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Support raising

We are so excited to share with you that support

raising has been off to a great start this summer.
We have gone from 70% to 85% in the month of
May alone! Praise God! And thank you for helping
us get this far! It is awesome to see God provide!

v.4.6 JUNE 2015

We still have a long way to go and could use your
help if you are willing or feel the prompting of the
spirit. Please be in prayer for us to complete
our budget. If you want more info on what we
have left, let us know. Pray for our diligence,
and for open doors. We are convinced the
Lord will and is providing for our daily bread.

This year we saw many students grow in Christ as
they pursued Him. One student, Michael, had a
beautiful transformation over the past 9 months.
In the fall he began co-leading a small group with
me (Jeff). A month in, at our fall retreat, Michael
felt called by the Lord to go deeper. He felt
challenged to do more with his faith, after seeing
what the Lord has done for us. As the year went
on, you could see his timidity evaporated by a
growing fire in his heart; a call of God to share the
hope of the gospel with his hurting, broken, and
empty friends. We watched his love for his friends
deepen as he felt the pain of watching them live
destructive lifestyles. Michael started intentionally

2 corinthians 5.20,21

building closer relationships with his friends to give

them an opportunity to respond to the gospel.
One of his friends took notice and his interest has
been growing. Hes started playing Basketball with
a group of us from Chi Alpha and we our students
have come to really care about him and love him.
While no commitment has happened yet, we
believe in the Lords faithfulness and praising Him
for the change hes made in Michaels life! Please
pray that Michael, as well our other students,
find more ways to engage their friends and
culture this coming year; to introduce them to
the hope and freedom of the gospel. Pray
that the Holy Spirit would empower them and
give them courage to share their faith.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as

though God were making an appeal through us;
we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to
God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on
our behalf, so that we might become
the righteousness of God in Him.


1214 E 1ST ST APT B | DULUTH, MN 55805

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