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Article #2

What Is Managements Role in Innovation?

This article discusses what managements role in innovation is. It is investigating
whether creativity and innovation can be managed. For some analysts the practice
of traditional management has little to contribute to the processes of creation and
innovation. There were many suggestions but it all began with the call for a new
type of leadership. Umesh Gupta said: "Innovation ... is directly proportional to the
attitude of senior management." Ginny Wiedower said: "Without a corporate
strategy to achieve corporate objectives defined, innovation will be poorly managed
and without a guide." But DR Elliott noted that "innovation and inefficiencies are
persistent abnormalities in organizations." The article is to think if major innovations
needed by society will be achieved without a traditional leadership.

"If you have a team like this, you let them produce the ideasand get out of
their way," he said, in response to a request for 'advice from space' from
Professor Linda Hill. "If you're a Marine lieutenant in command of a bunch of
18-year-olds just out of high school, it's a different approach," he added.

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