Lesson Plan

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FORM: 4 Beta

DATE: 11th June 2015

LEVEL: Intermediate

TIME: 12.30 pm

THEME: TOPIC: Chapter 2: Forces and motion

Subtopics: 1. Distance and displacement
2. Speed and velocity
3. Acceleration
OBJECTIVE: Analysing linear motion
LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. Define distance and displacement
2. Define speed and velocity and state that average velocity ,
v? s/t.
3. Define acceleration and deceleration and state that ,
a? v?u/t.
4. Calculate speed and velocity.
5. Calculate acceleration and deceleration.

MORAL VALUES: We should follow the rule and safety on the road.
EDUCATIONAL EMPHASIS: Science process skill where students able to classify the
acceleration, speed and velocity.
INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS: Picture, paper, marker and white board.
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: 1. Students have learnt about the terms in chapter 1 form 4.
1. Chai, T.Y, Wan FaizatulShima ,Seng, Y.K, Ragavan, R.,Roslina Ahmad, 2011. Fizik
Tingkatan 4 1stedn, Malaysia : Kuala Lumpur
2. Keat, Y.E &Kow, K.G, 2015. Physics SPM 1stedn, Malaysia: Sasbadi

( 5minutes)



1. Teacher enters the class and greets

the students.
2. Teacher brings a picture of

1. Students observe.

signboard of a different values of

speed and paste it on the whiteboard.
3. Teacher ask student where you see

2. Students respond.

this signboard?
4. Teacher asks students student why

3. Students answer why

we have different values of speed at




different location?

values of speed at
different location.

5. Teacher explain why we should

have different values of speed at

4. Students listen and

take note.

different location (moral value)

6. Teacher ask student have you ever

5. Students respond.

think how they calculate the speed?

7. Teacher tells students that today
they will learn about how to calculate
speed in a new chapter which is forces
and motion.
1.Teacher write on the whiteboard the
day ,date , topic and subtopic.
2. Teacher write the definition of

linear motion on the board.

( 10 minutes)

1. Students copy on the

2. Students write on the
book the definition of
linear motion.

3. Teacher explains verbally what is

linear motion.
4. Teacher paste a mahjong paper on

3. Students take note the

4. Students write the

the board contain the definition of

definition on the

distance(d) and displacement(s).


5. Teacher asks students previous

5. Students answer the

knowledge what is the quantity of

quantity of distance

distance and displacement vector or

and displacement.

6. Teacher explain verbally to the
students the difference between

6. Students listen and

take note.

distance and displacement

7. Teacher write speed and the

7. Student write the

definition of speed on the whiteboard

definition and formula

and paste a paper contain the formula

of speed on the book.

of speed.
8. Teacher ask students to identify the
symbol in the formula.

8. Students identify the

symbol in the

9. Teacher tells students and write on

the board that speed only have

9. Student copy on the


magnitude. Therefore speed is a scalar

10. Teacher write velocity and the
definition of velocity on the board and

10. Students write on the


paste a paper contain the formula of

11. Teacher asks one student to
identify the symbol in the formula.

11. Student walk in front

to identify and write
on the board the
meaning of the
symbol in the formula

12. Teacher give reward to the

13. Teacher tells and write on the
board the velocity have both
magnitude and direction.

12. Students write on the


14. Teacher write acceleration and

13. Students write the

the definition of acceleration on the

definition and formula

board and paste a paper contain the

on the book.

formula of acceleration.
15. Teacher explain what is

14. Students take note

acceleration regarding to the formula

and refer to the

and give an example of acceleration


on the textbook. (page: 24)

16.Teacher tell student that

15. Students write on the

acceleration also have both magnitude


and direction.


1.Teacher give a paper contain an

(10 minutes)

exercise of speed, velocity and

1. Students pass the


acceleration to the students.

2. Teacher do the first question of the

2. Students solve the

exercise with students.

question together.

3. Teacher give hints how to answer

the question.

3. Students take note

4. Teacher paste the formula of speed,

velocity and acceleration on the white
board to help students answer the

(5 minutes)

1.Teacher recall the definition and the

formula of :-speed
2. Teacher recall the different between
distance and displacement.


Students take note.

FOLLOW UP ACTIVITY: Asks student to finish the exercise given and will be discuss in
the next class.


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