Document Interpretation 2 Reflection

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I believe I have learned the most from Document Interpretation 2: Calculus of

Slavery & Provincials. In that module I chose the document of Richard Frethorne, Letter
to His Parents (1623). This assignment aided to improve a few of my academic skills.
Firstly, it required me to abide by directions more meticulously. After undertaking
Document Interpretation 1 and obtaining criticism from the professor, I comprehended
that I was not following directions cautiously and scrupulously enough. Although I
obtained a decent grade on the first Document Interpretation assignment, I grasped that
by merely understanding and following directions; I can create a much clearer and higher
quality work. Following the directions more carefully also assisted me to conclude the
assignment in a timelier approach. I had an improved direction and a layout for the
assignment already planned out which permitted me to emphasis more on dissecting the
document and displaying my analysis.
This assignment was a big example on how to improve my skills in time
management. I knew that I had to devote more time learning the material in the textbook,
module and document I realized that it was necessary to make more time for myself to
accomplish the assignment in a timely manner. Furthermore, I knew I had to make more
time to do the assignment conferring to the directions provided and answer the questions
properly. Assigning more time for checking my work also added to the total time I needed
to complete the assignment. I learned that the Document Interpretation assignments
involve a lot more work and time than I originally thought. So time management is
fundamental in order to complete this assignment and receive a good grade on it.

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