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Hello, whats your name?

Hi, my name is Ana Rita.

Where you leave?
I live in Coimbra.
Why are you doing English for exam?
Because I anulei discipline in 11th year
people thought me and enjoyed at me for not knowing how to speak good
English. and I did it to escape the people's judgments.
can you tell us about something?
I can try.
tells us about the technology.
In my opinion, technology it's important because we need this for to talk
with other people that stay away from us and watching videos, informations
about what's happen in the world, listen to music and other things. the
technology is advanced and is important.
I don't know what I say more about this. Sorry but I'm so nervous, because I
need to pass in this exam for going to the university.
tells of teenagers, their vices.
I think that teenagers today are very dependent on technology, such as
computers, cell phones, or even TV. but also, some are addicted to parties in
alcoholic drinks and drugs ...

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