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Title and Reading Corp.

Interventions PreK-6

Title--Tier III
Teachers: 4 teachers--part time
Paras assisting with Title: 3
Focus: Reading
Students serviced this year: 85 at the elementary (K-4) and 15-20 at MS (5-6)

Title Information
Title Family Night
Parent Involvement Committee
Parent Involvement Plan
Parent Surveys

Created in 1994--an organization that provides volunteers to non-profits,
communities, schools, and faith based organizations.
Reading Corp. is a program under the umbrella of Americorp.
Reading Corp. trains tutors to work in schools for Ages 3 through Grade 3

Reading Corp.--Tier II
Current Reading Corp. staff: 1.5 at elementary (work with K-3) and 1 at early
No. of students this year: 35 in K-3
Allocation of Reading Corp. staff next year: 1.5
Staff is hired by Reading Corp. but GFW must provide an internal coach who
works with the staff for up to 9 hours per week and space for staff to work
with students.

Title and Reading Corp. interventions:
Research based and focus on:
1. Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (letter sounds, blending words,
segmenting words, manipulation of sounds, and sequence of sounds)
2. Reading Fluency
3. Reading Comprehension
4. Vocabulary

Next Year. . . .
Expand our Title and work on developing a system of math interventions
Continue working with Minnesota Reading Corp.
Continue to build on the foundation of Reading interventions that have been
put in place--evaluation of interventions and additions as needed
Assist teachers with providing grade level reading interventions in the
classroom for students who are in the above average range.

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