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Olivia Hepler

ELED 533
1. Select

Goal Plan

Make a list of what you can do well as a teacher of mathematics. What do I do well?
I am very creative and active in trying to incorporate math games in the classroom
I am good at mental math regarding addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
I can explain why the various mathematical concepts are important to learn for future
use and application
I can come up with creative and fun word problems
*I can write a mathematics lesson plan incorporating content and process standards,
materials needed, procedure, context etc.

2. Reflect:

Make a list of possible things youd like to learn next as a teacher of mathematics in order
to grow. What do I want to learn next in order to grow?
I would like to learn how to incorporate statistics, probability, and geometry activities
effectively in the classroom
I want to continue to become more familiar with unwrapping the standards with
mathematics in order to best understand the specifics of what needs to be taught and
I want to continue to work on my own understanding of mathematics in order to
become familiar with the material in order to more comfortable explaining it to
What do I want to learn next to prepare for student teaching and job interviews?
I want to understand the sequencing of lessons and activities more in order to better
prepare myself for student teaching and unit planning
I want to understand better how to divide up lessons and pick what activities to use and
what purpose they serve
I want to develop strategies to work on reflection after work in order to not always quiz
students for assessment but incorporate more effective and thought provoking ways to
develop more understanding
I want to develop a solid philosophy regarding mathematics in order to show potential
employers what I have to offer and what I want my students to learn and have a solid
foundation in mathematics
Choose one goal that you would like to work toward this semester.
I want to compile a list of childrens books blending math and literacy through researching
30-40 childrens books for 6 weeks to enhance the connection between literacy and
mathematics in the classroom since students learn and engage with material in many
different ways.
4. Project:
Make a plan for how you will meet your goal.
What will I do to accomplish this?
o I will research various childrens books that incorporate the math topics
regarding geometry, statistics, and probability through various credible
o I will list the concept, title, author, grade level, and brief description in order to
organize the resources by concept and have a reference guide for the future
What will you do in and out of class to meet your goal?
o In class I will take notes on the specific concepts in order to look up various
books to see if they cover the various aspects to help my plan
o Out of class I will research various book titles to incorporate in my plan

Olivia Hepler
ELED 533

How will you use choices within class assignments to help you reach your goal? Look
over the syllabus for ELED 533, the menu of assignments, and course assignment
descriptions to see which ones could support your work toward your goal.
o After looking over the various choices, The STEAM assignment would support
what I am trying to accomplish through my SMART goal because it involves
implementing cross curricular material which is a clear match to my goal.
Make a plan for how you will document your process.
What might I use for documentation?
o For documentation I will keep a PowerPoint presentation to compile all of the
information. Each book will be placed on a slide with a picture and all of the
information to go along with it. This will make it easy to sort and categorize the
What documents could you have to include in your portfolio and for your goal updates?
Consider, photos, your notes, assignments, documents you create, etc.
o I plan on keeping track of all of this electronically in PowerPoint form in order to
have a picture of the books, as well as keep track of all of the book information I
come across.
o I plan on keeping notes from class to refer to for inspiration for book topics as
well to include as many as I can for my plan.
Consider how this assignment could be integrated with your other courses.
o The backwards design plan and templates being discussed in ELED 570 would
help formulate other lessons and activities incorporating what I want to teach.
What assignments in your other courses could help you reach your goal?
o The unit plan in ELED 570 would also help reach my goal because it involves
planning a whole unit for which I am doing a different subject area, probably
including cross curricular information as well.
Have you already created a professional website or e-portfolio that you could combine
with this assignment?
o I do have an online e-portfolio that I have used to keep track of assignments for
my Educational Media Minor, but I could add a tab and use it with this
assignment to share or keep track of material.
5. Affect: How might this affect me as a mathematics teacher?
As a mathematics teacher it is important to keep students engaged in order for them to best
understand the material. By compiling this list it will make me a better mathematics teacher
because I am incorporating math with a different subject area to engage students on a
different level and in a different context. Students learn in a variety of ways, and therefore
using different resources to do this will be very beneficial.

Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
A. Documentation
Directly below is the outline for my portfolio, and then below that are a few pages from my
S.M.A.R.T. Goal showing the basic setup of the information being included for the activities in the
portfolio. All of the documents include various activities for different grades involving geometry
and art combined, or measurement and art combined.
Outline of Portfolio




Cover Page
S.M.A.R.T. Goal
a. I want to compile a list of at least 20 art activities incorporating geometry and art as
well as measurement and art for 6 weeks to enhance the connection between art
and mathematics in the classroom.
Overview of Contents
a. Explanation of what to expect from various activities
i. Context, materials, grade level, citations, pictures, etc.
a. The Shape of Things
b. Geometric Quilt
c. Keep it KLEEn
d. Geometric Art Design
e. Create a Snowflake Garland
f. Make Geometry Creatures
g. Create a Cubist Self-Portrait
h. Geometry, Color, and Piet Mondrian
i. I will add more as I research and find fun and appropriate activities!!
a. Rule the City
b. ROY G BIV Measurement
c. Haunted House Blueprint
d. Draw a Mandala
e. Patchwork Placements
i. I will add more as I research and find fun and appropriate activities!!
Miscellaneous Activities
Other Resources
a. Prep notes from class
b. Activities from class
c. Games/crafts from class

Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
Goal Update #2-Rubric & Explanation

A. Evaluation Tool-Rubric for Portfolio

Learning Objectives
My portfolio shows
that there are many
activities available
for incorporating Art
into different areas
of mathematics.

My portfolio
provides art related
activities for various
contents, grade
levels, and skill
My portfolio
provides visual
examples of the
activities as well as
references for future


The Portfolio has at least
20 activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities.
The portfolio also has
activities for Probability
and Data Collection
activities as well as other
resources (important
notes, handouts, etc.) to
refer to.
All activities in the
portfolio are clearly
labeled with enough
pertinent information in
order to facilitate the
activities, such as context,
grade level, materials, and
The Portfolio includes
picture examples for all of
the activities. The
Portfolio includes
citations for each activity
for future reference. The
Portfolio also provides
extra relevant resources
to the general
mathematical content
areas of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio has at least 15
activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities. The
portfolio also has activities
for Probability and Data
Collection activities as well
as other resources
(important notes, handouts,
etc.) to refer to.

The Portfolio has at least 10
activities including Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities. The
portfolio has activities for
Probability and Data
Collection activities but
does not include other
resources to refer to.

The Portfolio has no
activities that include Art
related Geometry and
Measurement activities.
The portfolio does not
have activities for
Probability and Data
Collection activities and
does not include other
resources for reference.

Most activities in the

portfolio are clearly labeled
with some pertinent
information in order to
facilitate the activities, such
as context, grade level,
materials, and procedure.

Some activities in the

portfolio are clearly labeled
with some information in
order to facilitate the
activities such as context,
grade level, materials, and

No activities in the
portfolio are labeled and
contain no information to
facilitate the activities.

The Portfolio includes

picture examples for most
of the activities. The
Portfolio includes citations
for most activities to
reference. The Portfolio also
provides extra relevant
resources to the general
mathematical content areas
of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio includes some

picture examples for some
of the activities. The
Portfolio includes some
citations for some activities
for reference. The Portfolio
barely provides extra
resources to the general
mathematical content areas
of the Portfolio.

The Portfolio does not

include any pictures for
any of the activities. The
Portfolio does not include
citations for reference. The
Portfolio does not include
any extra resources.


Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
B. Reflection
1. How did you choose what qualities to include in your rubric?
To decide what qualities I wanted to include in my rubric, I thought about the
main focus of the portfolio as well as the aspects that would support it and
expand it. Through this portfolio I wanted to show that there are many
different activities available to incorporate art into the different content
areas of math. After personally experiencing the fun and relaxing effects of
using art in geometry, I made it my goal to focus on incorporating art with
the content areas of geometry and measurement as opposed to focusing on
my previous goal involving literacy. I wanted to have at least 20 activities to
incorporate in the various content areas the students will engage with in the
classroom. I felt it was important that this portfolio not only focused on the
quantity of activities, but also the quality with the amount of information
regarding context, grade level, materials, and procedure. I felt this
information was vital to have on hand to be able to tailor the activity to the
needs of the specific students I might have in a classroom. I also thought it
would be important to include visual examples to see how the students
would engage with the content.
2. Why are these qualities important based on what we have studied together
about effective mathematics instruction?
Effective mathematics instruction is organized and clear. Objectives,
materials, procedures, and the intended outcome are all thought of ahead of
time in order to give student the most time to create and explore. By laying
out clear expectations and guidelines it will be easy to reference and
facilitate. It will also be much easier for someone not directly involved in the
planning of the portfolio, to implement the activities with the clear layout
that is required for this portfolio. Effective mathematics instruction is also
very intentional. This portfolio combines two concepts that are not often
combined, art and math. The activities in this portfolio benefit students
because they provide various activities to engage students and allow them an
outlet to learn the material but also express and apply what they have
learned creatively. Effective mathematics instruction is also thought
provoking, focused on the content, and enables differentiation. By
incorporating these activities that allow for various ways of learning, and
strongly focus on content, students will come away with a deep
understanding on top of having fun and expressing oneself.
3. Why are these qualities important based on what you have learned
throughout the semester about your goal topic?
The qualities above are important because it is an organized and focused way
to present the various art and mathematical activities. This portfolio is going
to be used for reference in the future, therefore it needs to be organized and
have as much information needed to implement the activities. After learning
more about unit planning and range of weeks for units (2-5 weeks), the
portfolio should include at least 20 activities in order to have a wide variety
to choose from for the classroom. I have also learned that students in the

Olivia Hepler
ELED 533
classroom are also going to have a wide variety of interests and be on various
stages in learning progressions based on their skill levels; therefore with this
portfolio I will have various activities to pull from to engage and motivate
students to learn the material.
4. Where do you think your portfolio is now based on your rubric? Why?
I think my portfolio is in good shape, but needs more activities to meet the
expectations I have set for my goal plan. The portfolio contains everything I
have required so far, therefore it is in progress based on the rubric. I have all
of the information, but I am in the process of putting it in order to make sure
it is easily accessible and understandable. I think the quality of the activities
and the layouts of the activities are consistent with expectations, therefore I
also believe that my portfolio although in progress is very close to meeting all
of my expectations and will be a quality reference for the future.
5. What next steps will you take to move your portfolio to a higher level of
quality before the end of the semester?
To move my portfolio to a higher level of quality before the end of the
semester, I plan to continue compiling artistic activities to incorporate in the
portfolio for geometry and measurement, as well as hopefully finding art
related activities for data collection and probability. I also have planned to
keep track of these documents digitally; therefore I will work on
incorporating the documents into my online portfolio for reference. To
ensure an overall quality portfolio I will continue to be persistent in order to
create an effective and informative portfolio filled with resources for my
future use in the classroom.

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