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Canadian International School of Egypt

Canadian and World Studies Department

CHY4U: World History: The West and The World
Course Outline
Course Title/Grade:

Brandy Carriere
September 2015, Semester 1
World History: The West and The World Grade 12

Course Type:
Ministry Course Code:
Credit Value:


Ministry Document:
Course Website:

The Ontario Curriculum, Canadian and World Studies,

Grades 11 & 12, 2005
The West and the World

Course Description
This course investigates the major trends in Western civilization and world history from
the sixteenth century to the present. You will learn about the interaction between the
emerging West and other regions of the world, and about the development of modern
social, political, and economic systems. You will use critical thinking and communication
skills to investigate the historical roots of contemporary issues and present your
Description of Course Units


Approx Time
(approx. 7

Approximate dates

Unit 1: 1500-1700: The Renaissance and

The Early Modern Era

30 hrs

Aug 31-Oct 5

Unit 2: 1700-1815: Enlightenment and


20 hrs

Oct 7- Nov 1

Unit 3: 1815-1914: The Industrial

Revolution and European Hegemony

25 hrs

Nov 2-Nov 22

25 hrs

Nov 23-Dec 17

10 hrs

Jan 10-Jan 19

110 hrs

75 Days


Unit 4: 1914-1945: The World Wars

Unit 5: 1945-2015: Globalization


Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning

Student achievement of the learning expectations will be evaluated according to the

following breakdowns:
Knowledge 20%- evaluation of your knowledge of facts and terms and understanding of
concepts and theories.
Communication 20%- evaluation of your ability to communicate information and ideas
in a variety of ways.
Thinking/Inquiry 30%- evaluation of your critical and creative thinking and inquiry
Application 30%- Evaluation of your ability to transfer ideas, draw conclusions, make
predictions, and make connections.
Students will be evaluated by the following breakdown
Term Work 70%
Test/ quizzes
Binder (Notes,
Culminating Activities
- 30%
Independent Study Unit
Final Exam
Total= Term +
Your Notebook:
In order to keep your work in order, the following is strongly suggested as a method of note

All notes are secured in a three ringed binder.

There is a separate section for each unit.
Notes are complete.
Notes are neatly written.
Notes are written in pen.
Notes are dated and kept in order.
Major headings are used to organize notes.
All notes, tests and assignments are included in the notebook.
There is nothing unrelated to History in the notebook

Classroom Policies:

All students are expected to arrive ON TIME, IN UNIFORM, with ALL necessary
Evaluation Policy
Students are expected to make every attempt to meet their academic
responsibilities. If they are unable to do so, it is expected that they and/or their
parents will be in regular contact with their classroom teachers. Circumstances
where critical evidence of learning is missing will be dealt with in the following

Missed Tests or

Late, Missed
or Incomplete

Upon missing a test or a presentation, students will be required at the

teachers discretion, either to:
o Complete the test or presentation immediately upon return to
school; or
o Make arrangements with the teacher for a make-up; or
o Make arrangements with the teacher for an alternate task or
If the parent/guardian has not already contacted the school or the
teacher directly, he/she will be informed by the teacher about the
missed test or presentation.
Timelines for completion of this work will be negotiated with the
teacher and failure to complete it according to the negotiated schedule
will result in a mark of zero if the student does not produce evidence of

If the parent/guardian has not already contacted the school or

the teacher directly, he/she will be informed about the late, missed
or incomplete assignment.

A mark of incomplete will be recorded until the late,

incomplete or missed work is submitted and/or the student
demonstrates evidence of learning.

Students may be assigned an alternate task in order to

provide evidence of learning if the integrity of the original task is
compromised by late submission.

Timelines for the submission of late, incomplete or alternate

assignments must be negotiated with the teacher. Once an
assignment is late or incomplete, the student will be expected to
arrange to dedicate additional time during breaks or after school to
complete the task.

Secondary: All missed, incomplete and/ or alternative

assignments must be submitted to the teacher by the last day of
instruction in each semester.

Students who do not complete assignments may require an

intervention by Guidance, the Student Success Teacher, a VP or P.

Grades 7-12, late submission of assignments are subject to a

10% deduction on the first day that the assignment is late, with a 2.5
% deduction per day to a maximum of 20%. The assignment is due
at the beginning of the class. If a student is absent the day that the
assignment is due, the assignment must be e-mailed to me by 3:00
for the late penalty to not be assessed

After a period of 5 days assignments will still be handed in

with a pass/fail designation. Teachers will provide an assessment of
the submitted material to ensure student has feedback on their
Mitigating circumstances may circumvent the imposition of reduction of
marks at the discretion of the teacher Principal

Students are responsible for catching up on missed work when absent. This may
require meeting with Miss Brandy outside of class time (at lunch or after school).
They can also do this on the class website:
Notes from parents are required for absences on test, assignment, or presentation
Extra help will be available by appointment, at lunch, or after school.

Achievement Chart

nt Level




Below 50%

nt of
ns. A
credit will
not be

Summary Description
A very high to outstanding level of achievement.
Achievement is above the provincial standard
A high level of achievement. Achievement is at the
provincial standard
A moderate level of achievement. Achievement is below
but approaching the provincial standard
A passable level of achievement. Achievement is Well
below the provincial standard

Academic Honesty
It is expected that all essays, assignments, projects and the like, presented by students

for assessment, will be their own work. The advent of the Internet, which is a superb
source of information for students, has led to a large increase in plagiarism the
presentation of another persons work as your own. Plagiarism includes students copying
into their work, sentences, paragraphs, graphics and so on from another author, without
providing an acknowledgment of the source.
Plagiarism becomes an increasingly frequent problem as students get older. It is also a
problem in post-secondary institutions, which regard it so seriously that they will often
require a student who has been academically dishonest to withdraw from their program.
The school wishes to cooperate with parents in developing students commitment to
academically honest practices. If a student presents work for assessment that contains
another persons work, without adequate acknowledgment, the work will be returned unassessed and parents will be contacted to set additional consequences, including
suspension, depending on the grade and the extent of the plagiarism.
Plagiarized work will be assigned a zero grade.
If you have any problems or issues throughout the year, I have an open door policy so
please come and talk to me. If there is anything that I can do to help I would love to do
so. You can also contact me through e-mail at If parents would
like to follow along the progress of the class, they can through my personal class website
Miss Brandy

Classroom Contract:
The following are expectations for Miss Brandys Classroom:

1) Respect: Throughout this course, we will have many conversations and interactions.
Disagreement is okay, and expected. Disrespect of students, the classroom, or the
teacher is not acceptable. We are speaking about ideas, not people. Please respect
yourself and your peers and keep the discussion at an academic level. Everyone has the
right to his or her own opinion.
2) Collaboration: This is an interactive class and success depends on student involvement
and collaboration. That means students need to actively participate in discussions and
group work. Your input is a vital part of this course.
3) Teaching and Learning: Teachers have the responsibility to teach and students have the
responsibility to learn. No one has the right to disrupt this process. Students are
obligated to stay focused on the task at hand. This, in turn, raises the learning levels of
everyone in the room. I consider myself both a teacher and student in this regard and I
encourage you to as well.
a. You are responsible for bringing the following items to class. These items should be
on your desk at the BEGINNING of every class:
a.i. Textbook
a.ii. Binder with your notes and blank sheets of lined paper
a.iii. Writing tools (Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Ruler etc.)
b. Disrupting the learning process includes doing the following:
b.i. Arriving late for class.
b.ii. Having a cell-phone go off in class.
b.iii. Private conversations during instruction/group work.
b.iv. Text messaging/reading/playing video games during class.
b.v. Speaking out without raising your hand

Cell-phone Policy
Cell-phones are a wonderful tool of modern society, however, in the classroom they can be a
great disruption in the learning process. Therefore, the following cell-phone policy will apply in all
Miss Brandy's classes.
During lessons:
1) Cell-phones must be kept out of sight with all sounds and vibrations turned off.
2) If cell-phones are seen for any reason, the student will be asked to turn it off and place to
phone at the top of their desk.
3) If the phone disturbs the class again, the student will be asked to place the phone on the
teacher's desk and lose any right to use the cell phone during work time.
4) If the student refuses to comply with this policy then they will earn a detention and
parents will be contacted.
During work periods: Students may use cell-phone during work period as long as:
1) They have not had any recent cell-phone related behavioural issues.
2) The teacher sees that work is being completed.
3) Sounds remain off and they do not disturb others.
This sheet must be signed and dated by the student and parent/guardian. Return it
on the second day of classes to Miss Brandy
We have read and agree to all aspects of this Course Outline:

Parent / Guardian:

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