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LIFE 2014-2020 programme for environment and

climate action: an overview
Alessandro Leonardi
23/01/2014, Padova

1. Background
2. Type of projects
3. General goals
4. LIFE + outside EU
5. Sub-programmes, priorities

and thematic areas.

6. Co-financing rates


NEW REGULATION (EU) No 1293/2013:
On the establishment of the new Programme for
the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)
Total budget: 3.4 billion
Contributing to:
Europe 2020 Strategy,
the 7th Union Environmental Action Programme; and
other relevant EU environment and climate strategies and


Type of projects (1)

a) Pilot
b) Demonstration
c) Best practices
d) Integrated
e) Technical assistance

New type of

Capacity building
g) Preparatory
h) information, awareness and dissemination


Type of projects (2)

Integrated: projects implementing on a large territorial scale

(regional, or trans-national scale), on environmental or climate plans or
strategies, ensuring involvement of stakeholders and promoting the
coordination with and mobilization of at least one other relevant
Union, national or private funding source
Technical assistance: projects providing financial support to help
applicants prepare integrated projects, and in particular to ensure that
those projects comply with the timing, technical and financial
requirements of the LIFE+
Capacity building: projects providing financial support to the activities
required to build the capacity of Member States, with a view to
enabling Member States to participate more effectively in the LIFE
Preparatory: projects primarily identified by the Commission in
cooperation with Member States to support specific needs for the
development and implementation of Union environmental or climate
policy and legislation

General goals
resource-efficient, low- carbon and climate- resilient

economy, to the protection and improvement,

including support to Natura2000 network
implementation and enforcement of Union

environmental and climate policy and legislation

better environmental and climate governance
support the implementation of the 7th Environment

Action Programme


New (!) LIFE outside EU

LIFE + shall be open to the participation

of the following countries:

European Free Trade Association (EFTA)

candidate countries, potential candidates and acceding countries to
the Union
countries to which the European Neighbourhood Policy applies
countries which have become members of the European Environmental

LIFE + may finance activities outside the

Union and in overseas countries and

territories (OCTs)

LIFE sub-programmes and

their priorities (1)
(a) the sub-programme for Environment (Includes
thematic programmes)

(a) Environment and Resource Efficiency

(b) Nature and Biodiversity;
(c) Environmental Governance and Information.

(b) the sub-programme for Climate Action

(a) Climate Change Mitigation;
(b) Climate Change Adaptation;
(c) Climate Governance and Information


A. Environment and Resource

Includes thematic programmes for:
Resource Efficiency
Environment and Health
Air quality and emissions, including

urban environment

B. Priority area Nature and

Includes thematic programmes for:
Nature: improving the conservation status of habitats
and species & integrated approaches for the
implementation of Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAF)

Biodiversity: activities for the implementation of

the Union Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, especially target
N 2-3-4-5.


C. Environmental Governance
and Information
Includes thematic programmes for:
Information, communication and awareness

raising campaigns in line with 7th EAP,

support of effective control process as well as

measures to promote compliance in relation to

Union environmental legislation, and in support of
information systems and information tools on the
implementation of Union environmental legislation

Co-financing rates

100 % of eligible costs for capacity building projects

75 % of eligible costs for projects funded under the

priority area Nature and Biodiversity in the subprogramme for Environment that concern priority habitats
or species

up to 60 %, for the duration of the first multiannual work

programme (2014 - 2018)

up to 55 %, for the duration of the second multiannual

work programme (2018-2020)


New-subprogram for Climate Action
Possibility of operating outside EU
New type of projects, larget scale

integrated project will allow crossregional project through match funds (EU
/ National / Regional)
New co-funding rules, increasing the EU
co-funding rates.

Padova University

In partnership with
FSC Italy

Via Metastasio 12, 35125 Padova (PD), Italia
T. +39 342 5050297 P.IVA 04570440281

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