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Parents Newsletter


Inside includes feedback from

other parents on the
that had
happened at
The Westminster

No love is
greater than a
Mothers love
and No care is
greater than a
Fathers care.

F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5

Take the right Road!

What Good is it to run when you are on the wrong ROAD? So spare the ROD and take the right ROAD.
Modern Medical Science has proven that even new born babies are primed and ready for parental inputs! A new born
can identify voices & faces, can communicate and of course, they start understanding the minds of the caretakers. May
be, we are too lazy to understand it. But I am sure; any affectionate mother senses this. Facial expressions of parents
play a major role in the character formation of a child, especially or the pre-teens, unlike the teenagers where they tend
not to look at the face of their parents! Though, I am not an expert, but I would like to share my experiences with regard to the tween management.
A tween is a person who is between the ages of 10-12. They are pre-adolescents, who is basically in their in-between
stages of development where they are too old for toys and too young for boys & girls. Indeed it is a tricky period to
manage; they are in need of establishing their emerging identity. Therefore it is important for you to have a decent understanding of what makes him or her special. The
word special should be established right from the
home, more precisely, your tweens should feel
that their special status is established amongst the
siblings onwards! As a parent, you would need to
create a family environment that rightfully encourages the uniqueness and confidence among your
tweens. Ultimately you should emerge as a supportive parent, taking care of your childs interests
and tastes. In order to shape their uniqueness,
never attempt to ridicule or compare your childs
interests or achievements with his peers or siblings. Having said all the theoretical things, I am writing this
article from my home in Dubai and I know very well how pressurized are the modern parents, especially
those who work in Dubai. Unfortunately, often, parents release their external frustrations on the tweens
as they are indeed afraid of the outcome if they turn the music towards teenagers. In my childhood, spanking was a tool for discipline. Regretfully, now spanking has become another way to vent anger and frustration. Your tween may be too raw to understand the troubles you are into! As I mentioned in the beginning,
your child is capable enough to read your facial expressions and body language! If at all, you would need to
initiate any disciplinary action, it is better to make use of the above, rather than spanking or shouting. Remember, your words can hurt them more than your spanking.
If you hurt them mentally, it will remain there as a scar. Your purpose of establishing a special status for your
tween is lost here. For instance, if you find any unacceptable act by your child, you wouldnt need to over react
to the situation. Through your farcical expressions, you could let your tween know that you are not impressed
with what is he / she is doing. I have no intentions to brush- up your acting skills. It is very simple, what is important is to get your childs attention while he / she is in the unacceptable act. Use fewer words while you are
angry and frustrated. Let us be on the right road for the physical and mental development of your tween, rod
is not at all an option for this, so spare it.
Written by Jeen Joshua
(Parent of Annrose Joshua from Learning Bay 4 H)


Feedback on Hour of Code Activity

I was really thrilled to watch
Bradley create his own
game using
birds. He was so interested
while working on it. He
showed me all the different
levels and codes, for this
game that was created by
him independently. Thank
you so much for sharing this
website with the students.
Bradley is very enthusiastic

Children need
constant guidance
from parents. They
always seek out
the wisdom in
their elders, it is
your motive to
lead them in the
right direction.

when it comes to ICT

and I feel that his ICT
skills have really improved in year 8. This
can help Bradley take
the next step in his
learning how to create
other games as he intends to become a
gaming programmer in
the future.

Thank you so much for

your effort.
Ms. Sandra Francis

A note on the Anti-bullying Campaign

I would like to thank
the management at Gems
Education for organizing
such a motivated workshop
for the parent. During the
session I was encouraged to
play a key role in preventing
and responding to Bullying
at school. Here is a short
message from me about
what was discussed in the
workshop. We all need to

start off by being good role

models to our children and
being involved in their
schooling. We also need to
have high expectations of
our children's academics
and behavior. Furthermore,
we should create a supportive family environment
and engage in family connections so as to promote
positive values. I kindly re-

quest all parents to show their

support by attending future
workshops and
help the school
move forward.

Fathima Haniya

NASA Trip Feedback!

Belated appreciation note
To The Westminster
School management and
staff: Dear Sirs and Madams , I have no words to
express my sincere thanks
to you for your enormous
effort in organizing a
memorable trip to NASA
Training Center in USA for
the Westminster students,
without your great work this
trip would not have seen the
light. I will never forget how

you were all sending emails to

inform, support, plan and arrange each and every simple
step with the participants and
their families especially Ms.
Beena, the creative idea of
Google Drive by Ms. Shiny also
that distinctive touch of TWS
management to sent all the
participants in one bus from
the school to Dubai airport.

proved what the spirit of

Team Work really means. You
are great and I am truly honored to be part of this EVENT.
Warm Regards and Respect,
Mai Al Taweel, Mother of

Perfection doesn't come easily , but you did it and you have




A Short Poem
If a child lives with criticism,
She learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
She learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
She learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.

If a child lives with praise,

he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
She learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance
and friendship,
She learns to find love in the world.
Submitted by Jeen Joshua
(Found on the poem on web.)

We thank you for reading The Westminster Schools

issue of the monthly Parents Newsletter for
Credits to the images and quotes from Google. And
thank you to those parents who took time in
submitting their feedback.

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