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It's not if, it's when

The world's scientists have given their starkest warning yet that
a failure to cut greenhouse-gas emissions will bring devastating
climate change within a few decades. As droughts affect more
areas for more prolonged periods i
timated that global food
production will fall by 10%. Conv r~ely,we are experiencing more
powerful hurricanes, which re ults In both human tragedy and
costly damage to infrastructure. There are dire predictions of 80
million more people being exposed to malaria and 2.5 billion to
dengue fever.
The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on lim te
Change (IPCe) concludes that average temperatures could
increase by as much as 2C within the next 20 to 30 years if
emissions continue to rise at the present rate. The Panel warns
that 'substantial and sustained' reductions in greenhouse-gas
emissions are essential if such a potentially disastrous rise is to
be avoided.
Ban-Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, is urging world leaders to
heed the 'world's authority on climate change' and agree a new
global deal on cutting emissions. John Kerry, the US secretary of
state, said in a statement: 'This is yet another wakeup call: those
who deny the science or choose excuses over ction are playing
with fire:
Climatologist Dr Bateman warns that to hold warming to 2C, total
emissions cannot exceed 1,000 gigatons of carbon. Yet by 2011,
more than half of that total 'allowance' - 531 gigatons - had
already been emitted. Dr Bateman adds that the only way to avoid
serious consequences will be to make sure that som valuable
fossil fuels are left unexploited. But this is something that it will be
hard to get everyone to agree to.
Jasper Purdy of Environment Watch goes to great lengths to point
out that a disastrous outcome is not inevitable. If there were a
significant switch to clean and resource-efficient technologies, we
could cut xpected temperature rises by half. He stresses that what
is needed is intet'national political commitment to take action _
something which has been ab nt so far.

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