Professionalism in IT: COMP1556

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Professionalism in IT

Database Applications Technologies

Presented by:
Student Name
Student ID

: Owolabi Sulaimon Adewale

: 000807843

Group Member

Omotayo Patrick Oke

Student ID



BCs (Hons) Computing

Subject Name

COMP1635 Professionalism in IT

D6. Include an evaluation of your work as an individual (Max 300 words). If you
worked in a pair then you must also present work carried out by each member
in the pair in the form of a table (Performa). This schedule of work of should
be agreed by each member before including it in your report.
The report is created to reflect my individual experience and appraisal when
working with the making of the database structure for Greenwich Music Club. The
essential strive for me and my group part was to make a database structure where
appropriate information would be secured relating to the GMC. Sufficiently after
data has been inputted in the structure we should have the ability to run 6 different
request which would exhibit the data removed from the database. I and my sidekick
Patrick collaborated on this course work and we segregated the work also among
ourselves. The underneath table exhibits the breakdown of our work for the creation
of the GMC database structure:

A list of all stored titles, showing type of
music and the number of all CDs within each type
(i.e. Classic 50, Jazz 126, etc.).
For any given member number, identify
his/her address, method of purchase, and all CDs
they have bought since a given date. This
application is to run on-line (i.e. produce the
output on the screen). The input parameter (the
member unique number) should be input by the
user at run-time.
List the members full name and address,
whose memberships are due for renewal. The
calculation of the due date should be based on last
year renewal date and the date of running the
query (i.e. todays date).
For any given member, give the total
amount he/she spent on orders since he/she joined
the club. The input parameter (the member unique
number) should be input by the user at run-time.
For any given artist (e.g. singer), list all
albums produced by that artist which is available
in GMC stock. The name of the artist should be
input by the user at run-time. Assume Artist name
is unique within the system.

Task executor
Omotayo Patrick Oke

Omotayo Patrick Oke

Omotayo Patrick Oke

Owolabi Sulaimon Adewale

Owolabi Sulaimon Adewale

List the most popular Artists details in
terms of number of sales. Group this output in
terms of member gender.

Owolabi Sulaimon Adewale

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