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Name: Marissa Broughton

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tool Used: Kidspiration
Standards Addressed: SKL2.Students will compare the similarities and differences in
groups of organisms.
a. Explain the similarities and differences in animals. (color, size, appearance, etc.)

Blooms Level of Critical Thinking:

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Description of how to implement in the class: The teacher will introduce the
activity by stating animal classification. Students will log onto Kidspiration and open
up to Animal Classification. Students will drag the pictures from the library over into
the correct categories (insects, bird, mammals, and reptile). Once the class has
added their choices, the teacher will lead a discussion on the students choices as a
whole group activity.
While applying the knowledge of the animal classification, teacher will ask the
students questions. Statements like: Why did you choose that one to go into the
insect category? What does the bird and chicken have in common? What is the
difference between reptiles and mammals?
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): This activity remains as a level 3,
students use technology to instruct/require learning standards. Discovery learning
at the very least is modeled. The students have
Description of the sample BBPT file provided *: The classification of animals by
the students will show the differences of organisms. The finished charts will show
what students have a clear understand of the groups and the ones that will need
more assistance. Students will discuss the similarities and differences of the animals.
Other comments about your proposed BBPT Activity: Kidspiration is a very kidfriendly application that is an easy way to get students using technology to explore
different subjects for all LoTi levels. The teacher will be encourage to guide the
students through the grouping assignment.

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