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Tonya Mead

June 2015
Wiki Assignment
Written Component
In this activity, the students are expected to participate in an online book
club where they will read a chapter at a time of a book with guiding
questions, answer questions on the wiki site, and give feedback to other
students answers. Based on Leu (2011) article The New Literacies of Online
Reading Comprehension: Expanding the Literacy and Learning Curriculum
article, online reading comprehension consists of a process of problem-based
inquiry across many different online information sources requiring several
recursive reading practices such as reading online to identify important
questions and reading online to identify important questions and reading
online to communicate online information. So during this lesson we will focus
on Reading online to identity important questions and reading online to
communicate online information using the wiki as our mode of technology.
Book Clubs introduce reading to students as an interactive, social
experience. They are meant to give students an opportunity to use what
theyve learned about reading and understanding text in a student-directed
and social context. This is to develop a sense of community and
accomplishment as they participate within their group on the wiki. According
to Daniels article (2002), Literature Circles: Voice and choice in book clubs
and reading groups, when the specific strategies and skills of active

participation in Book Clubs are taught, students learn the habits of lifelong
readers who form communities around the books they read. Book Clubs
provide a bridge for students to, in time, read more difficult texts and are an
excellent way to engage poor readers, at-risk students, reluctant readers and
English Language learners (Daniels, 2002).
The activity meets the following IRA Standards: 2.3 candidates use a wide
range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print,
digital, and online resources, and 5.1 candidates design the physical
environment to optimize students use of traditional print, digital, and online
resources in reading and writing instruction. We are going beyond the
traditional book club. We are giving the students a chance to read text online
and respond to it online with other students feedback online as well.
The activity meets the following ISTE Standards: creativity and innovation,
where students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology, and
communication and collaboration, where the students use digital media and
environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of
others. They are communicating and collaborating with their fellow
classmates by participating in the online book club.
This activity meets the following KTS6 Standards: 6.2 Uses available
technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning, and 6.3

integrates student use of available technology into instruction. By using the

wiki, students are able to develop proficiency with the tools of technology
and build relationships with others to pose and solve problems
collaboratively (Sanden, 2008).
This activity is linked with the following Common Core State Standards in
English Language Arts: ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1: Refer to details and examples in
a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text and ELA-Literacy.W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on
topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
When looking at book clubs and the benefits of them, you need to consider
this: when students read for pleasure, it generates genuine discussion and
they become excited about the conversations they are having (Krashen,
By doing this activity, it demonstrates an understanding of the TPACK model.
In order to do this effectively, I showed understanding of the TPACK model by
demonstrating the ability to connect pedagogy, content, and technology
knowledges together. The content knowledge being learned is to
comprehend in various ways what the students are reading. The pedagogy
knowledge, which is the how to teach it, being used is on the wiki that I
constructed and designed to walk the learner through the assignment to
conduct practice reading and critically thinking about the book with their
fellow classmates who have access to the same wiki. Regarding the

technological knowledge being used is the wiki site itself guiding the
students along.

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