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Oracle iSupplier Portal

Creating An Invoice

Developed by Elizabeth Matias

& Tileeyah Robinson

Creating an Invoice
Compass invoices will continue to be processed in Compass.
Select the appropriate responsibility that pertains to your profile.
CE Invoicing Supplier
CE iSupplier Portal Full Access

Only responsibilities with invoicing capabilities

Click Here

After you have logged into iSupplier and selected your appropriate iSupplier Role (ex. CE iSupplier Portal
Full Access):
Select the Finance tab.

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Select option to Create Invoice with a PO

Select Go

Click Here


Enter the Purchase Order Number

Select Go

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Select the Purchase Order

Click Add to Invoice

Click Here


Select the Purchase Order, in the Purchase Order Items Added to Invoice section

Click Next

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Enter your companys Invoice Number and Invoice Date

Select Add if you would like to add an attachment

When submitting a partial invoice, be sure to use a different invoice number for subsequent
invoices pertaining to that purchase order.

Suppliers should submit all invoices through iSupplier, even if invoices have been sent to the

Click Here


Select Browse

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Select the file

Click Open

Click Here


Enter Attachment Summary Information

Click Apply

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Select Add Row, if you need to add cost for freight

Click Here


Enter the Freight Amount

Enter the Description (Ex. Freight)
Click Next

Creating an Invoice

Click Here

Steps: Review tax information, this section is already pre-populated and would require no
changes typically
Click Next

Creating an Invoice

Click Here


Review Invoice
Click Submit

Creating an Invoice


You will receive a confirmation, informing you that your invoice has been submitted


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