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Chat Log

C:\Users\RITCHIE RICH\Documents\ChatLog Meet Now 2014_08_04 23_03.rtf

(to All - Entire Audience): i mean homework will be very simaliar to you just show me these
prajith j (to All - Entire Audience): yes
(to All - Entire Audience): can you open alll the pages
(to All - Entire Audience): all test app pages
prajith j (to All - Entire Audience): hello i cant here u?
(to All - Entire Audience): write listsfor me
(to All - Entire Audience): please
prajith j (to All - Entire Audience): Textview,button,toggelbutton,ratingbar,checkbox,radiobutton
prajith j (to All - Entire Audience): imageview,Imagebutton
(to All - Entire Audience): what did you say
(to All - Entire Audience): ?
(to All - Entire Audience): yes
(to All - Entire Audience): ok
(to All - Entire Audience): i will do
(to All - Entire Audience): yes
(to All - Entire Audience): one
(to All - Entire Audience): ya
(to All - Entire Audience): yes
(to All - Entire Audience): can i see codes again
(to All - Entire Audience): ok
(to All - Entire Audience): casting

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