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Behavior Intervention Plan

Student: Joe Doe

Birthday: 05/01/1999
Grade: 10
Age: 16
Case Manager: Garrett Redman, EEN/FACS
School: De Soto High School
Parent Contacts:
Contact 1
Name (Last, First): Doe, John
Relation: Father
Home Phone: 123-456-6789
Cell Phone: 123-123-1234
123 Main Street
De Soto, WI 54624
Contact 2
Name (Last, First): Doe, Jane
Relation: Mother
Home Phone: 123-456-6789
Cell Phone: 123-123-1235
123 Main Street
De Soto, WI 54624

Description of Behaviors
Joe shuts down and is disruptive when he becomes frustrated during class. Joe has learned
ways he can cope with this frustration to avoid negative consequences. He has been
practicing deep breathing, thinking ahead, study breaks, music/art therapy, and free time. Joe
needs to be aware of his emotions and manage them to the best of his abilities. He needs
constant reminders that he has the ability to make good decisions and he is very capable of
acting like a young adult.



Joe will push work away when he

becomes frustrated or receives a low
grade on an assignment.

Joe will make-up assignments during

Common Study Time or during a Working

Joe will pull out his iPod and begin

playing games during class time.

Joe will lose his iPod for the remainder of

the block. He will get the iPod back when
he changes class. If it continues to be an
issue the iPod will be turned in upon
arrival of that class. If he refuses to hand
over his iPod, he will be sent to BIC
(Behavior Intervention Classroom).

Joe will put his head down and refuse to

participate in class or process with
classroom teacher.

If Joe refuses to process with classroom

teacher and the rest of the class has to be
relocated, he will make up all the time he
sits there.

Joe will walk out of class unexcused.

Joe will be given a lunch detention for

walking out of class without permission.

Desired Behavior: Joe will participate in class and perform to the best of his abilities
90% of the time. If he is having a rough day or feeling agitated, he will be able to take
some short (10 - 15 minute) study breaks, listen to music while doing work, and
relocate to either special education room or the office.

Current Plan/Strategies
Joe will be able to listen to music (school appropriate) while he completes any school
work or homework as long as he is being productive. If he begins watching music
videos, stops doing schoolwork, or is listening to inappropriate music he will lose his
music privileges.
Joe will be given study breaks (10 - 15 min) halfway through each block period (75
minutes). This will allow him to refocus and give himself a brain break.
If Joe becomes agitated or frustrated, he is able to go to the office or either special
education classroom to get help with school work and regain composure.
Joe will receive positive reinforcement from teachers when he works hard, makes
good decisions, participates in class, manages his emotions, and tries his best.

Joe will be awarded free time during Common Study Time for the last 20 minutes if
the block if he has no homework, his grades are at least a C, and if he has not had
any behavioral issues that day.

Joe has shown a lot of growth of the semester, but still has a ways to go. He will be
graduating in two years so he needs to continue to make strides so he can be successful in
the work force. Joe is an intelligent individual who works really hard, when he wants to.
Based on working with Joe this semester, he thrives with structure. If he has a daily routine,
he will follow directions and work diligently. When new projects, assignments, or anything else
new is added to his regular routine, he can become defiant and unwilling to participate.
He also struggles in the afternoon. His meds begin to wear off and he is less motivated and
focused after lunch.
With the interventions and incentives we have in place, we hope Joe continues to make
strides that allow him to transition to a job upon completing high school.

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