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7 Sisters, 7 Cities Community 3 |MINUTES

Meeting date | time

| Meeting location A Place For Girls (APFG)

Meeting called by

Kim Lincoln


Type of meeting

General Meeting

Linda Linke, Carla Perry, Lindsay Gibson,


Kim Lincoln

Tina Brook, Sharon Zunno, Theresa Wiggs

Note taker

Theresa Wiggs

Kim Lincoln, Betty, Dina Crewe (by phone)


Agenda topic Treasurers Report | Presenter Carla Perry
Discussion Carla passed out a copy of the budget to the members attending. As of May 13, 2015, there is a balance
of $4051.06 in the Community 3 bank account
Conclusion The money in the bank account will be budgeted for future Community 3 events.

Agenda topic Community 3 Learning Event 2015 | Presenter Theresa Wiggs

Discussion Theresa presented a draft of the flyer, menu, learning sessions and budget. She also showed the group a
picture of a string backpack that she is proposing that the group give away as a gift to attendees. The group liked
the idea of the string bag. Sharon mentioned that once the flyer is approved, she should get a copy to put onto the
Community 3 web site and on facebook. Carla mentioned that we could get some donations from Food Lion for the
food. The group liked the idea of serving coffee/tea/water in the morning and then serving lunch. Theresa said
that she would have the flyer completed within a few days and the budget would be sent to Carla the next day.
Conclusion There is still some work that needs to be done for the Learning Event: flyer must be completed and sent
to council for approval, the budget needs to be discussed and approved, we still need a couple of facilitators for the
event and the logo on the flyer needs to be changed.
Action items
Complete all of the above

Theresa Wiggs

Agenda topic Leader Appreciation Event | Presenter Lisa McIvor

Discussion Lisa was not in attendance, so the discussion was tabled until a later date.


Agenda topic 2015-2016 Plan of Work | Presenter Kim Lincoln

Discussion Its time to decide what Community 3 will be working on for 2015/2016 Girl Scout year and determine
who will still be working the Community 3 Committee Positions. Under Program: Our Program Consultant will be
Lindsey Gibson, Events Consultant will be Tina Brook, Outdoor & Camp Consultant will be Sharon Zummo, Girl
Awards Committee Organizer will be Linda Linke. Under Membership: Finance Consultant will be Carla Perry
and Dina Crewe. Under Volunteer Services: Volunteer Support Organizer (Chesapeake/ Suffolk) will be Linda
Linke. The Community Web Site Webmaster is Candice George and the Facebook Moderator will be Sharon
Conclusion Community 3 has positions open for next year: Travel Consultant, Recruitment & Registration
Consultant, Volunteer Support Organizer for Norfolk/Portsmouth, Surry/Isle of Wight/Southampton, Ault
Recognitions Consultant, Product Sales Consultant, Community Relations Consultant, and Family Partnership
Consultant. These positions are available to any interested adult leader.

Agenda topic Community Goal Summary 2015/2016 | Presenter Kim Lincoln

Discussion: As a Community we are tasked with completing several goals; Coordinate Service Units to hold an
Adult Learning Event for new and experienced leaders, Coordinate service units to lead a recruitment event to
serve their geographic location, Coordinate service units to lead a series or Girl Scout Led Event to serve the needs
of the community and Coordinate mentoring and networking strategies for the community.
Conclusion: The Adult Learning Event is scheduled for August 22, 2015 at Great Bridge United Methodist Church.
It was suggested that we designate October as Recruitment month and hold several events. Hopefully, we could
entice the Service Units to hold the events. We decided that instead of making definite plans for the recruitment
event, we would table it until July when we could see how the other Communities are handling this objective. As
for the series or GSLE event, Community 3 will host a Core Camp. Sharon Zummo will take the lead. Several other
options were brought up: Silver Celebration which is already scheduled for the first weekend in November led by
Linda Linke and Tina Brook, a weekend Journey encampment, a Community wide Skating Party and Community
wide Bowling Party. We did not discuss particular events for mentoring and networking strategies. However, the
Adult Learning Event has built into it opportunities for participants to mentor each other during the Round Table
sessions and to network during the registration period and lunch break.
Discussion: We also discussed the budget for next year and how the funds within the Community should be spent.
Cookie Classic for 2016 will use $875, Silver Celebration will use $350, Leader Learning Event will use $400,
Opportunity Fund will have $1000 available to them, Journey weekend will borrow $400 and will pay it back to the
Community once the event participants pay their registration fees, Core Camp will have $300 available which
leaves $726.06 for the Leader Social and other events that come up.

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Special notes: Next Meeting will be held on July 15, 2015 at 6:30. The meeting will be held at A Place For Girls on
Cedar Rd., Chesapeake.

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