Online Lesson Plan

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Area: Yearbook Journalism

Topic: Design: Typography (Online Instruction)
Grade: 7th and 8th Grade

Duration: 1 week

110.66. Advanced Journalism: Yearbook I, II, III

b(1) The student understands individual and staff
responsibilities of coverage appropriate for the
publication's audience. The student is expected to:
(E) conceive coverage ideas for packaged presentations
of material, including, but not limited to, copy,
infographics, sidebars, photos, art, and multimedia
b(3) The student understands all aspects of a
publication and the means by which that publication is
created. The student is expected to:
(A) identify elements used to create publications;
b(5) The student demonstrates leadership and
teamwork abilities. The student is expected to:
(A) determine roles for which different team members
will assume responsibility;
(B) work cooperatively and collaboratively through a
variety of staff assignments;
(C) determine coverage and concepts for publications;

Lessons Focus:
Identify font styles (Sans serif, serif, and
Blooms Objectives
decorative) justification, and readability issues.

Examine the anatomy of typography.
Apply knowledge of fonts to selections for
yearbook and print design.
Choose fonts that apply to the element of design.
Create a Typography Scavenger Hunt.
Resources & Materials:
Computer access/publishing software Screencast-
Elements of Typography
Sketchcast- Anatomy of Typography
Edmodo account

Group collaboration
Online Learning
Preparing Student for the Student will be working in an online environment.
There is not a face-to-face interaction with the teacher
or other students. Give expectations of behavior and
conversation in an online forum.
Students will be responsive, encouraging and involved

Teaching the Lesson

Marzonos Strategies
Engagement Strategy
Cooperative Learning
Advance Organizer
Complex Cognitive Task
Note Taking
Building Vocabulary
Partial Vocabulary
Similarities & Differences
Tracking Students
Progress & Scoring
Interactive Games

5 Es:





in group discussion forums and activities.

The lesson is setup online at

Students will view all three videos on then click the
assignment buttons for each of the videos.

Each video assign has three to four tasks.
Screencast and Sketchcast assignment pages have tasks
that review the terminology and check for
understanding of terms on Quizlet, provide a additional
video example about the concept and require a
response to a question to be posted on our classroom
page in Edmodo, and a game review of the concept in
Zondle or on a linked website. These are formative
Vodcast assignment page has the summative project to
create a presentation of a typography scavenger hunt.
This page has task to watch a video example, look at the
scavenger hunt document, and directions of how to
create and share the typography scavenger hunt.

Students will watch the videos in each section of the
Typography lesson, Typography (Screencast), Anatomy
of Typography (Sketchcast), and Typography Scavenger
Hunt (Vodcast) and responding to questions posted on

Students will explore and explain the assignment
section with the given task and completing the given

Student will check their understanding of typography
and anatomy of typography by Quizlet quiz and
interactive learning games.
Students will apply knowledge of typography and
anatomies of typography through the creation of a
typography scavenger hunt presentation.

The teacher will monitor student progress of Quizlet,
Edmodo responses, interactive game (Zondle) tracking,
and the creation of their typography scavenger hunts


Quizlet- FormativeAssessment
Zondle-Formative Assessment
Video Response- Formative Assessment
Scavenger Hunt- Summative Assessment

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