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Emily Hallett

Evaluation and Feedback

Emily Hallett
Evaluation and Feedback
EDU 695


Emily Hallett

Evaluation and Feedback


Evaluate the course and seek feedback on your draft portfolio.

Share your draft portfolio with at least two colleagues at your school or work place ........ ask them if this
work applies to your work setting and also to evaluate your portfolio against 21st Century "best practices".
Share their responses.
Give us recommendations for future course modifications and explain your reasons for the
recommendations. (3 points)

I sent the link to my e-portfolio to my two third grade colleagues. I asked them to
review my e-portfolio, if it applied to our setting, and against the 21st Century Practices.
The first colleague thoroughly enjoyed my e-portfolio. She told me it was well done and
creative. The second colleague shared the it is, Beautiful! I like how its organized and
how you can easily access all the important information about you. Also, the pictures add
a lot and make it more personalized. She acknowledged that I have meaningful
interactivity. I make sure my students problem solve when they are stuck on a thought.
Something my first colleague noted was that under my about me tab I should add
more about my teaching. At the moment I have a large section dedicated to sharing about
my coaching experiences. I am taking her advice and will be adjusting my about me to
gear it towards teaching. I did not notice I had more about coaching than teaching. I am
glad she pointed it out. She also mentioned how the reflections on my propositions are
Both of my colleagues agreed that my e-portfolio applied to our work setting at
Saint Joseph Elementary School. We strive for academic excellence everyday. It is part of
our mission statement. I believe that my e-portfolio shows that I strive for my students
and their academic excellences.
This course was extremely helpful. I would not have been able to gather the
information needed if it werent for this class. There are many steps to take in order to
organize an e-portfolio. I had no idea which elements I would need to post on my site.

Emily Hallett

Evaluation and Feedback


Being able to view previous e-portfolios was also very helpful. It gave me an idea on
what I was striving to accomplish.

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