The Following Are The Changes Which Need To Be Made To The Old Document

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The following are the changes which need to be made to the old document:

1. Inclusion of PID (Project Initiation Document) which defines the business context for
a project, clarifies about the objectives, scope, deliverables, timescale of the project,
budget, authority, available resources etc.
2. SCOPE of the project which should include SMART strategy i.e., scope should be
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-framed.
3. Purpose of the project.
4. Description and Constraints to be defined.
5. Frequency of use has to be defined i.e., how many times this use case be executed?
6. Actors should be defined (Descriptions)
7. Triggers (What event causes this use case to happen?)
8. Pre-conditions
9. Success end conditions
10. Main steps involved
11. Alternative courses of action







This section describes the purpose of the Business Requirements.

Business requirements for major enhancements to an existing application.

Business requirements for new application development.

Business requirements for replacement application development.

Business requirements for a request for proposals (RFP).

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