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The Passive Voice

When we give more importance to action and not to those who have made, we
use the passive voice.

Active voice

He ate all of the cookies.

Passive voice

All of the cookies were eaten.

Grammatical Rules

The passive voice with the auxiliary verb "to be" and the past participle of the
verb forms.

Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + participio pasado
The speech is written for the president.
The house was built in 1975.
My wallet has been stolen.
The room will be cleaned while we are out.

To transform a passive active prayer we consider the following points:

1. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive.
2. The main verb by the auxiliary "to be" is replaced in the same time along
the main verb participle.
3. The subject of the main clause becomes passive complement agent.

4. If we mention in prayer the subject performs the action (subject agent),

this will usually be preceded by the preposition "by".

Mark Twain wrote the book. The book was written by Mark Twain.
The housekeeper will clean the room. The room will be cleaned by the

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