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Conduct needs assessments to inform the content and delivery of technology

- related professional learning programs that result in a positive impact on
student learning

Before any class is created online, a needs assessment should created and
given to the participants. To have a successful learning environment, teachers should
have background knowledge on their students. A classroom teacher does this all the
time before any lesson. Online teachers should do this for their students as well. With
our trainings, we provided multiple needs assessments for Givercraft and Survivalcraft
(Givercraft and Survivalcraft Needs Assessments, 2015) to the trainees.

The needs assessments provided us topics to focus on during our training and to
create a course that would help our students be successful. We learned what students
already knew and what they wanted to know about. After our training was completed,
we sent a follow up survey to the teachers. This showed us how successful our training
was. It also showed us what the students learned.

We evaluated and reflected on the results from the needs assessment surveys.
From the results we found that teachers knew how to download the client and install
them on the student computers. There was one teacher that needed assistance, so we
contacted the teacher directly and gave support individually.

The other result showed teachers did not understand how to use the teacher
tools in MinecraftEdu. They also didnt understand how to access the unit plan, scenario

pages or how to edit the wiki pages. Teachers explained how they did not plan for the
unit and didnt know what they were supposed to do with their students.

The majority of the teachers explained they wanted their students to be engaged
during the experience and be able to change the way they think about literature. They
also wanted their students to use text evidence to support their ideas and concepts in
the game.

We created our training to support the questions and areas teachers were
concerned about. We created our training based off of the results we received from the
needs assessment. We showed teachers how to access the unit plan. We broke down
each scenario and explained the expectations and requirements for the teacher and the
students. We provided a community agreement for the teacher and the students to sign.
We also presented a tutorial video on how to access the teacher tools and cite evidence
from the text while in the game using books and signs.

After we completed the training, we sent another survey to assess our training.
From this survey we found that teachers knew how to use the teacher tools in
MinecraftEdu. They knew where to find the unit plan, rubric and scenarios. They also
understood the requirements and expectations for the unit. However, the teachers
explained how they preferred to have a training as asynchronously and preferred to be
contacted via email.

We used the survey to critique our training and change it for the future. Any
teacher reflects on their lesson. In an online environment it is critical to provide an
assessment at the end of a course to receive feedback.

4b. Design, develop, and implement technology rich professional learning

programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital - age best
practices in teaching, learning, and assessment *

During Givercraft we started as a web conference style training. We only had one
teacher attend the training, but while she was listening to our instruction, we witnessed
her cooking, learning the tools in Minecraftedu and attending to her child. If our training
required teachers to complete it at a certain location, on a specific day and time, we
wouldnt have very many teachers registered for Givercraft or Survivalcraft. With these
units and trainings we created, teachers in different time zones were able to participate.
Online learning provides an equal opportunity for adult learning to occur.

The teachers were able to contact us on their own time that fit best for them. With
our Survivalcraft Training, they were given access to complete it asynchronously.
Teachers could complete the training on their own time and at their own pace. Teachers
could comment and add suggestions or concerns to the Google Community. Other
teachers could respond and work together to find a solution.

Most of the time, teachers used the Google Community to ask questions about
certain things happening in the game. One of the issues was from students using too
much bedrock while building their maze or spawning zombies which made the server

crash. A notice was written on the google community and everyone was notified of the

The Google Community allowed everyone to collaborate and communicate with

each other constantly. This is the first generation to grow up in the digital age, and that
makes them a force for collaboration (Haraism, 2012).

In Saudia Arabia, men and women are required to study in separate

environments. Distance education enabled women to engage in higher education by
studying at home (Moore and Kearsley, 2011).Distance education can be completed
online, through mobile devices and can occur anywhere in the world (Shaw, 2015,
paragraph 5).

The first training the Virtual Teaching and Learning Class created for Givercraft,
was created as a web conference. After reading the results of our post - training survey,
we learned teachers preferred the training to be done asynchronously. We decided
instead of creating a training and meeting together on a certain day and time, we would
create an online course for the teachers to complete through a weebly website.
Teachers would be able to access the training on their own time and be able to design
their own schedule to complete the course.

The online training course all started with a getting started section. This gave the
teachers information on how to complete each section and the steps to take in
completing the course. Teachers were able to view tutorial videos when learning about
the teacher tools in MinecraftEdu. They were given links and study guides to download

and use during the unit. Teachers were provided differentiation tools and ideas to use
during the game for their students. They were provided the unit plan, a contract for the
student and teacher to sign before starting the unit and access to the rubrics. Teachers
were also given an outline of the expectations and requirements for each book, whether
it was the Lord of the Flies or the Maze Runner. At the end of the training, teachers were
asked to complete a survey to let our class know if the training was helpful and
prepared them for the unit.

Throughout the training teachers were able to contact us from a contact form on
the website or by email. Teachers were also asked to complete challenges after a
scenario to show they understood the content. They would upload screenshots of
mastering the skill to the Survivalcraft Google Community and ask any other questions
to the team or other teachers who were registered in the game.

Our website gave access to all of the training sections for teachers to view and
complete on their own time. I think online learning courses should be created with
updated technology tools and a course plan that is flexible for the students schedule. I
also believe students should be provided with the course assignments and due dates in
advance. They should be able to plan their week and set time to complete their course.

4c. Evaluate results of professional learning programs to determine the

effectiveness on deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher
pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning

In the Behaviorism Theory Skinner talks about the talking machine (Harasim, 2012).
This machine provides immediate feedback to students. In an online course its
important for the instructor to provide immediate feedback to students. Its important for
students to see their progress(Shaw, 2015, learning theories, paragraph 2), for the
teacher to understand how they are learning, set goals and change the instruction
depending on the students results.

During our online training course we assessed our site through the Quality
Matters Rubric (Shaw, 2015). We used the rubric as a checklist when creating our
online course and also a way to keep our class organized. We made sure each section
of the rubric was integrated into our online training course. After our course was
completed, we each took the rubric and assessed each section. We met as a team and
went over the results and gave feedback.

Our results showed we had some areas to work on. The Maze Runner and Lord
of the Flies guides were not in the same format, so we discussed how we needed to
make sure each section was designed the same way. We noticed there wasnt an
assessment section or a survey for the teachers to complete after the training. I went
into the assessment section and created a getting started page for the teachers to
follow during the course.

We also noted that some of the sections just ended and didnt provide a tab for
the teachers to access the next section of the training. We changed the areas we found
during our assessment and made sure each area provided a tab that was linked to the

next section. With any online course, its important to have open communication and
provide feedback to make the course stronger.

Before and after every training we sent out an assessment to receive feedback
from the students. With our needs assessment we wanted to find what the teachers
expected to learn with our course. We also wanted to know what areas they were
requesting to learn more about before they started The Givercraft and Survivalcraft unit.
With the surveys and rubric we used we were able to adjust our course and make it
successful for all students.

6b. Engage in continuous learning to deepen professional knowledge,

skills, and dispositions in organizational change and leadership, project
management, and adult learning to improve professional practice

Throughout this whole experience I reflected on my learning from each week and
read my peers blogs. I learned their thoughts and similarities to mine. I also researched
other information and resources that went with my view and reflection on each weeks
assignment topic. Student based learning is what helps us grow the topic we are
studying. It makes us think outside the box, hear other ideas and views as well to
research more information on it (Shaw, 2015, week 3, paragraph 4).

To have a successful online course, its important to have collaboration,

discourse and multiple technology tools to use (Haraism, 2012). During Givercraft I set
aside time every day to help a colleague and his students. I taught them how to use the
tools in MinecraftEdu and created a training for my colleague to complete when he

couldnt attend the Otlak training. I made sure my colleague was ready for the three
scenarios and the students were able to complete the activities.

I also had the opportunity to present Givercraft at this years ASTE conference.
When I was presenting from this conference, I met a lot of the teachers that were
involved with the experience the first year and returning for the second time. Online
learning lets people connect all over the world. With Givercraft we had many students in
different parts of Alaska and outside the state registered. It was a wonderful learning
experience to meet the teachers face to face at the conference and know that this unit
we created virtually had touched many peoples lives.

Every year the teachers at my school take the last three days of the school year
to teach an activity outside of our curriculum. These activities range from making slime,
doing minute to win it games and even going outside and creating pictures with chalk.
This year for our last activity of the school year, I plan to use MinecraftEdu in my
classroom. I am going to have a range of students from Kindergarten to sixth grade.

With Givercraft and Survivalcraft I have witnessed how this program helps keep
students engaged and from the ASTE conference I saw how many teachers wanted to
find a way to integrate this program into their classroom. Every student I have discussed
the unit with has shown their appreciation for Minecraft. I know this will be a very well
liked activity that students get the opportunity to complete.

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