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Respectfully forwarded to the Office of the Universal Peace Federation

Philippines the herein copy of Peace message to be printed out on the

souvenir program in the conduct of Asian Youth Summit for Peace and
Leadership 2015 to be held on the 28th day of May 2015 at International
Peace Leadership College, Tanay Rizal.

Warmest greetings of peace to the World Collegiate Association for the

Research of Principles ( w-carp), Youth Federation for World Peace ( WFWP)
and International Peace Leadership College Student Peace Corps, along with
the thousands of youth leaders and youth organizations attending the ASIAN
Youth Summit for Peace and Leadership 2015.
It has been said that the youth are the victims of war. But the same saying
also stresses that the youth are the first fruits of peace. Within the hearts of
our youth in their vigor, their innocence, and their idealism lies the promise
of a better world and the opportunity to build a future that will never be
familiar with the horrors of war, injustice and grave indecency.
It is upon us to impart to our youth the importance of peace across the world
and how crucial it is to work towards it. In an imperfect world defined by
much more imperfect actions, genuine peace can only be attained by love,
understanding and cooperation. The youth must be made aware of the core
problems and grievances of society and guided towards the path of nonviolent political and social actions. They must be inspired to help, to care and
to love others, despite our many differences.
I congratulate the organizers of this event for fostering the development of
our youth and for creating a citizenry that will fearlessly rally and work for
peace. I hope that this will encourage similar undertakings in the common
pursuit and shared peace and equitable prosperity.
May the youth of our land be inspired to outshine the frailties and mistakes
of the past. Let us be partners in promoting peace in our land.
Mabuhay po kayong lahat!


Youth Ambassador for Peace Philippines
Universal Peace Federation - Asia

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