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Food Science 10

Acid-Base titration
Date: 11 October 2014
Group member:
Toy Akarachai Nairiyasaj
Max Chinapat Chokwitayarat
Puifai Suthida termthong
Gam Chanikarn Tangjitmungmun
Phillip Phanuwat Wansanoh
Introduction: Neutralization is the reaction between acid and base that produce water and salt.
Water (H2O) is combined by the H from Acid and OH from Base.An acidbase titration is the
determination of the concentration of an acid or base by exactly neutralizing the acid or base with
an acid or base of known concentration.In this experiment, we use only one fomular. It is
Molarity ( concentration ) -> M = Number of moles/ Volume in litre. Base that we use in this
experiment is NaOH (SodiumHydroxide) and Acid is Vinegar ( CH3COOH )
Purpose: To find the concentration of Acetic acid ( C2H4O2) in vinegar by performing an acid base titration in which vinegar is neutralized by a O.IM Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution.
Base - NaOH
Acid - C2H4O2( acetic acid )
Indicator - Phenolphthalein
Safety goggles, gloves, lab coat
Two rings stand with clamps
Erlenmeyer flask
1. Put on lab coat, gloves, and safety goggles ( to be worn throughout the whole experiment )
2. Obtain one 50 mL burets on ring stands. Fill the buret with NaOH.
3. Add 20 - mL of vinegar from the graduated cylinder to a clean 250 - mL Erlenmeyer flask.
4. Add 3 drops of the indicator phenolphthalein to the vinegar. Place the flask under the tip of the
buret containing NaOH.
5. Slowly add the NaOH to the vinegar. A pink color appears where the base first contacts the
acid. Swirl the flask until the color disappears.
6. Add the base , drop by drop , while swirling after each drop, until the base turns the solution to
a pale pink that does not disappear.
7. Record the volume of the based NaOH used.
8. Wash out the flask and repeat the titration 2 more times, refilling the NaOH buret if necessary.
9. Record the volume of the NaOH used.
10. Average the 3 volumes your group used.
Data table:
Data table

trial 1

trial 2

trial 3


19 mL

19 mL

20 mL


8.4 mL

8.6 mL

7.2 mL

Result: In our group, each person has own works. Max has to prepare the beaker that including
vinegar and phenolphthalein. Phillip swirls the Erlenmeyer flask. Gam add the NaOH to mix with
vinegar. Toy wash out the beaker preparing for the next trials. Puifai is the writer that has to record
the result of the experiment. Our experiment was smooth but had a few mistake because someone
in our group pour the vinegar incorrectly but we can fix problem immediately. In our first trial and
second trial, both of them was failed. But the last time we can be succeeded in this experiment. We
got the light pink colour of phenolphthalein. That made us felt interested in this lab.
Analyzing result questions:
1.What was the average volume of NaOH used by your group during the titration experiment?
Average volume of Acetic acid?
In our group, the average volume of NaOH is 8.06 mL and the average volume of Acetic acid is
19.8 mL

2.What is the concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar? Show all formulas and your calculations.
Method: the formula that we use is M = Number of moles/ Volume in litre
vinegar = 19.8 mL
base (0.1M) = 8.06 mL
0.1 = number of moles of base/ 0.00806
number of moles of base = 0.00806 x 0.1
= 0.000806
number of moles of base = numbers of moles of acid
= 0.000806 / 0.0198
= 0.4070707
3.What was the function of the indicator in this experiment? How did it work?
Phenolphthalein as the indicator that we used in this experiment. It used to find if the end point has
been reached. the range of it pH is around 8-11. it will be colourless if the pH is less than 8. So we
added the base to increase the amount of pH. If pH reached to 8, the phenolphthalein will be
changed to pale pink. That colour means we have to stop adding the base because it already be
end point.
4.If a neutralization reaction produces salt and water, write the chemical equation for our
experiment, and the name of the salt produced. (You may have to research this)
C2H4O2 + NaOH ----> NaC2H3O2 + H2O

NaC2H3O2 = Sodium ethanoate

5.Critical Thinking: Soda has a very low pH (around 2 or 3). When drinking soda you ingest
carbonic acid H2Co3. Person A drinks 1 soda each day. Person B drinks 10 sodas a day. Why
does the pH of their blood remain the same? (around 7.35-7.45) Why does the carbonic acid not
make the blood acidic? (Research required)
Because of the function of body that called homeostasis that can control the balance of acid and
base in our body. And the specific named of the function in homeostasis is the fluid regulation and
osmolality are key functions of homeostasis that affect bodys acid-base balance. The organs that
involved in homeostasis are the liver, kidneys, brain and endocrine system. Also our body has
many mechanism such as chemical buffer like buffer system and cation exchange. If pH is too

much, it will be eliminated by the respiratory system and urinary system. The bicarbonate is
concerned with the balance of Acid and base too.
Conclusion: The acid-base titration can find the concentration of base and acid by using the
neutralisation. And phenolphthalein as indicator use to tell us when we should stop adding the
base because it will change from colourless to pale pink. That is the equivalence point of the
reaction. In our group, the concentration of vinegar that we got was 0.4070707.

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