Final Reflection 702

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Oakland University

Educational Specialist EA 702

Julie Zemnickas
Final Internship Reflection 2
Throughout the past two years I have participated in many administrative and leadership
activities either as the leader, a participant or as an observer. I have had opportunities to apply
my classroom learning into activities during my mentorship time. The Galileo Leadership
Institute and Oakland University class assignments have offered me many opportunities to grow
as an educational leader. This learning experience has supported my beliefs about what good
leadership looks like and what makes a good leader. I believe that good leaders turn into great
leaders by increasing their knowledge and expanding their beliefs.
While I was revisiting the over 200 hours of leadership activities I participated in over the
past two I was amazed at how my perception of different activities have changed. For example I
work differently now with my peers in our monthly staff meetings. I have been working on
building culture and collaboration to improve student achievement and opportunities. I took on
this role because I was discouraged at the approach of the previous person in the role. I believe
that if you want change than you need to be at the forefront of the process. Participating in
interviews now is a little different. The information I am interested in and how people answer
questions. I have been able to share my experiences and I believe that I have always been a
leader but not intentionally. I enjoy being part of a bigger picture and I believe you have to be
involved for things to move forward.
While reviewing the pre-survey I took in September 2013 to the post-survey in June 2015
I will say that I find that there is tremendous growth with my confidence and understanding of
educational leadership. For each of the 7 ELLC standards I have participated in multiple
activities as well as learning experiences. In the beginning of the program I was really unsure as

too how I may be applying this new credential in the future. I was unsure about becoming a
building level administrator but now I feel as if I have the knowledge and ability to be an
effective leader. My biggest concerns are the constant struggles in education and maintaining the
level of energy needed to constantly fight for what makes sense in education. Educational
leadership can be very political and being in front of the negative is something that I have
learned especially in the EA 740 course of School as a Formal Organization.
I have been very fortunate to have received instruction and mentoring from many
inspiring professors through the Oakland University Program and Galileo Leadership Institute.
These professionals have demonstrated and modeled good leadership and helped us discover this
in ourselves. I have learned that having a shared vision, mission and value is the basis of a
collaborative culture. Making decisions that always are in favor of the student achievement often
can help in the decision process that may be unfavorable. Involving staff, students, parents and
community to be part of the process and having shared leadership can make difficult process
easier. Practicing with integrity and honesty should be the foundation of any leader and to get
people to follow they must believe in you.
I look forward to continuing to apply these principles as I grow as a leader and will
continue to stay active in my teacher leader role. I am fortunate now to have an administrator
who believes in shared leadership and is supportive of progress despite those who do not want to
grow. All of the activities I have participated in, assignments I have completed and books I have
read have built a solid foundation and added to my current responsibilities.
I want to thank Suzanne Klein, Joyce Fouts, Caryn Wells, and Alethia Barnes for having
a very motivational and inspiring impact on me as an aspiring administrator.

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