation
Risk assessment of installation

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Mindmap of ideas for your installation

Create a mindmap showing ideas of how you might install your video.
Define what type(s) of visuals you will use.
(Eg. video cameras, still cameras, hand crafted artwork, film, animation, digital technologies)

The laptop showing

videos of my work

Have a collage of
photos/screen captures
behind the laptops from all
the productions I have made

The tablet showing a

slide show of stills of
different productions

Have two laptops and

samsung tablet


Show my Final Major

Project, last muic video
and stop animation.
With stills from all

Print out copies of

storyboards and bind
them into books for
people to look through.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Past and current video installation practice

From your research into video installation, give two examples that you think influence your work / ideas
in some way.
One should be a past practitioner, the other should be contemporary.
Past Practitioner

Lumiere brother

French inventors and pioneer manufacturers of photographic
equipment who devised an early motion-picture camera and
projector called the Cinmatographe. They made the first
moving image of workers leaving the factory, this was one
of the biggest break thoughs in cinematic history. From this
other practitioners continued to work on and improve and this
is how we got to the films, and cinema we have today.


Notes on their installation

This is one of the most important cinematic breakthroughs as
it was the first moving image. This production was installed
through a projector projecting in to a cinema enviroment.

How is it similar to your ideas?

This is similar slightly to some of my ideas for my installation
as I want to take the idea of projecting my productions in a
cinema setting to make mine more profession and

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Contemporary Practitioner

Marie Jo La Fontaine


Marie-Jo Lafontaine (born 17 November 1950, Antwerp) is

a Belgian sculptor and video artist. Working in installation,

photography, video and sculpture, Marie-Jo Lafontaine is a

conceptual artist whose practice spans multiple media and
forms, often blurring the boundaries between them (as in her
"video sculptures.")

Notes on their installation

Their installations use different effects, in some she has used
archeticture and made boxes with screens on to present her
work. In other installation she mostly uses dark rooms, filled
with massive screens.

How is it similar to your


I want to take some ideas from Fontaine, for example I want to

use a dark rooms and mutiple screens in mine.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation / set sketches

Draw a series of thumbnail sketches showing ideas for your installation. Add labels to your diagrams to
identify equipment, where the image will be seen, where the audience will stand etc.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Sound design
What sound will your FMP / Productions have?
The sond of my Final Major Project is the music and song that I made the music video for. As I will be
showing two music videos I will have one plaing out loud, this will be my FMP, the music video of
Smallpools Dreaming. On the other screen there will be my last music video I made in first year. This
will also be playing however so the songs arent both heard I will have headphones plugged in so people
can listen if they wish.
Will you use headphones or speakers for this sound?
I will bring in speakers and headphones. One will use peakers and the other headphones. This is so
that the song can be split but also because I want the main focus to be be on my FMP, music video.

I want to make it using speakers and headphones so that one of the productions, my FMP can always
be seen and heard by everyone and the other so that people can always see it however they can put
the headphones in if they want to listen.

Lighting design
What lighting will you have in your installation? Consider health and safety.
The lighting for my installaton will mainly be ambient ligting already created in the room by other lights
and natural lighting. I also want the main light to be created from the laptops showing the vidoes.
However depending on how light the room is on the day of my istallation I will bring in a small lamp and
place it next to the laptops shinning down on the table at the printed out storyboads so people can see
them and realise they are there.

Sketch out your lighting plans for the installation.




Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Projection vs screen
Will you project your video or play it on a screen?
I will be playing my two videos using laptop screens


I want to do this because I want them

both to be playing at the same time on
smaller screens. This is because I think
it will look good to show two pieces of
work but also because I want to show
the difference and improvement over a
year. I want them to be smaller because
I think the video will look better and
people will be drawn in to the video.

If you are projecting what will

you project ONTO? (ie fabric,
screen, materials etc)

If you are using a screen, will you

use a single screen, or multiple

I will be using multiple sceens, two

screens in total, using two laptops.

How will that change how your

audience READS your animation?

it will make it more profession and

moderd, by using screens to present my
work it shows I have the equipment and
will make it look of a higher quality.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Technological convergence
What is technological convergence?
Technology convergance is the development in technologoy over time and that some technological
systems can evolve in to something similar. Technological convergancy is when something new is
created however using a past techology. For exam a radio has now been taken over as the majority
listen to music on their phones.

Will you be using this in your installation?

In my installation I will be using two laptops and a sumsung tablet.

Explain your answer.

They are a quite a recent technology and are always improving with new designs and technology. This I
believe will work well as I believe the audience will be more interested in something modern. Tablets
are even more recent to technology, this will be good as it will interactive for the audience as they can
hold the device and see the stills and videos from the past two years.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Locate and show research into three possible venues for you to show your work.

The Henley College


Henley On Thames

Positive aspects of this venue:

1. Use of college eqipment

2. Modern art rooms and good facilties for presenting work.

3. Easy to get to with parking as most people know the area

and college
Negative aspects of this venue:

1. Not a lot of space for everyone

2. Pretty boring as it is the college, not very asthetically


3. Not much creative space to make your installation unique.


The Red Lion Hotel


Henley On Thames

Positive aspects of this venue:

1. The venue has a lot of room for everyone and space to be

more intersting
2. Nicer area of henly, right next to the river
3. It has good facilities as the room is used to hold these
types of events

Negative aspects of this venue:

1. Parking could be a problem

2. Bit out of the centre so might be a walk from the nearest
car parks
3. A lot of other peopl such as guests of the hotel


The old fire station


Henley On Thames

Positive aspects of this venue:

1. A lot of room and space

2. The location is very easy to get to and find with parking and
good facilities

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

3. Modern area therefore peoples work will fit in and look

effective in the space
Negative aspects of this venue:

1. It is quite expensive to hire out for a week

2. There is no parking therefore wouldnt be convinient

3. Also a bit out of the centre and nearest carparks

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Location recce
Complete the location recce for the final venue.

The red lion hotel

Henley On Thames, 4 Hart street,

01491 572161

Lights from the venue, natural

day light

Parking in the hotel for permit

holders, additional parking in
the the center carparks

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Risk assessment of venue

Complete risk assessment for the VENUE


Risk of
tripping over
looks wires




Trip hazard




Tape down


Getting too hot

Be careful of
getting to close
to the,


A lot of
equipment fire

No food or drink
near electical


Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name Lydia Dominguez..
. Date




Activity :
Describe the component part of your pursuit.
Hazard : List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your
activity that have the potential to cause harm. Consider the likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your
assessment consider all of the circumstances.
Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place: Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date:
When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might
be whilst you are undertaking the activity.
Reviewer: Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.
A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Installation plans
From the ideas in your mindmap, create a more definite proposal for how you will install your video.
Diagram of final plan:
Add labels to clearly identify your diagram

List the equipment you will need:

Two laptops
Samsung tablet
Printed out storyboard
Small lamp

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

How have the following influenced your ideas?

work of the artists you have researched

Looking at other peoples installations

have influenced my own ideas for
example, Marie Jo Lafontaine, I want
to take the influence of using multiple
large screens and a dark place with no
other lighting.

venue and facilites

Using a particular venue can also

impact how popular and successful my
installation. From influences I have
decided to use a large space and area
for my installation so there is enough
space for everyone.


From looking at other installations and

the lighting used I have decided I
prefer the installations with mimunum
lighting so that all concentrating is on
the production being shown. Influence
Marie Jo Lafontaine.


Sound is incredibly important in other

installations such as Spatacus
Chetwynd uses head phone for people
to listen to however in mine I want to
use speakers.

screens / projectors

I have looked at different influences,

some using projectors and some using
screens. However I have decided I
prefer mutiple smaller screens for
example like spartacus Chetwynds

speakers / headphones

Using these are very important as the

sound will need to be heard by people
watching and listening. A lot of
influences use a mixture of speakers
and headphone however from
researching I think that speakers will
work better for my idea.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Cast and Crew and Production roles

Research into each role. Define what they do, what skills they need to accomplish their task and who
will be completing the taks in your animation.

Describe their job.
A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's
artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors
in the fulfillment of that vision
What skills do they need to do their job well?
A director needs to be very creative, be able to visualise the production and have a clear opinion of
what they want. Also they need to be in control and be able to direct and tell everyone what they
Who will be completing this task in your animation?
I will be being the director for my production.

Describe their job.
Film producers fill a variety of roles depending upon the type of producer. Either employed by
a production company or independent, producers plan and coordinate various aspects of film
production, such as selecting script, coordinating writing, directing and editing, and arranging financing.
What skills do they need to do their job well?

Solid experience in the film or TV industry.

A good knowledge of the production process.
Excellent communication and people skills.
Creativity and vision.
Good presentation and negotiation skills.
Leadership and management ability.
good planning and organisational skills

Who will be completing this task in your animation?

I will be doing this role
Model Maker
Describe their job.
A model maker is a professional craftsperson who creates a three-dimensional representation of a
design or concept. Most products in use and in development today first take form as a model.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
To do this job they need to have to know a good varity of materials used to make the models and
be very artistc and creative.

Who will be completing this task in your animation?

I will also being doing this job too

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Set builder
Describe their job.
A set builder is the person who starts the designs and actually creating the set in which the
production or animation will be filmed. They make the designs to the specifics of the director then
begin the practicalities of creating the set.
What skills do they need to do their job well?
To be a set builder well youll need to be creative and imaginative. Youll also need to be good at
communicating with people, have good organisational skills and work well under pressure.

Who will be completing this task in your animation?

I will also be doing this role
Storyboard artist
Describe their job.
A storyboard artist, or story artist, creates storyboards for advertising agencies and film
productions. A storyboard artist visualizes stories and sketches frames of the story on paper.
What skills do they need to do their job well?

be able to tell a good story

be highly film literate, with a good understanding of layout, composition, sequential drawing
and editing

have excellent drawing skills and the ability to adapt to a wide range of styles

be able to work either independently or as part of a team

be able to take direction, and be prepared to make changes to your work in response to
constructive feedback

be able to follow established designs and produce consistent work, drawn on model

have good communication and presentation skills

have good computer literacy

be familiar with relevant storyboard, graphics and editing software

be conscious of any relevant technical or budgetary restrictions

be able to work calmly and efficiently to tight deadlines

Who will be completing this task in your animation?

The role will be done by me too

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Stills Photographer
Describe their job.
A stills photographer is someone who takes still images of film sets or studios for the press and
publicity of the production.
What skills do they need to do their job well?

have good technical knowledge of photo-chemical and digital processes, and of all camera

have a good sense of visual composition and perspective

be highly-skilled in image-manipulation and image-management software

be able to drive

have sensitivity and tact when working with actors

be able to cope with the rejection of images

be adaptable and patient

pay close attention to detail

possess good organisational skills

Who will be completing this task in your animation?

I will be completing this task as well
Lighting Director
Describe their job.
Lighting directors job is to begin by designing a lighting plan for the production. They use set
designs, theatre plans, storyboards, photos, computer software and scripts to create lighting cues
and devise a layout.
What skills do they need to do their job well?

need good technical knowledge about how lighting equipment works and how it is operated
during shoots to produce different lighting effects

have strong communication and team-working skills

have strong leadership skills are to manage and motivate the rest of the lighting team

be able to concentrate for long periods of time

pay great attention to detail

take a logical approach to problem-solving

be able to plan ahead effectively

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

possess physical and mental stamina for long working hours

have good colour vision

Who will be completing this task in your animation? I will be doing this task for mine as well.

Production schedule
Complete the production schedule for your animation. Complete one for each day of filming.

Unit 35 Installation Production Booklet

Copyright issues
What potential copyright issues could your FMP infringe?
For my final major project the main copy right issue I have is the copyright of using another bands song
and material as they have the rights over the music.

How can you be certain that your work does not violate any copyright infringements?
To be certain to avoid copyright infringements I have sent an email to the bands record label asking for
permission to use the song, and create a music video in the bands name.

Venue booking confirmation

Add the booking confirmation from the venue here:

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