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FACULTY OF ENGINEERING FLUID MECHANICS II COURSE 92-320 MIDTERM TEST Section 02 2014 06 25 TOTAL TIME: 75 Minutes NOTE: (1) CLOSED BOOK TEST. (2) BEFORE YOU START WRITING, MAKE SURE THAT THE BOOKLET CONTAINS 5 PAGES WITH NUMBERS AT THE BOTTOM CENTER OF THE PAGE, AND, (3) PRINT YOUR NAME AND STUDENT NUMBER ON THIS PAGE AND YOUR STUDENT NUMBER AT THE TOP OF ALL OTHER PAGES. (4) SHOULD AN EMERGENCY ARISE WHICH REQUIRES EVACUATION OF THE BUILDING, TURN YOUR TEST PAPERS OVER AND LEAVE THEM ON THE DESK BEFORE LEAVING. (5) WRITE YOUR ANSWER IN THE SPACE PROVIDED IN TEST BOOKLET. (6) DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS AS NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WILL BE GIVEN EXCEPT TO CORRECT ANY PRINTING OR TYPING MISTAKES. PRINT YOUR NAME: VMIASTER Cue (First Name) (Last Name) STUDENT NUMBER: DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE MULTIPLE TRUE PROBLEM | PROBLEM | TOTAL CHOICE- JEALSE (5 X 2 marks) | FILL IN BLANKS. a #2 (10 X 1 Mark) MULTIPLE CHOICE 1) G re De aa, 9b FLL is THE BLANKS =) incompressible 2) incompressible 3) micvo A) translatwr / 5) porous Teog/FasE 1) 7 5 Ota Or, 4y EF 5 SF STUDENT# HORT NUMERICAL PROBLEMS:(10 Marks per question (Answer these problems in the space allotted.) 1) The following velocity field describes the flow of oil with a density of 800 kg/m’ and a viscosity of 0.1 N.sim’. F =(3.0+2.0x- yi +(2.0x-2.0y)}+(0.5xy)k ‘At the point x=1 m and y=2 m, determine the value of: a) the shear stress, Tzx. b) the component of convective acceleration in the z direction. Gives @ = F0KI/ms P= 04 NS/y™ AL = Brex— xe) enemy “- 9 p etn & (Be BE) = (0+ 0084) = Abn Olea ON Myt47O = Fe, Y qe wow, vaw~wdw . 2 z on ay ve * Qeseryytad) + Gaapcey + (E4)e) = (3426-2) %) + (m-2e)b Fe =" 3 +t(- ned “24 y 2 Qeomie “RO STUDENT# ‘L >) The stream function for a flow is given by y = (++2x)y. Ifthe x-y plane is horizontal with the gravitational force acting in the negative z direction and the fluid has a density of 1000 kg/m’, determine: a) the an expression for the velocity potential in terms of x and y and, b) the pressure difference between the point x = | m.,y=2m.andx=0m., y= 0m, We CQ +20) 4 B= 1000 Ka/n® w= 2 (ov ay Ue ie = U+2x) © = -2y ® = ad = 29 ax ay o> +2x\ax ag=—2y 9y ge xt + fa) +e d= =e 4 $A +e —p Kal, ye2 AOS EON, YEO vt = Nee ejurau™ 2 Te CDT * Tae C20 2 A+ \e aie = Sens v= \Geort o = Nine accent |P,-P,) = (2,000 Pa 5 Alternate solutire Navier Stokes xo nent ° o(ayfeeae +09 +whg)e Sogf ric tiED we (hare ee eu 5. eh mee 20 W400 Oxt a ae oy ye oe is sient +e sane rt le) Oe aes 2(ir2De © £ ar pone 2m . + Oy i) RP =el- oe a= attest . = — 4000 rm) aK raponenct ae ees: fv" tix = ay, Barun ds oy RB? av) | = (o0e)2 GY = 3000 Fa © Rh-we (BRP) * = © e000 ) +(- Becrpt |% Pi} = 2900 F ox 4000) = 12,200 %

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