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sonar 40 PALM BEACHCOUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ‘AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Mocting Date: June 23,2015 [] Consent £7 Regula 1 Workshop) Public Hearing Deparment ‘Submited By: COUNTY ATTORNEY Submited For: COUNTY ATTORNEY 1 Exec EE Motion and Tite: Staff recommends motion to adopt: An Orinance ofthe Boat of County Connssionars of Palm Beach County lana tobe known a the Pan Beach County Sosctaton and Distrbuton on Pits Roads Ordinance, proving for tie, roving for intent proving fr defniton;srovng fer ndings and Sstrmnatons Providing for prohbrons; proving fr applica: proviing for panales prov for everabity, proving fr inclusion inthe code of ave and ofdinanoes powder ‘ons; and proving eran oft date ‘Summary: This orsinance wil prohibit persns fom dsplayng information, sola business ox charitable contbutons ana ttauing materi or goods cn count) and state ‘made; nthe unnsarporatd ara of ts couriy, Preithed cts rca, bal ate limited panhanding, colecion of donatons or by non prof organizations or hese ( dstrbton ofmercsndie or publeatona Shoulers and seas not Sovered by ‘his orsnance, Unincorporated County (MRE) ‘Background and Policy Issues: The Counyhas been evaluating the use of public roads ‘= unncorporatod Palm Beach County by Indus who pay informatio, astute ‘aterais or goods and soit businass or etartable conteons on travel lanes ar ‘medians, Firs Amandmont sues and eaee lw made regan those ache cfc However, recent inedent in Palm Beach Cocnty has fused atention an he danger of ‘standing an medias in close procmlty to vests, Eary the year ahi and run avo ‘Sick and lled man a8 he stood onthe medan at Okesshoboe Boulevard andthe ‘entrance tothe Turnpike. Thoheightsned dangers of indivi, constuction workers and law enforcement offears bain inured or kloson or near roads establishes he need fo regulate he actos of ndauals coco proumiy to vehicle and such equation the bstinteest ofthe heath safety and wel of he pub. Thorne ppl only ‘to roads incuding mecians'snd & therefore, narowlytaioed to sone a egcant |overnmet ines while leaving open atari channas of communication, such a ‘Shoulders and sidewaks forthe acltes desobodabova. Attachments: 1. Proposed Orsnanes (th dtinaatons) 2 Proposod Orananes (shout deineions) Recommended by: Approved by: 4, EISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS [A Five oar Summary of Flecal Impact Fiscal Years 201820180172 a9 Capita Expenditures Operating Costs Extomal Revenues Program income (County) — Ind Mateh (County) NET FISCAL IMPACT ADDITIONAL FTE POSITIONS (Cumulative) — Isom Included in Curent Budget? Yos_No Budget AccountNoFund__Depattment_Unit_ object. Reporting Category. B. _ Recommended Sources of Funde/Summary of Fiscal impact: A Ne Riseal Image. ©. Departmental Fiscal Review: f COMMENTS A. OFMB Fiscal andlor Contract Devoloament and Control Comments: ToerastDe tal eves 6. Yupc Aasistant County Atorney . thor Department Reviw Bepartnent Director ‘THIS SUMMARY 1S NOT TO BE USED AS A BASIS FOR PAYMENT. urownctounnaniveuncena sim ie 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE HOARD OF COUNTY COmmmssiontns “OF "PALM. BEACH COUNTY, TLORIDA, TOBE SNOWN AS THE. PALM BENCH COUNTY" SOLICITATION. AND. DISTRIBUTION ON PUBLIC ROADS ORDINANCE: PROVIDING FOR TITLE: PROVIDING FOR INTENT, PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS: "PROVIDING. FOR "FINDINGS AND. DETERMINATIONS: PROVIDING FOR PROHIBITIONS: PROVIDING HOI AM 2 PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; "PROM FOR” SEVERABILITY: PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS [AND ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR CAPTIONS: AND PROVIDING FOR ANEFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, Seton 12501((a), Frida Stites, stra the Bou f County {Commision of Palm Beach County (hein “Cony” orgie rade within Pan Beat Coury and WHEREAS, Section 125011}, lida Stats suri he County opm set that ein te commen ete of he people of Pain Rosh Coy, alto xe al ower and prvege ot specify obibied by favs ad WHEREAS, toh State a Cony ansporaton age design pbc ays for the safes efcen movenet of ar vebiles nd pestis on sich ova nd WHEREAS, the Fda Dept of Transporation Manso Ui Minium ‘Sunduds for Design, Contrsion an Maintenance for Stet dd Highways berieier lrida Greebook”, doc not acide provisions fr aay kin of tansston to ike ple bean occupants of meter vehicles nd peers siting or stnng close the el se of publica ant \WHTEREAS, tb Fo Grecook resist planing an dsign of ew sts highways ine provisions dat mininze vekicle and peean confts and commends tha pletian pathvay be plac sf roan onda’ opal Secmse ‘be inert dangerous ature af ile and peri in le poy to cach te "RAS, mein repro he 0nd ah ae designe 0 spurte eos ali, tame nd diet fi and provide aire rn fr ner vei and WHEREAS, due othe possi tht nent voice may pose note mais, sn tof the mau vsblty ting publi the Florida Greabock requis hat in onder locate objets, sh as Lndseaping, signage ad poles in medians, cleat zoe nt ste dance standards mst emt nd WIIEREAS, Sine and loa policies gue tat worker ox roads and medins ‘sublsh mains cern ey pocedres to wa driver ofthe pressaoe of workers, iret veils oe cation ano dine veils aay ram ren where worker epee ve [WITEREAS, in epoas to lay enforcement apenccs ances eating the ner of ay enforcement cre ole in tbe couse of coniuting routine ale saps Mace to roadways, the Foi Legare enced Flrids se 316.26, known the "Move Over Ast and WHEREAS,» peesvin suing on a ein in Pam Beach Coan wa tsk and bite when a yebil cused he ain cy and WHEREAS, Cou seks vide forthe say ofits sizes by reguting he we of publ rnde and medians within Pla sch Cou end [WHEREAS, tne Fords Leisure hs deters ha te fire to ri cesin sete sh the fe divine sale of any mercann, eds, prope or sie ‘he copay or slic fer fe dnsibton ose of any mshi, goods, propery ot servis; o soliton fo charitable pps fm Being cond a the ight of st ospration fits endanger the hei, and geal well the pubic by causing datectons to motos, une poestan movement within wavel lanes, sulden ‘sopnge or slondowm oft, apc lane ebangng an othr dangerous tlc movement, neem vehicular ocients, ad mst ire and alts a WHEREAS, tbe County fins that persons displaying infrmatin of any ind Gsvbuing macs or goods, o sling bss or crtbe cobs oo as xd ‘nesianssbzados public sey and impedes the ora, rer and safe No of was ed [WHTEREAS, the County ac ht passage fs Ontnase wl fare the tet of ‘heheh safety and ger wafe ofthe publi. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IP ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ‘COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Sesion | TLE ‘his Odie sl beet Pal Beach County Soliton a Diebatoa on Publi Roads Onna Sesion. INTENT: ea he nto this Onto pot te Heh, sya genera walle of he kines of Palm Beach Coty to are the fe, ody, eno movement of motorized ‘bile an ple ons within wineporod Palen Resch Coun o prove for sty in ‘oie of pdetians and ocapas of mtrzed ves ase an pub ade within ‘snicerponed Pal Beach County, ‘Ths OrSnance i not tended coatol was hat tern is deine io Chaps 316, Faia Stes. Thi Orsnane i nee 1 apply ctenndely1allprons who engin the ast probed hers gies of hi message. This Ordinance ie intend to be marowly tiled t9 sere the sgt ovement interest fp sally an oleae open ape altentve chanel of playing inrmstion, iting goods and mater, and aoiing tunes and chriable contin, ‘Sesto 3, DEFINITIONS: ost” all inl os tes, roads, rmps, mates, li lide al liber ways open 1 evel by opener of motor vehi within uncon Beach Couty. This dofinton ess private ol os tht ae ao pen to ar hile ve ‘Sesto 4, FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS; ‘The County hey finda emis that lowing the inteaton of pedesva and ‘moor veics in lose proximity is aberely dangerous oa Ste and County Roads sd ‘eons engapng in doling infraton of any kind, btn, mates or goods, oe solckng busines orcharble conv on Roals is hazardous to publi safety, bth fr econ of veils lake on pub Roads und or pens engaging in sch diapay of| Intrmation, istibon of mataal or goods ant soon of business or carbs "The County ara rb fins al detemines tht the poinsettia is Onsine ar nary tlre o serve the spin ners of promoting and poeta he ice sty and wee ofthe izes of Palm Beach County, and that sid ohbios eave open ample alee cnn of communion. ‘Sesion S PROHIITIONS: (No peoon stl be up or go upon any Ron forte pupse of dling information ony bind, (2) No perso sll be apn ogo upon ay Rol fr the pore of isbsng mera or pods Slicing snes or hare ooo of ny Ki (9), The tanguage in this sean tnt to apply to afi onto signe enna or mineance end contain personel engage to peor maborzd actives on Rods, ‘Scctio & APPLICABILITY: The provisions of ths Online hall mace al pble Roath ee ope o motor ‘hile nie wihin te enncorosed ars of Pa Beach Cony inslaing Sae Roads ‘ses ramps a Couty Roads au nll munsiglies within Palm Beach Cousty st ‘Satin te the msn of his ndiaee ap win he espetive Ses 7, PENALTIES; (©) Pasunt to Sesto 125691, Fos States, any peron convict of iltiog the provisions of this Ondine sl be punisba bya fse nt excet S500, by mpisonmeat not exces 6 dys ory sch ine nd impisonment. (@)_ In eon to the penis proved by subsection (1) ofthis Seton, any ton of this Ondine shal be uj to appropri vi ation in cae sprite nisin "is esa ob teint of he Coumy, hat ny sen, bson pagan, sentence, lane or provision af this rnc be ld nae eine of his Odiance hal oot be aot ‘Sst 9. INCLUSION INTHE CODE. OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; ‘The provisions ofthis Onin sl becom and e made a prt ofthe Pl Hes County Cole. The sections of this Ordinance may be eumbeed or eer plik sch and the wor ordnance” my le changed to “veto” “ale” a ter spore sword ‘Seston 10. CAPTIONS: ‘The captions, ston beatings nd sovtion designations wed in hs Ordnance ae fr ‘oovenience only and sal ive o eet othe terretton of the provisos of thie Onsinaes Sec IVEDATE: Pusu o Seton 125.65, Frid Sts, eile copy ofthis Onin sl be Sled with he Depareneat of Stas bye Ce ofthe Hout of Cauaty Commision within "ea (10) dys erence byte Boa af County Comminionat. This Onan sal ecomeefoive when the aknowiegment is recived fms the Secretary of Sia ta he COntnanehas en dy fled APPROVED and ADOPTED ly the Board of County Commissioners of Pl Resch County, lid, tithe __ ay 20 SHARON R. BOCK, CLERK PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By ‘epuy Cerk APPROVED AS-TO FORM AND. TEGAL SURTICHENCY, By i Aor LENFECTIVE DATE: Fie with the Department of State om the day of AN ORDINANCE OF THE HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS “OF "PALM. BEACH COUNTY, FLOWIDA, TO BE KNOWN. AS TINE’ PALM EACH COUNTY" SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION ON PUBLIC ROADS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR TITLE, PROVIDING | FOR INTENT: PROVIDING | FOR DEFINITIONS; "PROVIDING. FOR FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS: PROVIDING FOR FROMIBITIONS, PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; "PROVIDING OR SEVERABILITY: PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS. [AND ORDINANCES, PROVIDING FOR CAPTIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 12501(1(), Fld Sumas, authorizes the Road of County (Commision of Pl Beach Cost heres “Couy" o segue rods within Pl each Cou ond WHEREAS, Seton 12501), lad States, shores the County topo 16 tht a inte common intrest of he peopl of Pan Reach County, ant exe ower and evga secaly ibid yas ad WHEREAS, both State ant Coan eansporaton ages sgn pubic ois for te sata ecient movenet of mor veces and psn on ssh roy ad WHEREAS, the Frida Deptt of Tusparaion Manu! of Unifom Mlainam Sunda fr Deion, Cosson ad Maintenance fr Sweets a Highways hesir “Pld Greenbook", dos oot noe rovisns fr any Kind of tans tke pice ‘ence oceans of motor elles ad poder siting or singly tothe tae nes of bio rks nt WHEREAS, the Forde Greeiook rues tat pling and sgn of new sts sd highways inlole provisions tat minimize vehicle am peestan sons end ‘ssommenis tt poletian pathways placed sr rm roadway a pata sae of| ‘he inert dangerous mtr of veils and pales in lose posit to cash ote ed [WHEREAS, man ae par ofthe oat an are desene t eps oppoing ais ‘hon! nd diet iad provid ave ef rn fr anc veil an WHEREAS, ue tose posbiy har an ena: vb may posed the mean, stl the macnn vsbiliy fr teing pul the Flora Greabook rege hat in onder lsat objects, such as nseping, lmage ad poles in mins, cer zoe nt st distance standards mst beet nd WHEREAS, Ste and loa policies gue that workers om toads and modine sabish a loan cen sate yocelues to war divers af the prosince of wocke, iret vies oe cation and dine veils asym ens whee worker ae pes: so [WITEREAS, in eons to av enorcemest agencies ence ering the mamber| of aw eflremst fcr ined oil in the cure of coming stn li saps jcc to roatays the Foi Leite esd Florida ste 316.126, known a he “Move Over Acts and [WHEREAS, a pecesianstanng ona media in Palo Beach County wa stack and ‘ied whe a veil crs he ein is and WHEREAS, Cou seks poide arte may oft zens by replat he we of pubic rds nd mins win Pan Bech County WHEREAS, the Forde Lepsatze has stare thatthe flo probit etn sce uc athe fe distin ale of any marchan, go, prope ot svi ‘he dil o slisinon fr edison a le of ny mesh, goods, propery or serves slain for carb puposes fom tng conduc one sight-may of ste wanpotion fies codanger th el, sy, and gener! wef of he publi by ‘cousin dsractons to motorists, usa pedesan movement within tel lanes, len Soppage or slowdown of taf, raid lane changing and ote dangerous fe mavenet, Increased velcuaracien, and moter injures and tes and WHEREAS, the Couny fnls hat persons displ lnoenton of ary Lind \Seitting mates o goods, o sling bases or cite combats ona ad means is zadous to publi sft end impedes the oral ore nd safe Now of wa WHEREAS, the County fos at passage of hs Onsnance wl fare the interest of ‘he hath safety and gener waft publi. NOW, THEREFORE, IE IT ORDAINED HY THE BOARD OF COUNTY ‘COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, tate ‘This Onsnmce sal beets Pal Beach Cousty Soliton an Disb on Publi Roads Orton, poe eis tbe nen ofthis Onin to protect he eh, safety and srl welt of the izes of Palm Beach Coty, 1 asa the fe, day, ung movement of motored ‘hls on pbc oad within sinc Pa Bes Coy a provide for sty in ‘he inet of poles and aecoparts of motorized eis lose on puede within incorporated Palm Bech County. “his Onlinaoe fainted o cao fs a ht term is defied in Chapter 316, Flrida States, This Olina i intend to apply ‘evenhanded al pesos who engage inthe ative rs bere, of tse mest, This Oninnce Is ined w be aarowy tailored to see the sigient ovement interest of pubis, a to leave pe ample statin camels of plying Infomation, distributing goods and mutes, and song busnest sn chase cents, ‘Sect 3 DEFINITIONS: “Road” shall inde roa, ste, robes, ramps, mens, tli ss ed liber ways open to eave by opens of mitra vies within anincorosed Palm ‘each County, This dito exis privat ons and rads that ae nat open tomatoe ‘Sein 4. FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS: ‘The County hereby fins and eminestat llowing the ntaton of pestis ‘motor veices in lose proximity is aheenly dangers on Ste snd County Roa sd peor enging in dsplyinginfraton of any kad, ditt, mates o gos, o sslctng busines or eharubl cnton on Roads it hzadous opi fey, bah fe ccopants of vebieslaaad on pb Roads wd for persons engaging ins pay of Infommtion, disibuon of ait or goods and rolctaton of business or charble natin ‘The Cauny farther bash finan teins that the potions set th io hie Ontinane ae moot ioe o ser the sgica intrest of romoting and potting the bic heh, suey and wellne of he izes of Palm Beach Coin, and at sid robin leave open ale seat cnt fount, ‘Sct. PROHIBITIONS: (0) No penn sal be upen or go upon any Roa for he pups of dipayng ‘afomaton fay Kind. (2) No person shall be up ogo won any Rend fr the rps of ditt materials or gods sling busines or chile onto of ny Ki (6). The language in thi secon fmt nnd apply to afi onto gna ‘sso or minennce and cnstutionperoanel engage o peor waorzed cvs on Roa, ‘Sesto 6 APPLICABILITY: ‘The provisions ofthis Oris bl embrace al pubis Rois tht ae open to moto ‘eile tie within te unicorporate are f Pai Beach Coty, inling Se Roa Interstate ps and County Ron edo all micpltos within Fal sh County that eto ave the provisions this nance apply within hi espe uations, ‘Section 2. PENALTIES: (1) Puram to Sesion 125.1), Florida States, any ponon comiced of voling the provisions of his Oninnce shal e puis by a fine no to ecu $500, by Ingrisoament not exc 60 dys, oy sth ne pinot (2) tm aon to the pnues provided by subcton (1) of ti Sexton, any ‘oon of this Ontinance shal be subj o appropiate evl ationn cout of speropite Sostan 8, SEVERABILITY: Tes dear ob teint the County, ht if any sen, subseon, pagan sentence, ue or provision of this Online be deal he ede this Oiance shal ot be et Scctin 8. INCLUSION IN THE, CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES: ‘The provisions of this Onin sal ecme and be made apr ofthe Palm Beach Coury Code, The sens of this Olinace may be ember oleae to asmplieh sud an the word orn” may be chnged to “ston” ele" 0 ther appropriate ord Sesio 18, CAPTIONS: ‘The cations, ston headings nd section Sspntons sed in his Ordinance ae For comenince only and shal Have no eet on the intpcaton of the provisions of his Orsi. ‘Secon 1, REFECTIVE DATE: Psat to Seton 125.6, Fa Stunts, seit oop of his Odie shal be filed with be Deparment of State by he Cle of he Bos of County Commision within ten (10) ay fer enacmen bythe Boa of County Consors, This nina sll become eetve when he ackaowlecgmen i ese fom the Sora of St tht he ‘vain bas en ty Ss [APPROVED and ADOPTED ty he Boar of County Comaiesoes of Pn Reach ‘County, Frida on isthe __ day 20 SHARON R. HOCK, CLERK PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY 115 [BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By by Deputy Ce APPROVED AS TO FORM AND Tecar sursici

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