Observation Report

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Observation Report
Wayne Wilson
PAR-ED 206
June 1, 2015
Continuing Education for Teachers


Observation Report

I conducted a twenty minute observation of students during recess. The location that I
chose was the playground, specifically the tire swing. The two students that I observed were in
grades seven during the seven and eight recess.
When the bell rang to begin recess, I was already outside waiting to observe. As the
students ran out the door racing to line up at the tire swing station, I chose my two students. The
two students I chose were in line as there were three students already on the swing. The rule for
the tire swing is that each group of students on the swing is allotted five minutes before the next
group is to take their turn.
Once the group ahead of them reached the four minute mark, one of my students began to
call out your time is up after they checked the time on their phone. The observable antecedent
to the event was students waiting patiently having friendly conversation with others and students
checking on the time. My second student did not seem to pay much attention to the time until she
heard the calling out of your time is up. She then proceeded to chime in and yell at the group on
the swing.
The teacher on duty heard all the yelling and decided to come over to see what the
commotion was about. Once it was decided that students were arguing about being over the time
limit, the teacher took the opportunity to model appropriate behaviors while waiting in line for
the tire swing. The teacher decided that the consequence for my two students would be that they
would have to skip their turn to allow the group behind them to go first. While they were waiting
in line, the teacher stayed to observe that they modelled the proper behavior before allowing
them to take their turn. The two students were not happy about having to wait another five


minutes. One student crossed her arms and rolled her eyes while the other one looked down and
kicked gravel with her feet.
After the five minutes, the two girls and their friend finally got their turn on the swing
and all went well as the other students in line waited patiently for their turn. My twenty minute
observation was completed as the bell to end recess rang and the girls went to line up at the door
with their class.

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