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Vision Statement

People dont know how much teachers really impact our lives.
Henry Brooks Adams once said, Teachers affect eternity; no one can
tell where their influence stops. I believe this quote couldnt be truer.
If you really think about it, you spend the beginning of your life with
teachers, so dont you teachers have an impact what kind of person
you will be as you grow up. Teachers mold students minds to prepare
them for real world experiences. As a soon to be teacher, I will
incorporate cooperative learning, always have a positive environment,
and stay up to date to the world around and the way students learn.
I will strive to create a comfortable learning environment for
students. I want students to feel welcomed like my classroom is stress
free environment. I believe cooperative learning is the best way to do
that, but I will accommodate needs if they do not like this learning
style. When you have a cooperative classroom is has very many
positives impacts on the class like social and academic gains (Kagan,
2009, chap 4.1). Students learn best when they can work in groups
and talk about a subject, because they feel comfortable in that
environment. This will not only understand the material hearing other
peoples opinions, but will better their communication skills also. I

want students to know it okay to have different opinions and be able to

share their ideas with the class.
In order to keep a positive classroom you must have respectful
atmosphere. As a teacher you will need to teach your students about
respect because this is a personal quality everyone should have when
you go into the real world. I want students to know whatever you put in
something is whatever youll get out of it, so I want students to set
individual goals and plan how to reaction the destination (Texas
Teacher Proficiencies, 1994). I hope students will learn when you give
something your all; you will have a positive outcome. Students have a
positive fulfillment when they get good grades, which leads to better
academic achievements. Like in the real world you need to take
accountability in what you do.
There are so many different students out there and they all
individuals, which means no one is the same. As a teacher, I will do my
best to accommodate to each on of my students to best of my ability
to their specific learning styles. You also need to consider learning
requires time for organizing, integrating and storing new information
(Jensen, 2005, page 42). My focus is to never overwhelm my student
with too much information and also gives the information in a timing
matter, so they can master the objectives they are learning. I want to
provide different activities for my students to keep the classroom fun,
so they eagerly want to learn.

I know will have quite a journey when I become a teacher one

day. I will make sure as teacher to keep professionalism, set personal
standards, and take accountability for myself. There will be times when
I will probably make mistakes in teaching, but I will do my best to stay
up to date with new teachings styles that are best for the student. I
hope to have an positive impact, make learning fun, and have the best
school experience as possible, like my teachers once showed me.

State Board of Education (1994). Texas Teacher Proficiencies.
Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind (2nd Edition ed.).
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Kegan, D. S. (2009). Kagan Cooperative Learning. San CLemente, CA:
Kagan Publishing.

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