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y erent | INCAL - (in-kél] as close as it can be defined, the Incal represents the dual nature of reality ee eee en a ee en) Cee ee Cee ee mT y everything; hero/coward, light/dark, beautiful/ugly, up/down, etc. fe re Bue Rete tera Rak eo koe Se ey Script: Alexandro Jodorowsky De Saou ead fen a) Finishes & Add. Art: gor Baranko Se Ce Oe ey See cl Re mc) jing Editor: Adrian A. Cruz Oe On ma) Director of Publishing: Dave Olbrich ere ener aie Pee etc Original french version edited by: ieee ea eet ae Welcome to the City Shaft. A pockmark on an eee eae URE nee tae Ruling over the City Shaft is a triumvirate of ried - The TechnoPope; representing the sacred order Ce Ua eee Co above the law and beyond the limits of nature Commander of the elite Purple Endoguard. - The Prez; ruler of Terra #2014; representative of the “people” and commander of his own Pe ee etre - The Chief Cybo-cop; commander of the robotic police force and direct enforcer of the myste- ce eer} The citizens meanwhile are stratified, literally and figuratively, by their telling placement within the City Shaft- descending from the OT CORR CRU Ce ROC Hedonistic and rich, the Aristo’s wield quiet a ee ee ae ee eT Pe eee ee ean ea the Prez and his sadistic Hunchback army. Lost in the hypnotic misery of their daily COT UCC LCCC mL televideo, addictive beverages and mind Cee te eo CO eee eo OR OSCR Comm ECU leaping to their death over the acid lake. Among the worst levels is the Red Ring, a level CeCe an oem ete) elements; depravity, crime, drugs and most PC ae ee AC Cera Cn Ty Sen ee eae ser discover just how very big the world really is CR CRU Leary Ip Serres Weiraigee raed Incal logo, Humanoids Publishing ond SUICIDE ALLEY ra FAREWELL, FATHER jp. gy THE a, UNCHEACK ARMY! THE HUNCHBACK ARMY, LEADING THE PEOPLE TO ORDER & SUBMISSION an Po Br an vrs Rl SS cee te) i. ee Ss MONT - PIONT Ce aut Sa eee THE PREZ WANTS YOu! SUTRA a The Incal is sprawling story of intrigue and adventure that started back in 1981 with the collaboration of Moebius and Jodorowsky on CR oo od Incol. As the story goes they sat down together with only a few loose ideas and just started talking. Jodo would start describing characters Cee ee Reem) CS AM RU celia ed me the whole process; an almost improvised eee re MO Rae Re ee colo) Pe Oe een ‘own- beginning with the insignificant misfortune of one detective and expanding geometrically Ce ER Rn eee eto DR eae ae ey 1988 there was demand for more and, of course, there was more to tell. So Jodorowsky launched another story arch, this one taking place before l'Incal Noir and taking the reader ee ered begins. This series was entitled Avant UIncal; ee Rene eee ance en aro an eee! ee ge ee el Here the story will unfold as few have seen it; ee ace eee Pe etc k raat ican CT a a ara As part of our American launch of this classic . SUICIDE AMEE, European tole we set out to not just present a Penae eent ee y reinvigorate this incredible adventure Ce na eee CR eee ma advantage of the recent and revolutionary eee ere Who better to reenvision the manic and ere een eae ce cn en Pe es eee ae Overseeing the process and setting the tone Beltran has laid the groundwork for the brilliant Peeks Here we see the original pages as they were eee Roe CMe ee ee ied Sottero ee gee Ce ete eee because its readers were already familiar with the world of The Incal and the subversive Pee ee ae rere a undercut the depravity of the world. For the American launch of this book; where the ee com a eae direction of the book, the "comic™ tone of the Cree tReet mee keer) eee ees ee eae audience's taste for coloring, in light of the computer cided coloring revolution, a new look was sorely needed. So while the comic tone is ee ae eee ee aed Jodorowsky’s vision is perhaps better suited by emer Wy See Alexandro Jodorowsky was born in Chile in 1929. He traveled Chile for and wide with a traveling Bde gee a me Re with 50 dollors in his pocket. In Paris, he created eae Marceau, directed musical extravaganzos and spent his time with the surrealiss, with whom he Pe ee ey countercultural "Panic movement" with Topor and oe In 1965, Alexandro Jodorowsky returned to South i oe) Cee Ru RU Fe eM Re Arrabat’s play, Fondo & lys, then wrote, direcled ee eee ed Dery eR ee adapting Frank Herber’s novel, Dune, for the ee ee ec design artists, such as H.R. Giger, Christopher Foss, and Mesbius to draw the storyboards, ond offered the role of The Emperor to Solvador Dali. The film SR ae amo) lynch. Out of this disappointment came a new duo to hit comic books; in 1978, Moebius ond Jodorowsky completed their frst collaboration, on illustrated foble: The Eyes of the Cat. In 1980, the ee ee cng legendary series, The Incal Alexandro Jodorowsky has now become one of the See tee eae Ce Eee Re ace Rees ate URL SOUR published oll over the world. Alexandro Jodorowsky Peer ene ace a a Ce ex coos eed Studied graphic design ond painting in Novi Sod ee en ee eee ee aC eet) De ee coe ee aaa contributed fo record and book covers, magazine designs, production design for children's TV series, TV commercials, tiles for TV shows and many other related works. In 1989 Zoran worked with Alexcndro Jodorowsky Oe ec Technopriests; all for Humanoids Publishing, ee me es) Harry Potter fon, Basic obsessions: Classic TV and genre movies He lives in Novi Sod, Yugoslavia with his wife Ivano, son Zoran and three cats. The artist commonly known as Moebius was born under the name of Jean Giraud in France, 1938 Beginning in 1955, he illustrated several issues of a fiction mogazine. His first comic strips appeared in Ce mes te} ee ak a) comic, betler known aterwards under the name of its hero, Blueberry, quickly became extremely successful in France. It became the signature series ‘of Jean Giraud, who continues drawing it to this oo La a ee Ng ee collaborated in the founding of the magazine Métal Hurlont ("Screoming Metal"), 1o which he entrusted his first episodes of Arzach, and later Airtight Cee RR RRL CR Mem i iy Jodorowsky, and they began a long collaboration which gave rise, most notably, to the famous Incal [Al the some time, Moebius designed the sels for Ridley Scot’s Alien, and drew the sloryboords for cereal ered COO rekon oy One oe RR Re There he pursued various interests, including COE ee een) collaborating with several renowned filmmakers, ‘omong them Jomes Cameron, to whom he lent his en ane ee co whom he conceptualized some of the characters for Se He returned to Europe in 1989, where he continued ete eR) projects, ond created The Man from the Ciguri, the Pe ca en ee) ee Rees eer ened three part series, Madwoman of the Sacred Heart, CT eR eee eae ee CC eer eee] Cy Jean en ee eel nS ama mL sy ord JOHN DiFOOL: a boy raised in the heart of depravity but destined for something more. The DT Rela oS Feel see ac jaded by life and addicted to Amorine. JOHN'S FATHER: a hapless inventor perpetually going to jail for his petty thefts. DEEPO: a orphaned concrete seagull and good cur SNAILHEAD: a supplier of Amorine and promi- cee oe Lee THE ROUGHS: the rough and tumble youths of the Red Ring; John’s only friends. ae te nee cg rior ond mercenary for hire. THE HUNCHBACKS: the prezident’s private army; loyal, brutal and large. THE CYBO-COPS: the robotic police force of City Shaft Re eM eR ee divined by birthright and defined by the halos Re ela Rs as SPV: a hallucinogenic drug popular among the masses Ve whiskey. HOMEO-WHORES: an automated designer ei eee potent version of our own marijuana, AMORINE: a mysterious drug whose true effect cas COCOLOCO: the beverage of choice. Places: THE RED RING: a lower level renowned for it's Cee Re ei um direct descendent of our own “Red Light Da CYBOPRISON: a fully automated prison. DAREDEVIU'S: the brothel in which John's DL eae ae Cd eee oe THE ACID LAKE: the giant pool of deadly acid ee eh ect ieen kee QUOTE Sree ay Artist: “THE INHUMANS" and “CABLE” "Why did you want to work on the Incal, Pee eta: hen eee eta One of the first things that you must to know Me eo (European graphic stories magazine that inspired Heavy Metal) that | saw was The blero ate eer eter PC Cena ne nee nt ORR eR eee ee UR most influential things | ever saw. | was so Ace R ces mie me md re LR ee MoCo RLS about making comic books for the first time. Nee CM IEMCY Mcrae eee Dre MO Me cal Mle Le od ET ret] to MOM ML Sco) Edition) and my live changed forever. The ee el eee MLC RMN a eth Cue the part that controls the subconscious mind One eae ester ee eee oe eer easel eR Rel clad oN Me RoR eRe aR R ecco me the blood in my veins; a very acid blood ready to explode and to corrode any surface. To work on the covers for this huge Pele Ru ROM Mm coo RLUTs Soe Com MS eeCoNK Ue game) oT LS aa Cod rete Bee Cee Smet MIR a i) future. It is like a prophecy becoming reality, a magical elixir which comes finally ee Cee ere Ma Ieee Liz a ae Starting with issue #3 we will be featuring a letters column. This means two things: Renee 2) We need a name for the column. Send us you comments and your name Bre Ea enReF cs@humanoids LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to the first issue of The Incal. Te ee) introduced to this wonderful universe. You are getting a unique experience, reading the complete story of John Difool; from child to man. Dee ce ec Cee eee ey in this incredible recolored edition. The colors where amazing before but now, under the masterful fingers of Fred Beltran, Dan Brown, Stufio F and others this book is simply stunning; Ce ue me ae cc Moreover, with the incredible covers by Jose Der Me oe Rei Melrose os) over, this has truly been a labor of love by each and every person involved in its creation. Read this book, devour it; | promise that it only Peed Once again, | envy you; to be surprised by the eee oe Ce mR to see how this book will inspire you, os it has ee a eee ee through to the end and never be afraid of the exireme and the absurd; the touching and the Pee ea tl eed een Sameer Led by Snoilhead to the all but unknown Mutant (ome ORO. MR Rea eee te a ee ee eee eee ee a ene truth about his mother, the nature of love and eee es eee Une meet Pree aaa cca

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