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By Volkmar Kunerth

EV-Mobility Solutions



A battery electric vehicle (BEV) is a vehicle that is powered

by electricity stored on the vehicle in a battery through the

use of one or more electric motors
Electric vehicles can include electric cars, electric trains,
electric trucks, electric airplanes, electric boats, electric
motorcycles and scooters.
Electric vehicles are different from fossil fuel-powered
vehicles in that they can receive their power from a wide
range of sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and
renewable sources such as tidal power, solar power, and
wind power or any combination of those


Electric vehicles came before combustion

engine propelled cars

As early as 1834, Thomas Davenport of
Vermont developed a battery-powered
electric motor.
He used it to operate a small model car on a
short section of track, paving the way for the
later electrification of streetcars

History - The first age

In 1888 German engineer Andreas Flocken builds the

first four-wheeled electric car.

History - THE BOOM & BUST

In 1900 Electricity-powered cars become the topselling road vehicle in the United States,
capturing 28% of the market.
In 1909 William Howard Taft becomes the first
U.S. President to purchase an automobile, a Baker
In the 1930s EVs become all-but-extinct due to the
predominance of internal combustion engine
(ICE) vehicles and availability of cheap petrol.

William Howard Taft in a Baker EV


In 1966 the U.S. Congress introduces

legislation recommending electric vehicles

as a means of reducing air pollution.
In 1997 Toyota begins sales of the Prius, the
worlds first commercial hybrid car. 18,000
are sold in the first production year.


In 2010 the Nissan LEAF is launched.
Out of all the various regions of the world, the US

in particular saw strong growth with a growth

rate of 69%, bringing total EV numbers up to
290,000 units in the country.
The overall global market saw a growth rate of
~76%, with overall EV registrations rising around
2-fold a year between 2012 and 2014.

Cool electric cars

Why electric vehicles are good for

Electric vehicles produce little or no tailpipe emissions,

which helps improve urban air quality.

The cost per mile to fuel an EV is approximately onethird to one-quarter the cost of gasoline (on a cost per
mile basis; $2 per 100 miles)
Because they lack pounding pistons they reduce
vehicle noise, especially at city speeds.
In a world where oil is a limited resource, an alternate
source of transportation fuel electricity is not only a
smart investment but an inevitable one in the long run

Why electric vehicles are good for

Electric vehicles create additional economic
development opportunities by improving
quality of life, reducing energy spending, and

decreasing reliance on foreign oil.

The amount of pollution produced depends on
how the electricity is made.
In the United States, battery-electric cars
charged off the dirtiest coal-dominated grid
still produce less pollution than their gasolinepowered counterparts.

Of the 1 billion vehicles on the worlds roads fewer

than 1m are powered by electricity alone.

Electric cars are expensive. Compared with diesel and
petrol models with super-frugal new internal
combustion engines, the upfront costs of electric
vehicles are prohibitive.
The battery in a Nissan Leaf, the worlds bestselling
electric car, accounts for half the selling price.
A breakthrough in battery pricing will be needed to
bring costs down enough to make electric cars a
realistic mass-market prospect.

Other Applications
Low speed Electric vehicles
Electric Buses

Electric Delivery vehicles

Electric Recreational vehicles

Low speed Electric Vehicles

Low speed EVs

Low-speed EVs typically sell for what a comparable

combustion-powered vehicle would cost, and because

theyre not considered real cars, theyre exempted
from expensive licensing and registration fees.
Can be used at Hotels and Resorts, Universities, Cities,
Security companies, Commuting, Federal
Government, Landscaping, ..
64% lower cost of ownership compared to a standard
Can get 30 to 50 miles on a single charge and can be
plugged in virtually anywhere.

Electric buses

Electric buses
Lower maintenance costs due to less moving parts save

up to $135,000 over the lifetime of the bus.

21.4 MPGe and typical fleet operation of > 17 MPGe.*
This enables to offer a 300-500% improvement over
conventional combustion engines.
Lifetime fuel savings of $365,000 compared to diesel
Per bus, emissions are reduced by 146,400 pounds
Noise levels are reduced dramatically.

Delivery vehicles

Delivery vehicles
Delivery trucks generally drive short, defined routes

each day, which are better suited to the limited range

of battery power.
Electric vehicles can provide greater savings to
companies compared with diesel or gasoline models,
not only in fuel costs but in maintenance.
Annual maintenance cost of a diesel delivery truck is
about $2,700 in most years compared to $250 per year
for an EV which has no transmission and needs no
fluids, filters or belts.

Delivery vehicles cont.

Because electric trucks use "regenerative" braking,

which returns some of the force of stopping to the

batteries in the form of electricity, the brakes don't
wear out as fast.
An owner will save each year roughly $6,500 in fuel
costs per electric vehicle over a diesel model.
Over the 10 year lifetime of the vehicle a business can
save over $100,000.
Current electric truck users are: FedEx, UPS, Staples,
AT&T, Deutsche Post, Frito Lay.

Electric Bikes

Electric bikes
E-Bikes or Electric Bicycles.
Advantages of e-bikes are reduced muscle power use

due to electric engine support.

The energy supply of the electric motor is done by a rechargeable battery (usually a lithium -ion or lead acid
Electricity generated by one square feet of solar panels
installed on an average US roof provides enough
electricity for driving 3000 miles with an electric bike.

Thank you for your attention

Volkmar Kunerth, EV-Mobility Solutions


Video of the worlds fastest Electric


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